The cinder.backup.manager Module

Backup manager manages volume backups.

Volume Backups are full copies of persistent volumes stored in a backup store e.g. an object store or any other backup store if and when support is added. They are usable without the original object being available. A volume backup can be restored to the original volume it was created from or any other available volume with a minimum size of the original volume. Volume backups can be created, restored, deleted and listed.

Related Flags

backup_manager:The module name of a class derived from manager.Manager (default: cinder.backup.manager.Manager).
class BackupManager(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: cinder.manager.ThreadPoolManager

Manages backup of block storage devices.


Check if the backup driver supports force delete operation.

Parameters:context – running context
create_backup(context, backup)

Create volume backups using configured backup service.

delete_backup(context, backup)

Delete volume backup from configured backup service.


This function maps old backup services to backup drivers.

export_record(context, backup)

Export all volume backup metadata details to allow clean import.

Export backup metadata so it could be re-imported into the database without any prerequisite in the backup database.

  • context – running context
  • backup – backup object to export

backup_record - a description of how to import the backup


contains ‘backup_url’ - how to import the backup, and


‘backup_service’ describing the needed driver.



import_record(context, backup, backup_service, backup_url, backup_hosts)

Import all volume backup metadata details to the backup db.

  • context – running context
  • backup – The new backup object for the import
  • backup_service – The needed backup driver for import
  • backup_url – An identifier string to locate the backup
  • backup_hosts – Potential hosts to execute the import

Run initialization needed for a standalone service.

reset_status(context, backup, status)

Reset volume backup status.

  • context – running context
  • backup – The backup object for reset status operation
  • status – The status to be set
restore_backup(context, backup, volume_id)

Restore volume backups from configured backup service.

target = <Target version=2.1>