The cinder.volume.drivers.datera.datera_iscsi Module

class DateraDriver(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: cinder.volume.drivers.san.san.SanISCSIDriver, cinder.volume.drivers.datera.datera_api2.DateraApi, cinder.volume.drivers.datera.datera_api21.DateraApi

The OpenStack Datera Driver

Version history:

1.0 - Initial driver 1.1 - Look for lun-0 instead of lun-1. 2.0 - Update For Datera API v2 2.1 - Multipath, ACL and reorg 2.2 - Capabilites List, Extended Volume-Type Support

Naming convention change, Volume Manage/Unmanage support
2.3 - Templates, Tenants, Snapshot Polling,
2.1 Api Version Support, Restructure
CI_WIKI_NAME = ‘datera-ci’
HEADER_DATA = {‘Datera-Driver’: ‘OpenStack-Cinder-2.3’}
VERSION = ‘2.3’
create_cloned_volume(*args, **kwargs)
create_export(*args, **kwargs)
create_snapshot(*args, **kwargs)
create_volume(*args, **kwargs)

Create a logical volume.

create_volume_from_snapshot(*args, **kwargs)
delete_snapshot(*args, **kwargs)
delete_volume(*args, **kwargs)
detach_volume(*args, **kwargs)
do_setup(*args, **kwargs)
ensure_export(*args, **kwargs)

Gets the associated account, retrieves CHAP info and updates.

extend_volume(*args, **kwargs)
get_manageable_volumes(*args, **kwargs)

List volumes on the backend available for management by Cinder.

Returns a list of dictionaries, each specifying a volume in the host, with the following keys: - reference (dictionary): The reference for a volume, which can be

passed to “manage_existing”.
  • size (int): The size of the volume according to the storage backend, rounded up to the nearest GB.
  • safe_to_manage (boolean): Whether or not this volume is safe to manage according to the storage backend. For example, is the volume in use or invalid for any reason.
  • reason_not_safe (string): If safe_to_manage is False, the reason why.
  • cinder_id (string): If already managed, provide the Cinder ID.
  • extra_info (string): Any extra information to return to the user
  • cinder_volumes – A list of volumes in this host that Cinder currently manages, used to determine if a volume is manageable or not.
  • marker – The last item of the previous page; we return the next results after this value (after sorting)
  • limit – Maximum number of items to return
  • offset – Number of items to skip after marker
  • sort_keys – List of keys to sort results by (valid keys are ‘identifier’ and ‘size’)
  • sort_dirs – List of directions to sort by, corresponding to sort_keys (valid directions are ‘asc’ and ‘desc’)
get_volume_stats(*args, **kwargs)

Get volume stats.

If ‘refresh’ is True, run update first. The name is a bit misleading as the majority of the data here is cluster data.

initialize_connection(*args, **kwargs)
login(*args, **kwargs)
manage_existing(*args, **kwargs)

Manage an existing volume on the Datera backend

The existing_ref must be either the current name or Datera UUID of an app_instance on the Datera backend in a colon separated list with the storage instance name and volume name. This means only single storage instances and single volumes are supported for managing by cinder.


(existing_ref[‘source-name’] ==

if using Datera 2.1 API


(existing_ref[‘source-name’] ==

if using 2.0 API

  • volume – Cinder volume to manage
  • existing_ref – Driver-specific information used to identify a volume
manage_existing_get_size(*args, **kwargs)

Get the size of an unmanaged volume on the Datera backend

The existing_ref must be either the current name or Datera UUID of an app_instance on the Datera backend in a colon separated list with the storage instance name and volume name. This means only single storage instances and single volumes are supported for managing by cinder.


existing_ref == app_inst_name:storage_inst_name:vol_name

  • volume – Cinder volume to manage
  • existing_ref – Driver-specific information used to identify a volume on the Datera backend
unmanage(*args, **kwargs)

Unmanage a currently managed volume in Cinder

Parameters:volume – Cinder volume to unmanage