The nova.scheduler.filters.json_filter Module

class JsonFilter

Bases: nova.scheduler.filters.BaseHostFilter

Host Filter to allow simple JSON-based grammar for selecting hosts.

commands = {'and': <function _and at 0x11a91488>, 'or': <function _or at 0x11a91410>, '>=': <function _greater_than_equal at 0x11a91320>, 'in': <function _in at 0x11a91230>, 'not': <function _not at 0x11a91398>, '<=': <function _less_than_equal at 0x11a912a8>, '=': <function _equals at 0x11a910c8>, '<': <function _less_than at 0x11a91140>, '>': <function _greater_than at 0x11a911b8>}
host_passes(host_state, filter_properties)

Return a list of hosts that can fulfill the requirements specified in the query.

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