The nova.scheduler.filter_scheduler Module

The FilterScheduler is for creating instances locally. You can customize this scheduler by specifying your own Host Filters and Weighing Functions.

class FilterScheduler(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: nova.scheduler.driver.Scheduler

Scheduler that can be used for filtering and weighing.

populate_filter_properties(request_spec, filter_properties)

Stuff things into filter_properties. Can be overridden in a subclass to add more data.

schedule_prep_resize(context, image, request_spec, filter_properties, instance, instance_type, reservations)

Select a target for resize.

Selects a target host for the instance, post-resize, and casts the prep_resize operation to it.

schedule_run_instance(context, request_spec, admin_password, injected_files, requested_networks, is_first_time, filter_properties)

This method is called from nova.compute.api to provision an instance. We first create a build plan (a list of WeightedHosts) and then provision.

Returns a list of the instances created.

select_hosts(context, request_spec, filter_properties)

Selects a filtered set of hosts.

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