Bases: object
Get information about the available agent builds for a given hypervisor, os, and architecture :param context: security context :param hypervisor: agent hypervisor type :param os: agent operating system type :param architecture: agent architecture
Get a list of aggregates to which the specified host belongs :param context: security context :param host: the host for which aggregates should be returned :param key: optionally filter by hosts with the given metadata key
Add/update metadata for specified aggregate :param context: security context :param aggregate: aggregate on which to update metadata :param metadata: dict of metadata to add/update :param set_delete: if True, only add
Delete the given metadata key from specified aggregate :param context: security context :param aggregate: aggregate from which to delete metadata :param key: metadata key to delete
Find all instances on a given host :param context: security context :param host: host running instances to be returned
Look up an instance by uuid :param context: security context :param instance_uuid: uuid of the instance to be fetched
Get information about an instance type :param context: security context :param instance_type_id: the id of the instance type in question
Perform an instance update operation on behalf of a virt driver :param context: security context :param instance_uuid: uuid of the instance to be updated :param updates: dict of attribute=value pairs to change
Returns: orig_instance, new_instance
Get the provider firewall rules :param context: security context
Get the security group for a specified instance :param context: security context :param instance: instance defining the security group we want
Get the rules associated with a specified security group :param context: security context :param security_group: the security group for which the rules
should be returned