The Module

Shared code for HNAS drivers

get_pool(config, volume)

Get the pool of a volume.

  • config – dictionary containing the configuration parameters
  • volume – dictionary volume reference

the pool related to the volume


Reads cinder.conf

Gets the driver specific information set on cinder.conf configuration file.

Parameters:config_opts – Configuration object that contains the information

needed by HNAS driver :param dv_type: The type of the driver (NFS or iSCSI) :returns: Dictionary with the driver configuration

read_xml_config(xml_config_file, svc_params, optional_params)

Read Hitachi driver specific xml config file.

  • xml_config_file – string filename containing XML configuration
  • svc_params – parameters to configure the services

[‘volume_type’, ‘hdp’] :param optional_params: parameters to configure that are not mandatory [‘ssc_cmd’, ‘cluster_admin_ip0’, ‘chap_enabled’]