
Server interface.

class novaclient.v1_1.servers.Server(manager, info, loaded=False)

Bases: novaclient.openstack.common.apiclient.base.Resource

Server.HUMAN_ID = True

Add an IP address on a network.

Parameters:network_id – The ID of the network the IP should be on.
Server.add_floating_ip(address, fixed_address=None)

Add floating IP to an instance

  • address – The ip address or FloatingIP to add to the instance
  • fixed_address – The fixedIP address the FloatingIP is to be associated with (optional)

Add a security group to an instance.

Server.backup(backup_name, backup_type, rotation)

Backup a server instance.

  • backup_name – Name of the backup image
  • backup_type – The backup type, like ‘daily’ or ‘weekly’
  • rotation – Int parameter representing how many backups to keep around.

Update the password for a server.


Get password for a Server.


Confirm that the resize worked, thus removing the original server.

Server.create_image(image_name, metadata=None)

Create an image based on this server.

  • image_name – The name to assign the newly create image.
  • metadata – Metadata to assign to the image.

Delete (i.e. shut down and delete the image) this server.


Diagnostics – Retrieve server diagnostics.

Server.evacuate(host, on_shared_storage, password=None)

Evacuate an instance from failed host to specified host.

  • host – Name of the target host
  • on_shared_storage – Specifies whether instance files located on shared storage
  • password – string to set as password on the evacuated server.

Force delete – Force delete a server.


Get text console log output from Server.

Parameters:length – The number of lines you would like to retrieve (as int)

Get password for a Server.

Returns the clear password of an instance if private_key is provided, returns the ciphered password otherwise.

Parameters:private_key – Path to private key file for decryption (optional)

Get rdp console for a Server.

Parameters:console_type – Type of console (‘rdp-html5’)

Get spice console for a Server.

Parameters:console_type – Type of console (‘spice-html5’)

Get vnc console for a Server.

Parameters:console_type – Type of console (‘novnc’ or ‘xvpvnc’)
Server.interface_attach(port_id, net_id, fixed_ip)

Attach a network interface to an instance.


Detach a network interface from an instance.


List interfaces attached to an instance.


List security group(s) of an instance.

Server.live_migrate(host=None, block_migration=False, disk_over_commit=False)

Migrates a running instance to a new machine.


Lock – Lock the instance from certain operations.


Migrate a server to a new host.


Generate a simplified list of addresses


Pause – Pause the running server.


Reboot the server.

Parameters:reboot_type – either REBOOT_SOFT for a software-level reboot, or REBOOT_HARD for a virtual power cycle hard reboot.
Server.rebuild(image, password=None, preserve_ephemeral=False, **kwargs)

Rebuild – shut down and then re-image – this server.

  • image – the Image (or its ID) to re-image with.
  • password – string to set as password on the rebuilt server.
  • preserve_ephemeral – If True, request that any ephemeral device be preserved when rebuilding the instance. Defaults to False.

Remove an IP address.

Parameters:address – The IP address to remove.

Remove floating IP from an instance

Parameters:address – The ip address or FloatingIP to remove

Remove a security group from an instance.


Rescue – Rescue the problematic server.


Reset network of an instance.


Reset the state of an instance to active or error.

Server.resize(flavor, **kwargs)

Resize the server’s resources.

Parameters:flavor – the Flavor (or its ID) to resize to.

Until a resize event is confirmed with confirm_resize(), the old server will be kept around and you’ll be able to roll back to the old flavor quickly with revert_resize(). All resizes are automatically confirmed after 24 hours.


Restore – Restore a server in ‘soft-deleted’ state.


Resume – Resume the suspended server.


Revert a previous resize, switching back to the old server.


Shelve – Shelve the server.


Shelve_offload – Remove a shelved server from the compute node.


Start – Start the paused server.


Stop – Stop the running server.


Suspend – Suspend the running server.


Unlock – Remove instance lock.


Unpause – Unpause the paused server.


Unrescue – Unrescue the rescued server.


Unshelve – Unshelve the server.


Update the name for this server.

Parameters:name – Update the server’s name.
class novaclient.v1_1.servers.ServerManager(api)

Bases: novaclient.base.BootingManagerWithFind

ServerManager.add_fixed_ip(server, network_id)

Add an IP address on a network.

