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Swift Architectural Overview

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Getting Started

System Requirements

Swift development currently targets Ubuntu Server 10.04, but should work on most Linux platforms with the following software:

  • Python 2.6
  • rsync 3.0

And the following python libraries:

  • Eventlet 0.9.8
  • Setuptools
  • Simplejson
  • Xattr
  • Nose
  • Sphinx
  • Netifaces
  • Dnspython
  • Pastedeploy

Getting Swift

Swift’s source code is hosted on github and managed with git. The current trunk can be checked out like this:

git clone

A source tarball for the latest release of Swift is available on the launchpad project page.

Prebuilt packages for Ubuntu are available starting with Natty, or from PPAs for earlier releases.


To get started with development with Swift, or to just play around, the following docs will be useful:


If you want to set up and configure Swift for a production cluster, the following doc should be useful: