Cloudkitty installation and configuration

Many method can be followed to install cloudkitty.

Install from source

Install the services

Retrieve and install cloudkitty:

git clone
cd cloudkitty
python install

This procedure installs the cloudkitty python library and the following executables:

  • cloudkitty-api: API service
  • cloudkitty-processor: Processing service (collecting and rating)
  • cloudkitty-dbsync: Tool to create and upgrade the database schema
  • cloudkitty-storage-init: Tool to initiate the storage backend
  • cloudkitty-writer: Reporting tool

Install sample configuration files:

mkdir /etc/cloudkitty
tox -e genconfig
cp etc/cloudkitty/cloudkitty.conf.sample /etc/cloudkitty/cloudkitty.conf
cp etc/cloudkitty/policy.json /etc/cloudkitty
cp etc/cloudkitty/api_paste.ini /etc/cloudkitty

Create the log directory:

mkdir /var/log/cloudkitty/

Install the client

Retrieve and install cloudkitty client:

git clone
cd python-cloudkittyclient
python install

Install the dashboard module

  1. Retrieve and install cloudkitty’s dashboard:

    git clone
    cd cloudkitty-dashboard
    python install
  2. Find where the python packages are installed:

    PY_PACKAGES_PATH=`pip --version | cut -d' ' -f4`
  3. Add the enabled file to the horizon settings or installation. Depending on your setup, you might need to add it to /usr/share or directly in the horizon python package:

    # If horizon is installed by packages:
    ln -sf $PY_PACKAGES_PATH/cloudkittydashboard/enabled/_[0-9]*.py \
    # Directly from sources:
    ln -sf $PY_PACKAGES_PATH/cloudkittydashboard/enabled/_[0-9]*.py \
  4. Restart the web server hosting Horizon.

Install from packages

For RHEL/CentOS 7

Packages for RHEL/CentOS 7 are available starting from the Mitaka release.

  1. Install the RDO repositories for your release:

    yum install centos-release-openstack-RELEASE # RELEASE can be mitaka, newton or ocata
  2. Install the packages:

    yum install openstack-cloudkitty-api openstack-cloudkitty-processor openstack-cloudkitty-ui

For Ubuntu 16.04

Packages for Ubuntu 16.04 are available starting from the Newton release.

  1. Enable the OpenStack repository for the Newton or Ocata release:

    apt install software-properties-common
    add-apt-repository ppa:objectif-libre/cloudkitty # Newton
    add-apt-repository ppa:objectif-libre/cloudkitty-ocata # Ocata
  2. Upgrade the packages on your host:

    apt update && apt dist-upgrade
  3. Install the packages:

    apt-get install cloudkitty-api cloudkitty-processor cloudkitty-dashboard

Configure cloudkitty

Edit /etc/cloudkitty/cloudkitty.conf to configure cloudkitty.

Then you need to know which keystone API version you use (which can be determined using openstack endpoint list)

For keystone (identity) API v2 (deprecated)

verbose = True
log_dir = /var/log/cloudkitty

rabbit_userid = openstack
rabbit_password = RABBIT_PASSWORD
rabbit_host = RABBIT_HOST
rabbit_port = 5672

username = cloudkitty
password = CK_PASSWORD
tenant = service
region = RegionOne
url = http://localhost:5000/v2.0

username = cloudkitty
password = CK_PASSWORD
project_name = service
region = RegionOne
auth_url = http://localhost:5000/v2.0
auth_plugin = password

connection = mysql://cloudkitty:CK_DBPASSWORD@localhost/cloudkitty

username = cloudkitty
password = CK_PASSWORD
tenant = service
region = RegionOne
url = http://localhost:5000/v2.0

collector = ceilometer
period = 3600
services = compute, volume,,, network.floating, image

username = cloudkitty
password = CK_PASSWORD
tenant = service
region = RegionOne
url = http://localhost:5000/v2.0

Please note that:

  • http://localhost:5000/v2.0 and http://localhost:35357/v2.0 are your identity endpoints.
  • the tenant named service is also commonly called services

For keystone (identity) API v3

The following shows the basic configuration items:

verbose = True
log_dir = /var/log/cloudkitty

rabbit_userid = openstack
rabbit_password = RABBIT_PASSWORD
rabbit_host = RABBIT_HOST
rabbit_port = 5672

auth_type = v3password
auth_protocol = http
auth_url = http://localhost:5000/v3
identity_uri = http://localhost:35357/v3
username = cloudkitty
password = CK_PASSWORD
project_name = service
user_domain_name = default
project_domain_name = default
debug = True

auth_section = ks_auth

connection = mysql://cloudkitty:CK_DBPASSWORD@localhost/cloudkitty

auth_section = ks_auth
keystone_version = 3

backend = keystone

collector = ceilometer
period = 3600
services = compute, volume,,, network.floating, image

auth_section = ks_auth

Please note that:

  • http://localhost:5000/v3 and http://localhost:35357/v3 are your identity endpoints.
  • the tenant named service is also commonly called services

Setup the database and storage backend

MySQL/MariaDB is the recommended database engine. To setup the database, use the mysql client:

mysql -uroot -p << EOF
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON cloudkitty.* TO 'cloudkitty'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'CK_DBPASSWORD';

If you need to authorize the cloudkitty mysql user from another host you have to change the line accordingly.

Run the database synchronisation scripts:

cloudkitty-dbsync upgrade

Init the storage backend:


Setup Keystone

cloudkitty uses Keystone for authentication, and provides a rating service.

To integrate cloudkitty to Keystone, run the following commands (as OpenStack administrator):

openstack user create cloudkitty --password CK_PASSWORD --email cloudkitty@localhost
openstack role add --project service --user cloudkitty admin

Give the rating role to cloudkitty for each project that should be handled by cloudkitty:

openstack role create rating
openstack role add --project XXX --user cloudkitty rating

Create the rating service and its endpoints:

openstack service create rating --name cloudkitty \
    --description "OpenStack Rating Service"
openstack endpoint create rating --region RegionOne \
    public http://localhost:8889
openstack endpoint create rating --region RegionOne \
    admin http://localhost:8889
openstack endpoint create rating --region RegionOne \
    internal http://localhost:8889


The default port for the API service changed from 8888 to 8889 in the Newton release. If you installed Cloudkitty in an earlier version, make sure to either explicitly define the [api]/port setting to 8888 in cloudkitty.conf, or update your keystone endpoints to use the 8889 port.

Start cloudkitty

If you installed cloudkitty from packages

Start the API and processing services:

systemctl start cloudkitty-api.service
systemctl start cloudkitty-processor.service

If you installed cloudkitty from sources

Start the API and processing services:

cloudkitty-api --config-file /etc/cloudkitty/cloudkitty.conf
cloudkitty-processor --config-file /etc/cloudkitty/cloudkitty.conf