The ceilometer.compute.virt.inspector Module

Inspector abstraction for read-only access to hypervisors.

class ceilometer.compute.virt.inspector.DiskIOPSStats

Bases: tuple

DiskIOPSStats(device, iops_count)

class ceilometer.compute.virt.inspector.DiskInfo

Bases: tuple

DiskInfo(device, capacity, allocation, physical)

class ceilometer.compute.virt.inspector.DiskLatencyStats

Bases: tuple

DiskLatencyStats(device, disk_latency)

class ceilometer.compute.virt.inspector.DiskRateStats

Bases: tuple

DiskRateStats(device, read_bytes_rate, read_requests_rate, write_bytes_rate, write_requests_rate)

class ceilometer.compute.virt.inspector.DiskStats

Bases: tuple

DiskStats(device, read_bytes, read_requests, write_bytes, write_requests, errors)

class ceilometer.compute.virt.inspector.Inspector(conf)[source]

Bases: object

inspect_disk_info(instance, duration)[source]

Inspect the disk information for an instance.

  • instance – the target instance
  • duration – the last ‘n’ seconds, over which the value should be inspected

for each disk , capacity , allocation and usage

inspect_disk_iops(instance, duration)[source]

Inspect the disk statistics as rates for an instance.

  • instance – the target instance
  • duration – the last ‘n’ seconds, over which the value should be inspected

for each disk, the number of iops per second

inspect_disk_latency(instance, duration)[source]

Inspect the disk statistics as rates for an instance.

  • instance – the target instance
  • duration – the last ‘n’ seconds, over which the value should be inspected

for each disk, the average disk latency

inspect_disk_rates(instance, duration)[source]

Inspect the disk statistics as rates for an instance.

  • instance – the target instance
  • duration – the last ‘n’ seconds, over which the value should be inspected

for each disk, the number of bytes & operations read and written per second, with the error count

inspect_disks(instance, duration)[source]

Inspect the disk statistics for an instance.

  • instance – the target instance
  • duration – the last ‘n’ seconds, over which the value should be inspected

for each disk, the number of bytes & operations read and written, and the error count

inspect_instance(instance, duration)[source]

Inspect the CPU statistics for an instance.

  • instance – the target instance
  • duration – the last ‘n’ seconds, over which the value should be inspected

the instance stats

inspect_vnic_rates(instance, duration)[source]

Inspect the vNIC rate statistics for an instance.

  • instance – the target instance
  • duration – the last ‘n’ seconds, over which the value should be inspected

for each vNIC, the rate of bytes & packets received and transmitted

inspect_vnics(instance, duration)[source]

Inspect the vNIC statistics for an instance.

  • instance – the target instance
  • duration – the last ‘n’ seconds, over which the value should be inspected

for each vNIC, the number of bytes & packets received and transmitted

exception ceilometer.compute.virt.inspector.InspectorException(message=None)[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

exception ceilometer.compute.virt.inspector.InstanceNotFoundException(message=None)[source]

Bases: ceilometer.compute.virt.inspector.InspectorException

exception ceilometer.compute.virt.inspector.InstanceShutOffException(message=None)[source]

Bases: ceilometer.compute.virt.inspector.InspectorException

class ceilometer.compute.virt.inspector.InstanceStats(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

class ceilometer.compute.virt.inspector.InterfaceRateStats

Bases: tuple

InterfaceRateStats(name, mac, fref, parameters, rx_bytes_rate, tx_bytes_rate)

class ceilometer.compute.virt.inspector.InterfaceStats

Bases: tuple

InterfaceStats(name, mac, fref, parameters, rx_bytes, tx_bytes, rx_packets, tx_packets, rx_drop, tx_drop, rx_errors, tx_errors)

exception ceilometer.compute.virt.inspector.NoDataException(message=None)[source]

Bases: ceilometer.compute.virt.inspector.InspectorException

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