  • server – The Server (or its ID) to add an IP to.
  • network_id – The ID of the network the IP should be on.
ServerManager.add_floating_ip(server, address, fixed_address=None)

Add a floating ip to an instance

  • server – The Server (or its ID) to add an IP to.
  • address – The FloatingIP or string floating address to add.
  • fixed_address – The FixedIP the floatingIP should be associated with (optional)
ServerManager.add_security_group(server, security_group)

Add a Security Group to an instance

  • server – ID of the instance.
  • security_group – The name of security group to add.
ServerManager.backup(server, backup_name, backup_type, rotation)

Backup a server instance.

  • server – The Server (or its ID) to share onto.
  • backup_name – Name of the backup image
  • backup_type – The backup type, like ‘daily’ or ‘weekly’
  • rotation – Int parameter representing how many backups to keep around.
ServerManager.change_password(server, password)

Update the password for a server.


Clear password for an instance

Parameters:server – The Server (or its ID) to add an IP to.

Confirm that the resize worked, thus removing the original server.

Parameters:server – The Server (or its ID) to share onto.
ServerManager.create(name, image, flavor, meta=None, files=None, reservation_id=None, min_count=None, max_count=None, security_groups=None, userdata=None, key_name=None, availability_zone=None, block_device_mapping=None, block_device_mapping_v2=None, nics=None, scheduler_hints=None, config_drive=None, disk_config=None, **kwargs)

Create (boot) a new server.

  • name – Something to name the server.
  • image – The Image to boot with.
  • flavor – The Flavor to boot onto.
  • meta – A dict of arbitrary key/value metadata to store for this server. A maximum of five entries is allowed, and both keys and values must be 255 characters or less.
  • files – A dict of files to overrwrite on the server upon boot. Keys are file names (i.e. /etc/passwd) and values are the file contents (either as a string or as a file-like object). A maximum of five entries is allowed, and each file must be 10k or less.
  • userdata – user data to pass to be exposed by the metadata server this can be a file type object as well or a string.
  • reservation_id – a UUID for the set of servers being requested.
  • key_name – (optional extension) name of previously created keypair to inject into the instance.
  • availability_zone – Name of the availability zone for instance placement.
  • block_device_mapping – (optional extension) A dict of block device mappings for this server.
  • block_device_mapping_v2 – (optional extension) A dict of block device mappings for this server.
  • nics – (optional extension) an ordered list of nics to be added to this server, with information about connected networks, fixed ips, port etc.
  • scheduler_hints – (optional extension) arbitrary key-value pairs specified by the client to help boot an instance
  • config_drive – (optional extension) value for config drive either boolean, or volume-id
  • disk_config – (optional extension) control how the disk is partitioned when the server is created. possible values are ‘AUTO’ or ‘MANUAL’.
ServerManager.create_image(server, image_name, metadata=None)

Snapshot a server.

  • server – The Server (or its ID) to share onto.
  • image_name – Name to give the snapshot image
  • meta – Metadata to give newly-created image entity

Delete (i.e. shut down and delete the image) this server.

ServerManager.delete_meta(server, keys)

Delete metadata from an server :param server: The Server to add metadata to :param keys: A list of metadata keys to delete from the server


Retrieve server diagnostics.

ServerManager.evacuate(server, host, on_shared_storage, password=None)

Evacuate a server instance.

  • server – The Server (or its ID) to share onto.
  • host – Name of the target host.
  • on_shared_storage – Specifies whether instance files located on shared storage
  • password – string to set as password on the evacuated server.

Force delete the server.


Get a server.

Parameters:server – ID of the Server to get.
Return type:Server
ServerManager.get_console_output(server, length=None)

Get text console log output from Server.

  • server – The Server (or its ID) whose console output you would like to retrieve.
  • length – The number of tail loglines you would like to retrieve.
ServerManager.get_password(server, private_key=None)

Get password for an instance

Returns the clear password of an instance if private_key is provided, returns the ciphered password otherwise.

Requires that openssl is installed and in the path

  • server – The Server (or its ID) to add an IP to.
  • private_key – The private key to decrypt password (optional)
ServerManager.get_rdp_console(server, console_type)

Get a rdp console for an instance

  • server – The Server (or its ID) to add an IP to.
  • console_type – Type of rdp console to get (‘rdp-html5’)
ServerManager.get_spice_console(server, console_type)

Get a spice console for an instance

  • server – The Server (or its ID) to add an IP to.
  • console_type – Type of spice console to get (‘spice-html5’)
ServerManager.get_vnc_console(server, console_type)

Get a vnc console for an instance

  • server – The Server (or its ID) to add an IP to.
  • console_type – Type of vnc console to get (‘novnc’ or ‘xvpvnc’)
ServerManager.interface_attach(server, port_id, net_id, fixed_ip)

Attach a network_interface to an instance.

