
Control and manage OpenStack block storage
Copyright:OpenStack Foundation
Manual section:1
Manual group:cloud computing


cinder-manage <category> <action> [<args>]


cinder-manage provides control of cinder database migration, and provides an interface to get information about the current state of cinder. More information about OpenStack Cinder is available at


The standard pattern for executing a cinder-manage command is: cinder-manage <category> <command> [<args>]

For example, to obtain a list of the cinder services currently running: cinder-manage service list

Run without arguments to see a list of available command categories: cinder-manage

Categories are shell, logs, migrate, db, volume, host, service, backup, version, and config. Detailed descriptions are below.

You can also run with a category argument such as ‘db’ to see a list of all commands in that category: cinder-manage db

These sections describe the available categories and arguments for cinder-manage.

Cinder Db

cinder-manage db version

Print the current database version.

cinder-manage db sync

Sync the database up to the most recent version. This is the standard way to create the db as well.

cinder-manage db purge [<number of days>]

Purge database entries that are marked as deleted, that are older than the number of days specified.

cinder-manage db online_data_migrations

Perform online data migrations for database upgrade between releases in batches.

This command interprets the following options when it is invoked:

--max_count Maximum number of objects to consider.
--ignore_state Force records to migrate even if another operation is performed on them. This may be dangerous, please refer to release notes for more information.

Cinder Logs

cinder-manage logs errors

Displays cinder errors from log files.

cinder-manage logs syslog [<number>]

Displays cinder the most recent entries from syslog. The optional number argument specifies the number of entries to display (default 10).

Cinder Shell

cinder-manage shell bpython

Starts a new bpython shell.

cinder-manage shell ipython

Starts a new ipython shell.

cinder-manage shell python

Starts a new python shell.

cinder-manage shell run

Starts a new shell using python.

cinder-manage shell script <path/scriptname>

Runs the named script from the specified path with flags set.

Cinder Volume

cinder-manage volume delete <volume_id>

Delete a volume without first checking that the volume is available.

cinder-manage volume update_host --currenthost <current host> --newhost <new host>

Updates the host name of all volumes currently associated with a specified host.

Cinder Host

cinder-manage host list [<zone>]

Displays a list of all physical hosts and their zone. The optional zone argument allows the list to be filtered on the requested zone.

Cinder Service

cinder-manage service list

Displays a list of all cinder services and their host, zone, status, state and when the information was last updated.

cinder-manage service remove <service> <host>

Removes a specified cinder service from a specified host.

Cinder Backup

cinder-manage backup list

Displays a list of all backups (including ones in progress) and the host on which the backup operation is running.

cinder-manage backup update_backup_host --currenthost <current host> --newhost <new host>

Updates the host name of all backups currently associated with a specified host.

Cinder Version

cinder-manage version list

Displays the codebase version cinder is running upon.

Cinder Config

cinder-manage config list [<param>]

Displays the current configuration parameters (options) for Cinder. The optional flag parameter may be used to display the configuration of one parameter.


The cinder.conf file contains configuration information in the form of python-gflags.

The cinder-manage.log file logs output from cinder-manage.


  • Cinder is hosted on Launchpad so you can view current bugs at Bugs : Cinder