The ceilometer.tests.tempest.scenario.manager Module

class ceilometer.tests.tempest.scenario.manager.EncryptionScenarioTest(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ceilometer.tests.tempest.scenario.manager.ScenarioTest

Base class for encryption scenario tests

create_encryption_type(client=None, type_id=None, provider=None, key_size=None, cipher=None, control_location=None)[source]
classmethod setup_clients()[source]
class ceilometer.tests.tempest.scenario.manager.NetworkScenarioTest(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ceilometer.tests.tempest.scenario.manager.ScenarioTest

Base class for network scenario tests.

This class provide helpers for network scenario tests, using the neutron API. Helpers from ancestor which use the nova network API are overridden with the neutron API.

This Class also enforces using Neutron instead of novanetwork. Subclassed tests will be skipped if Neutron is not enabled

check_floating_ip_status(floating_ip, status)[source]

Verifies floatingip reaches the given status

  • floating_ip (dict) – floating IP dict to check status
  • status – target status

AssertionError if status doesn’t match

create_floating_ip(thing, external_network_id=None, port_id=None, client=None)[source]

Create a floating IP and associates to a resource/port on Neutron

create_networks(networks_client=None, routers_client=None, subnets_client=None, tenant_id=None, dns_nameservers=None, port_security_enabled=True)[source]

Create a network with a subnet connected to a router.

The baremetal driver is a special case since all nodes are on the same shared network.

  • tenant_id – id of tenant to create resources in.
  • dns_nameservers – list of dns servers to send to subnet.

network, subnet, router

classmethod skip_checks()[source]
class ceilometer.tests.tempest.scenario.manager.ObjectStorageScenarioTest(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ceilometer.tests.tempest.scenario.manager.ScenarioTest

Provide harness to do Object Storage scenario tests.

Subclasses implement the tests that use the methods provided by this class.

change_container_acl(container_name, acl)[source]
delete_object(container_name, filename)[source]
download_and_verify(container_name, obj_name, expected_data)[source]

get swift status for our user account.

list_and_check_container_objects(container_name, present_obj=None, not_present_obj=None)[source]
classmethod setup_clients()[source]
classmethod setup_credentials()[source]
classmethod skip_checks()[source]
upload_object_to_container(container_name, obj_name=None)[source]
class ceilometer.tests.tempest.scenario.manager.ScenarioTest(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: tempest.test.BaseTestCase

Base class for scenario tests. Uses tempest own clients.

check_public_network_connectivity(ip_address, username, private_key, should_connect=True, msg=None, servers=None, mtu=None)[source]
check_vm_connectivity(ip_address, username=None, private_key=None, should_connect=True, mtu=None)[source]

Check server connectivity

  • ip_address – server to test against
  • username – server’s ssh username
  • private_key – server’s ssh private key to be used
  • should_connect – True/False indicates positive/negative test positive - attempt ping and ssh negative - attempt ping and fail if succeed
  • mtu – network MTU to use for connectivity validation

AssertError if the result of the connectivity check does not match the value of the should_connect param

create_floating_ip(thing, pool_name=None)[source]

Create a floating IP and associates to a server on Nova

create_server(name=None, image_id=None, flavor=None, validatable=False, wait_until='ACTIVE', clients=None, **kwargs)[source]

Wrapper utility that returns a test server.

This wrapper utility calls the common create test server and returns a test server. The purpose of this wrapper is to minimize the impact on the code of the tests already using this function.

create_server_snapshot(server, name=None)[source]
create_timestamp(ip_address, dev_name=None, mount_path='/mnt', private_key=None)[source]
create_volume(size=None, name=None, snapshot_id=None, imageRef=None, volume_type=None)[source]
create_volume_type(client=None, name=None, backend_name=None)[source]
get_remote_client(ip_address, username=None, private_key=None)[source]

Get a SSH client to a remote server

@param ip_address the server floating or fixed IP address to use
for ssh validation

@param username name of the Linux account on the remote server @param private_key the SSH private key to use @return a RemoteClient object


Get the server fixed or floating IP.

Based on the configuration we’re in, return a correct ip address for validating that a guest is up.

get_timestamp(ip_address, dev_name=None, mount_path='/mnt', private_key=None)[source]
nova_volume_attach(server, volume_to_attach)[source]
nova_volume_detach(server, volume)[source]
ping_ip_address(ip_address, should_succeed=True, ping_timeout=None, mtu=None)[source]
rebuild_server(server_id, image=None, preserve_ephemeral=False, wait=True, rebuild_kwargs=None)[source]
classmethod setup_clients()[source]

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