The Documentation team tracks all its work through bugs. This section includes the detailed overview of documentation bugs specifics.
The Documentation team uses the following projects for tracking documentation bugs across OpenStack:
The documentation team assigns bug triage liaisons to ensure all bugs reported against OpenStack manuals are triaged in a timely manner.
If you are interested in serving as a bug triage liaison, there are several steps you will need to follow in order to be prepared.
Read this page in full. Keep this document in mind at all times as it describes the duties of the liaison and how to triage bugs. In particular, it describes how to set bug importance, and how to select bug tags.
The process of bug triaging consists of the following steps:
For example, if the bug impacts the project-specific dev-ref, then
mark it as Invalid
For example, if the bug affects the ReST API, file a bug in
and remove openstack-manuals
remove neutron
from the affected projects if it
only affects openstack-manuals
and tag networking-guide
if it is a request for support or a
troubleshooting request.Incomplete
, point the submitter to this document.Bug triaging is the process of reviewing new bugs, verifying whether a bug is valid or not, and gathering more information about it. Before being triaged, all the new bugs have the status New, and importance Undecided. Here are the definitions for available options for Status and Importance columns of any bug.
Since all documentation is released directly on, the “Fix Committed” status is deprecated. If a patch contains the line “Closes-Bug: #12345” (see git commit messages for details), our CI infrastructure automatically sets the bug to “Fix Released” once the patch is merged.
Depending on the area a bug affects, it has one or more tags. For example:
If you need to regularly track activity relating to particular tags, you can set up email subscriptions by visiting the subscriptions page of the launchpad project:
Bugs to update tables for the configuration references use the tag autogenerate-config-docs.
For updates of specific sections or adding of new drivers, follow the specification Proprietary driver docs in openstack-manuals and assign the bug to the contact person that is mentioned on the Vendor driver page. If this is a new driver with no documentation yet, assign the bug to the committer of the change that triggered the bug report, mark it as Wishlist and ask the committer to read and follow the specification and handle it since the documentation team will not document third-party drivers.
Bugs differ depending on:
Do not file a bug with troubleshooting issues. If you are experiencing problems with your environment, and you are following the installation tutorials, seek assistance from the relevant team and operations specialists on IRC, or the OpenStack mailing list.
For more information about the relevant IRC channels, see the OpenStack IRC wiki.
For more information about the OpenStack mailing list, see the Mailing lists wiki.
A bug should be filed only if the documentation itself is found to be incorrect.
Do not work on a documentation bug until it is set to ‘Confirmed’. Ideally, someone other than the reporter will confirm the bug for you. Once the changes are made in a patch, they are reviewed and approved, just like other OpenStack code.
To pick up a documentation bug or mark a bug as related to the documentation, go to the aggregated list of documentation bugs from all OpenStack projects.
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