The cinder.volume.drivers.dell_emc.vmax.common
(prtcl, version, configuration=None)¶ Bases:
Common class for Rest based VMAX volume drivers.
This common class is for Dell EMC VMAX volume drivers based on UniSphere Rest API. It supports VMAX 3 and VMAX All Flash arrays.
= ‘3.0.0’¶
(clone_volume, source_volume)¶ Creates a clone of the specified volume.
Parameters: - clone_volume – clone volume Object
- source_volume – volume object
Returns: model_update, dict
(snapshot, volume)¶ Creates a snapshot.
Parameters: - snapshot – snapshot object
- volume – volume Object to create snapshot from
Returns: dict – the cloned volume dictionary
(volume)¶ Creates a EMC(VMAX) volume from a storage group.
Parameters: volume – volume object Returns: model_update - dict
(volume, snapshot)¶ Creates a volume from a snapshot.
Parameters: - volume – volume object
- snapshot – snapshot object
Returns: model_update
(snapshot, volume)¶ Deletes a snapshot.
Parameters: - snapshot – snapshot object
- volume – source volume
(volume)¶ Deletes a EMC(VMAX) volume.
Parameters: volume – volume object
(volume, new_size)¶ Extends an existing volume.
Parameters: - volume – the volume Object
- new_size – the new size to increase the volume to
Returns: dict – modifiedVolumeDict - the extended volume Object
(volume, host, extra_specs)¶ Given the volume dict find the host lun id for a volume.
Parameters: - volume – the volume dict
- host – host from connector
- extra_specs – the extra specs
Returns: dict – the data dict
(array, portgroup_name, initiator_group_name)¶ Get common masking views, if any.
Parameters: - array – the array serial number
- portgroup_name – port group name
- initiator_group_name – ig name
Returns: list of masking views
(array, maskingview_name)¶ Get the initiator group in a masking view.
Parameters: - array – the array serial number
- maskingview_name – masking view name
Returns: initiator group name
(array, device_id, host)¶ Retrieve masking view list for a volume.
Parameters: - array – array serial number
- device_id – the volume device id
- host – the host
Returns: masking view list
(array, maskingview_name)¶ Get the port groups in a masking view.
Parameters: - array – the array serial number
- maskingview_name – masking view name
Returns: port group name
(volume, connector)¶ Find target WWNs via the masking view.
Parameters: - volume – volume to be attached
- connector – the connector dict
Returns: list – the target WWN list
(volume, connector)¶ Initializes the connection and returns device and connection info.
The volume may be already mapped, if this is so the deviceInfo tuple is returned. If the volume is not already mapped then we need to gather information to either 1. Create an new masking view or 2. Add the volume to an existing storage group within an already existing maskingview.
The naming convention is the following:
initiator_group_name = OS-<shortHostName>-<shortProtocol>-IG e.g OS-myShortHost-I-IG storage_group_name = OS-<shortHostName>-<srpName>-<shortProtocol>-SG e.g OS-myShortHost-SRP_1-I-SG port_group_name = OS-<target>-PG The port_group_name will come from the EMC configuration xml file. These are precreated. If the portGroup does not exist then an error will be returned to the user maskingview_name = OS-<shortHostName>-<srpName>-<shortProtocol>-MV e.g OS-myShortHost-SRP_1-I-MV
Parameters: - volume – volume Object
- connector – the connector Object
Returns: dict – device_info_dict - device information dict
(volume, external_ref)¶ Manages an existing VMAX Volume (import to Cinder).
Renames the existing volume to match the expected name for the volume. Also need to consider things like QoS, Emulation, account/tenant. :param volume: the volume object including the volume_type_id :param external_ref: reference to the existing volume :returns: dict – model_update
(volume, external_ref)¶ Return size of an existing VMAX volume to manage_existing.
Parameters: - self – reference to class
- volume – the volume object including the volume_type_id
- external_ref – reference to the existing volume
Returns: size of the volume in GB
= {‘reserved_percentage’: 0, ‘arrays_info’: {}, ‘config_file’: None, ‘max_over_subscription_ratio’: None, ‘backend_name’: None}¶
= {‘volume_backend_name’: None, ‘free_capacity_gb’: 0, ‘driver_version’: ‘3.0’, ‘total_capacity_gb’: 0, ‘reserved_percentage’: 0, ‘vendor_name’: ‘Dell EMC’, ‘storage_protocol’: None}¶
(volume, connector)¶ Disallow connection from connector.
Parameters: - volume – the volume Object
- connector – the connector Object
(volume)¶ Export VMAX volume from Cinder.
Leave the volume intact on the backend array. :param volume: the volume object :raises VolumeBackendAPIException:
()¶ Retrieve stats info.