The cinder.compute.nova Module

Handles all requests to Nova.

class API(db_driver=None)

Bases: cinder.db.base.Base

API for interacting with novaclient.

create_volume_snapshot(context, volume_id, create_info)
delete_volume_snapshot(context, snapshot_id, delete_info)
get_server(context, server_id, privileged_user=False, timeout=None)
has_extension(context, extension, timeout=None)
update_server_volume(context, server_id, attachment_id, new_volume_id)
novaclient(context, privileged_user=False, timeout=None)

Returns a Nova client

@param privileged_user: If True, use the account from configuration
(requires ‘auth_type’ and the other usual Keystone authentication options to be set in the [nova] section)
@param timeout: Number of seconds to wait for an answer before raising a
Timeout exception (None to disable)