  • server – The Server (or its ID) to attach to.
  • port_id – The port to attach.
ServerManager.interface_detach(server, port_id)

Detach a network_interface from an instance.

  • server – The Server (or its ID) to detach from.
  • port_id – The port to detach.

List attached network interfaces

Parameters:server – The Server (or its ID) to query.
ServerManager.list(detailed=True, search_opts=None, marker=None, limit=None)

Get a list of servers.

  • detailed – Whether to return detailed server info (optional).
  • search_opts – Search options to filter out servers (optional).
  • marker – Begin returning servers that appear later in the server list than that represented by this server id (optional).
  • limit – Maximum number of servers to return (optional).
Return type:

list of Server


List Security Group(s) of an instance

Parameters:server – ID of the instance.
ServerManager.live_migrate(server, host, block_migration, disk_over_commit)

Migrates a running instance to a new machine.

  • server – instance id which comes from nova list.
  • host – destination host name.
  • block_migration – if True, do block_migration.
  • disk_over_commit – if True, Allow overcommit.

Lock the server.


Migrate a server to a new host.

Parameters:server – The Server (or its ID).

Pause the server.

ServerManager.reboot(server, reboot_type='SOFT')

Reboot a server.

  • server – The Server (or its ID) to share onto.
  • reboot_type – either REBOOT_SOFT for a software-level reboot, or REBOOT_HARD for a virtual power cycle hard reboot.
ServerManager.rebuild(server, image, password=None, disk_config=None, preserve_ephemeral=False, **kwargs)

Rebuild – shut down and then re-image – a server.

  • server – The Server (or its ID) to share onto.
  • image – the Image (or its ID) to re-image with.
  • password – string to set as password on the rebuilt server.
  • disk_config – partitioning mode to use on the rebuilt server. Valid values are ‘AUTO’ or ‘MANUAL’
  • preserve_ephemeral – If True, request that any ephemeral device be preserved when rebuilding the instance. Defaults to False.
ServerManager.remove_fixed_ip(server, address)

Remove an IP address.

  • server – The Server (or its ID) to add an IP to.
  • address – The IP address to remove.
ServerManager.remove_floating_ip(server, address)

Remove a floating IP address.

  • server – The Server (or its ID) to remove an IP from.
  • address – The FloatingIP or string floating address to remove.
ServerManager.remove_security_group(server, security_group)

Add a Security Group to an instance

  • server – ID of the instance.
  • security_group – The name of security group to remove.

Rescue the server.


Reset network of an instance.

ServerManager.reset_state(server, state='error')

Reset the state of an instance to active or error.

  • server – ID of the instance to reset the state of.
  • state – Desired state; either ‘active’ or ‘error’. Defaults to ‘error’.
ServerManager.resize(server, flavor, disk_config=None, **kwargs)

Resize a server’s resources.

  • server – The Server (or its ID) to share onto.
  • flavor – the Flavor (or its ID) to resize to.
  • disk_config – partitioning mode to use on the rebuilt server. Valid values are ‘AUTO’ or ‘MANUAL’

Until a resize event is confirmed with confirm_resize(), the old server will be kept around and you’ll be able to roll back to the old flavor quickly with revert_resize(). All resizes are automatically confirmed after 24 hours.


alias of Server


Restore soft-deleted server.


Resume the server.


Revert a previous resize, switching back to the old server.

Parameters:server – The Server (or its ID) to share onto.
ServerManager.set_meta(server, metadata)

Set a servers metadata :param server: The Server to add metadata to :param metadata: A dict of metadata to add to the server

ServerManager.set_meta_item(server, key, value)

Updates an item of server metadata :param server: The Server to add metadata to :param key: metadata key to update :param value: string value


Shelve the server.


Remove a shelved instance from the compute node.


Start the server.


Stop the server.


Suspend the server.


Unlock the server.


Unpause the server.


Unrescue the server.


Unshelve the server.

ServerManager.update(server, name=None)

Update the name or the password for a server.

  • server – The Server (or its ID) to update.
  • name – Update the server’s name.

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