Features Overview

Cluster Scaling

The mechanism of cluster scaling is designed to enable user to change the number of running instances without creating a new cluster. User may change number of instances in existing Node Groups or add new Node Groups.

If cluster fails to scale properly, all changes will be rolled back.

Swift Integration

In order to leverage Swift within Hadoop, including using Swift data sources from within EDP, Hadoop requires the application of a patch. For additional information about this patch and configuration, please refer to Swift Integration. Sahara automatically sets information about the Swift filesystem implementation, location awareness, URL and tenant name for authorization.

The only required information that is still needed to be set is username and password to access Swift. These parameters need to be explicitly set prior to launching the job.

E.g. :

$ hadoop distcp -D fs.swift.service.sahara.username=admin \
 -D fs.swift.service.sahara.password=swordfish \
 swift://integration.sahara/temp swift://integration.sahara/temp1

How to compose a swift URL? The template is: swift://${container}.${provider}/${object}. We don’t need to point out the account because it will be automatically determined from tenant name from configs. Actually, account=tenant.

${provider} was designed to provide an opportunity to work with several Swift installations. E.g. it is possible to read data from one Swift installation and write it to another one. But as for now, Sahara automatically generates configs only for one Swift installation with name “sahara”.

Currently user can only enable/disable Swift for a Hadoop cluster. But there is a blueprint about making Swift access more configurable: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/swift-configuration-through-rest-and-ui

Cinder support

Cinder is a block storage service that can be used as an alternative for an ephemeral drive. Using Cinder volumes increases reliability of data which is important for HDFS service.

User can set how many volumes will be attached to each node in a Node Group and the size of each volume.

All volumes are attached during Cluster creation/scaling operations.

Neutron and Nova Network support

OpenStack Cluster may use Nova Network or Neutron as a networking service. Sahara supports both, but when deployed, a special configuration for networking should be set explicitly. By default Sahara will behave as if Nova Network is used. If OpenStack Cluster uses Neutron, then use_neutron option should be set to True in Sahara configuration file. In addition, if the OpenStack Cluster supports network namespaces, set the use_namespaces option to True


Sahara Dashboard should also be configured properly to support Neutron. SAHARA_USE_NEUTRON should be set to True in OpenStack Dashboard local_settings.py configuration file.


Floating IP Management

Sahara needs to access instances through ssh during a Cluster setup. To establish a connection Sahara may use both: fixed and floating IP of an Instance. By default use_floating_ips parameter is set to True, so Sahara will use Floating IP of an Instance to connect. In this case, user has two options for how to make all instances get a floating IP:

  • Nova Network may be configured to assign floating IPs automatically by setting auto_assign_floating_ip to True in nova.conf
  • User may specify a floating IP pool for each Node Group directly.

Note: When using floating IPs for management (use_floating_ip=True) every instance in the Cluster should have a floating IP, otherwise Sahara will not be able to work with it.

If use_floating_ips parameter is set to False Sahara will use Instances’ fixed IPs for management. In this case the node where Sahara is running should have access to Instances’ fixed IP network. When OpenStack uses Neutron for networking, user will be able to choose fixed IP network for all instances in a Cluster.


One of the problems in Hadoop running on OpenStack is that there is no ability to control where machine is actually running. We cannot be sure that two new virtual machines are started on different physical machines. As a result, any replication with cluster is not reliable because all replicas may turn up on one physical machine. Anti-affinity feature provides an ability to explicitly tell Sahara to run specified processes on different compute nodes. This is especially useful for Hadoop datanode process to make HDFS replicas reliable.

The Anti-Affinity feature requires certain scheduler filters to be enabled on Nova. Edit your /etc/nova/nova.conf in the following way:




This feature is supported by all plugins out of the box.


It is extremely important for data processing to do locally (on the same rack, openstack compute node or even VM) as much work as possible. Hadoop supports data-locality feature and can schedule jobs to tasktracker nodes that are local for input stream. In this case tasktracker could communicate directly with local data node.

Sahara supports topology configuration for HDFS and Swift data sources.

To enable data-locality set enable_data_locality parameter to True in Sahara configuration file


In this case two files with topology must be provided to Sahara. Options compute_topology_file and swift_topology_file parameters control location of files with compute and swift nodes topology descriptions correspondingly.

compute_topology_file should contain mapping between compute nodes and racks in the following format:

compute1 /rack1
compute1 /rack2
compute1 /rack2

Note that compute node name must be exactly the same as configured in openstack (host column in admin list for instances).

swift_topology_file should contain mapping between swift nodes and racks in the following format:

node1 /rack1
node2 /rack2
node3 /rack2

Note that swift node must be exactly the same as configures in object.builder swift ring. Also make sure that VMs with tasktracker service has direct access to swift nodes.

Hadoop versions after 1.2.0 support four-layer topology (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-8468). To enable this feature set enable_hypervisor_awareness option to True in Sahara configuration file. In this case Sahara will add compute node ID as a second level of topology for Virtual Machines.

Heat Integration

Sahara may use OpenStack Orchestration engine (aka Heat) to provision nodes for Hadoop cluster. To make Sahara work with Heat the following steps are required:

  • Your OpenStack installation must have ‘orchestration’ service up and running
  • Sahara must contain the following configuration parameter in sahara.conf:
# An engine which will be used to provision infrastructure for Hadoop cluster. (string value)

The following features are supported in the new Heat engine:

Feature Heat engine Known issues
Vanilla plugin provisioning Implemented  
HDP plugin provisioning Implemented  
Cluster scaling Implemented  
Cluster rollback Implemented  
Volumes attachments Implemented https://launchpad.net/bugs/1281534
Hadoop and Swift integration Not affected  
Anti-affinity Implemented https://launchpad.net/bugs/1268610
Floating IP Management Implemented  
Neutron support Implemented  
Nova Network support TBD https://launchpad.net/bugs/1259176
Elastic Data Processing Not affected  

Plugin Capabilities

The below tables provides a plugin capability matrix:

Feature Plugin
Vanilla HDP
Nova and Neutron network x x
Cluster Scaling x Scale Up
Swift Integration x x
Cinder Support x x
Data Locality x x
EDP x x