The nova.openstack.common.jsonutils Module

JSON related utilities.

This module provides a few things:

1) A handy function for getting an object down to something that can be JSON serialized. See to_primitive().

2) Wrappers around loads() and dumps(). The dumps() wrapper will automatically use to_primitive() for you if needed.

3) This sets up anyjson to use the loads() and dumps() wrappers if anyjson is available.

dumps(value, default=<function to_primitive at 0x401ded8>, **kwargs)
to_primitive(value, convert_instances=False, convert_datetime=True, level=0, max_depth=3)

Convert a complex object into primitives.

Handy for JSON serialization. We can optionally handle instances, but since this is a recursive function, we could have cyclical data structures.

To handle cyclical data structures we could track the actual objects visited in a set, but not all objects are hashable. Instead we just track the depth of the object inspections and don’t go too deep.

Therefore, convert_instances=True is lossy ... be aware.

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