The nova.virt.baremetal.pxe Module

Class for PXE bare-metal nodes.

class PXE(virtapi)

Bases: nova.virt.baremetal.base.NodeDriver

PXE bare metal driver.

activate_bootloader(context, node, instance)

Configure PXE boot loader for an instance

Kernel and ramdisk images are downloaded by cache_tftp_images, and stored in /tftpboot/{uuid}/

This method writes the instances config file, and then creates symlinks for each MAC address in the instance.

By default, the complete layout looks like this:

kernel ramdisk deploy_kernel deploy_ramdisk config
{mac} -> ../{uuid}/config
activate_node(context, node, instance)

Wait for PXE deployment to complete.

cache_images(context, node, instance, admin_password, image_meta, injected_files, network_info)

Prepare all the images for this instance.

deactivate_bootloader(context, node, instance)

Delete PXE bootloader images and config.

deactivate_node(context, node, instance)
destroy_images(context, node, instance)

Delete instance’s image file.

build_pxe_config(deployment_id, deployment_key, deployment_iscsi_iqn, deployment_aki_path, deployment_ari_path, aki_path, ari_path)

Build the PXE config file for a node

This method builds the PXE boot configuration file for a node, given all the required parameters.

The resulting file has both a “deploy” and “boot” label, which correspond to the two phases of booting. This may be extended later.


Generate the dir for an instances disk.


Generate the full path for an instances disk.


Generate the path for an instances PXE config file.


Convert a MAC address into a PXE config file name.

get_tftp_image_info(instance, instance_type)

Generate the paths for tftp files for this instance

Raises NovaException if - instance does not contain kernel_id or ramdisk_id - deploy_kernel_id or deploy_ramdisk_id can not be read from

instance_type[‘extra_specs’] and defaults are not set

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