fixture Package

config Module

class keystoneclient.openstack.common.fixture.config.Config(conf=<oslo.config.cfg.ConfigOpts object at 0x6883b50>)

Bases: fixtures.fixture.Fixture

Allows overriding configuration settings for the test.

conf will be reset on cleanup.


Override configuration values.

The keyword arguments are the names of configuration options to override and their values.

If a group argument is supplied, the overrides are applied to the specified configuration option group, otherwise the overrides are applied to the default group.

register_opt(opt, group=None)

Register a single option for the test run.

Options registered in this manner will automatically be unregistered during cleanup.

If a group argument is supplied, it will register the new option to that group, otherwise the option is registered to the default group.

register_opts(opts, group=None)

Register multiple options for the test run.

This works in the same manner as register_opt() but takes a list of options as the first argument. All arguments will be registered to the same group if the group argument is supplied, otherwise all options will be registered to the default group.


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