The cinder.volume.drivers.reduxio.rdx_iscsi_driver Module

ISCSI Volume driver for Reduxio.

class ReduxioISCSIDriver(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: cinder.volume.drivers.san.san.SanISCSIDriver

OpenStack driver to support Reduxio storage systems.

Version history: 1.0.0 - Initial version - volume management, snapshots, BackDating(TM). 1.0.1 - Capacity stats, fixed error handling for volume deletions.

CI_WIKI_NAME = ‘Reduxio_HX550_CI’
VERSION = ‘1.0.1’
create_cloned_volume(*args, **kwargs)

Clone volume from existing cinder volume.

Parameters:volume – The clone volume object.

If the volume ‘metadata’ field contains a ‘backdate’ key (If using Cinder CLI, should be provided by –meta flag), then we create a clone from the specified time. The ‘backdate’ metadata value should be in the format of Reduxio CLI date: mm/dd/yyyy-hh:mm:ss. for example: ‘02/17/2015-11:39:00. Note: Different timezones might be configured for Reduxio and Openstack. The specified date must be related to Reduxio time settings.

If meta key ‘backdate’ was not specified, then we create a clone from the volume’s current state. :param src_vref: The source volume to clone from :return: None

create_snapshot(*args, **kwargs)

Create a snapshot from an existing Cinder volume.

We use Reduxio manual bookmark to represent a snapshot.

Parameters:snapshot – The snapshot object.

If the snapshot ‘metadata’ field contains a ‘backdate’ key (If using Cinder CLI, should be provided by –meta flag), then we create a snapshot from the specified time. The ‘backdate’ metadata value should be in the format of Reduxio CLI date: mm/dd/yyyy-hh:mm:ss. for example: ‘02/17/2015-11:39:00’. Note: Different timezones might be configured for Reduxio and Openstack. The specified date must be related to Reduxio time settings.

If meta key ‘backdate’ was not specified, then we create a snapshot from the volume’s current state. :return: None

create_volume(*args, **kwargs)

Create a new volume.

create_volume_from_snapshot(*args, **kwargs)

Clone volume from snapshot.

Extend the volume if the size of the volume is more than the snapshot.

delete_snapshot(*args, **kwargs)

Delete a snapshot.

delete_volume(*args, **kwargs)

Delete the specified volume.


Set up the driver.

extend_volume(*args, **kwargs)

Extend an existing volume.

get_volume_stats(*args, **kwargs)

Get Reduxio Storage attributes.

initialize_connection(*args, **kwargs)

Driver entry point to attach a volume to an instance.

manage_existing(*args, **kwargs)

Create a new Cinder volume out of an existing Reduxio volume.

manage_existing_get_size(*args, **kwargs)

Return size of an existing volume.

terminate_connection(*args, **kwargs)

Driver entry point to unattach a volume from an instance.

unmanage(*args, **kwargs)

Remove the specified volume from Cinder management.