The Module

class QuantumNovaIPAMLib(net_manager)

Bases: object

Implements Quantum IP Address Management (IPAM) interface using the local Nova database. This implementation is inline with how IPAM is used by other NetworkManagers.

get_floating_ips_by_fixed_address(context, fixed_address)
get_routes_by_ip_block(context, block_id, project_id)

Returns the list of routes for the IP block.

get_subnets_by_net_id(context, tenant_id, net_id, _vif_id=None)

Returns information about the IPv4 and IPv6 subnets associated with a Quantum Network UUID.

get_v4_ips_by_interface(context, net_id, vif_id, project_id)

Returns a list of IPv4 address strings associated with the specified virtual interface, based on the fixed_ips table.

get_v6_ips_by_interface(context, net_id, vif_id, project_id)

Returns a list containing a single IPv6 address strings associated with the specified virtual interface.


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