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 Configure a Block Storage service node

After you configure the services on the controller node, configure a second system to be a Block Storage service node. This node contains the disk that serves volumes.

You can configure OpenStack to use various storage systems. This example uses LVM.

  1. Use the instructions in Chapter 2, Basic environment configuration to configure the system. Note the following differences from the installation instructions for the controller node:

    • Set the host name to block1 and use as IP address on the management network interface. Ensure that the IP addresses and host names for both controller node and Block Storage service node are listed in the /etc/hosts file on each system.

    • Follow the instructions in the section called “Network Time Protocol (NTP)” to synchronize from the controller node.

  2. Install the required LVM packages, if they are not already installed:

    # apt-get install lvm2
  3. Create the LVM physical and logical volumes. This guide assumes a second disk /dev/sdb that is used for this purpose:

    # pvcreate /dev/sdb
    # vgcreate cinder-volumes /dev/sdb
  4. Add a filter entry to the devices section in the /etc/lvm/lvm.conf file to keep LVM from scanning devices used by virtual machines:

    devices {
    filter = [ "a/sda1/", "a/sdb/", "r/.*/"]

    You must add required physical volumes for LVM on the Block Storage host. Run the pvdisplay command to get a list or required volumes.

    Each item in the filter array starts with either an a for accept, or an r for reject. The physical volumes that are required on the Block Storage host have names that begin with a. The array must end with "r/.*/" to reject any device not listed.

    In this example, /dev/sda1 is the volume where the volumes for the operating system for the node reside, while /dev/sdb is the volume reserved for cinder-volumes.

  5. After you configure the operating system, install the appropriate packages for the Block Storage service:

    # apt-get install cinder-volume
  6. Edit the /etc/cinder/cinder.conf configuration file and add this section for keystone credentials:

    auth_uri = http://controller:5000
    auth_host = controller
    auth_port = 35357
    auth_protocol = http
    admin_tenant_name = service
    admin_user = cinder
    admin_password = CINDER_PASS
  7. Configure Block Storage to use the RabbitMQ message broker.

    In the [DEFAULT] configuration section of the /etc/cinder/cinder.conf file, set these configuration keys and replace RABBIT_PASS with the password you chose for RabbitMQ:

    rpc_backend = cinder.openstack.common.rpc.impl_kombu
    rabbit_host = controller
    rabbit_port = 5672
    rabbit_userid = guest
    rabbit_password = RABBIT_PASS
  8. Configure Block Storage to use your MySQL database. Edit the /etc/cinder/cinder.conf file and add the following key to the [database] section. Replace CINDER_DBPASS with the password you chose for the Block Storage database:

    connection = mysql://cinder:CINDER_DBPASS@controller/cinder

    In some distributions, the /etc/cinder/cinder.conf file does not include the [database] section header. You must add this section header to the end of the file before you proceed.

  9. Configure Block Storage to use the Image Service. Block Storage needs access to images to create bootable volumes. Edit the /etc/cinder/cinder.conf file and update the glance_host option in the [DEFAULT] section:

    glance_host = controller
  10. Restart the Block Storage services with the new settings:

    # service cinder-volume restart
    # service tgt restart
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