federation Package

federation Package

core Module

class keystoneclient.v3.contrib.federation.core.FederationManager(api)

Bases: object

identity_providers Module

class keystoneclient.v3.contrib.federation.identity_providers.IdentityProvider(manager, info, loaded=False)

Bases: keystoneclient.base.Resource

Object representing Identity Provider container

  • id: user-defined unique string identifying Identity Provider.
class keystoneclient.v3.contrib.federation.identity_providers.IdentityProviderManager(client)

Bases: keystoneclient.base.CrudManager

Manager class for manipulating Identity Providers.

base_url = 'OS-FEDERATION'
collection_key = 'identity_providers'
create(*args, **kwargs)

Create Identity Provider object.

Utilize Keystone URI: PUT /OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/$identity_provider

Parameters:id – unique id of the identity provider.

Delete Identity Provider object.

Utilize Keystone URI: DELETE /OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/$identity_provider

Parameters:identity_provider – an object with identity_provider_id stored inside.

Fetch Identity Provider object

Utilize Keystone URI: GET /OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/$identity_provider

Parameters:identity_provider – an object with identity_provider_id stored inside.
key = 'identity_provider'

List all Identity Providers.

Utilize Keystone URI: GET /OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers


alias of IdentityProvider

update(identity_provider, **kwargs)

Update Identity Provider object.

Utilize Keystone URI: PATCH /OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/$identity_provider

Parameters:identity_provider – an object with identity_provider_id stored inside.

mappings Module

class keystoneclient.v3.contrib.federation.mappings.Mapping(manager, info, loaded=False)

Bases: keystoneclient.base.Resource

An object representing mapping container

  • id: user defined unique string identifying mapping.
class keystoneclient.v3.contrib.federation.mappings.MappingManager(client)

Bases: keystoneclient.base.CrudManager

Manager class for manipulating federation mappings.

base_url = 'OS-FEDERATION'
collection_key = 'mappings'
create(*args, **kwargs)

Create federation mapping.

Utilize Identity API operation: PUT /OS-FEDERATION/mappings/$mapping_id

  • mapping_id – user defined string identifier of the federation mapping.
  • rules – a JSON dictionary with list a list of mapping rules.

Example of the rules:

    "mapping": {
        "rules": [
                "local": [
                        "group": {
                            "id": "0cd5e9"
                "remote": [
                        "type": "orgPersonType",
                        "not_any_of": [

Delete federation mapping identified by mapping id.

Utilize Identity API operation: DELETE /OS-FEDERATION/mappings/$mapping_id

Parameters:mapping – a Mapping type object with mapping id stored inside.

Fetch federation mapping identified by mapping id.

Utilize Identity API operation: GET /OS-FEDERATION/mappings/$mapping_id

Parameters:mapping – a Mapping type object with mapping id stored inside.
key = 'mapping'

List all federation mappings.

Utilize Identity API operation: GET /OS-FEDERATION/mappings/$mapping_id


alias of Mapping

update(mapping, **kwargs)

Update federation mapping identified by mapping id.

Utilize Identity API operation: PATCH /OS-FEDERATION/mappings/$mapping_id

  • mapping – a Mapping type object with mapping id stored inside.
  • rules – a JSON dictionary with list a list of mapping rules.

Example of the rules:

    "mapping": {
        "rules": [
                "local": [
                        "group": {
                            "id": "0cd5e9"
                "remote": [
                        "type": "orgPersonType",
                        "not_any_of": [

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