Pool Scheduler

Pool Scheduler

In designate we have a pluggable scheduler filter interface.

You can set an ordered list of filters to run on each zone create api request.

We provide a few basic filters below, and creating custom filters follows a similar pattern to schedulers.

You can create your own by extending designate.scheduler.filters.base.Filter and registering a new entry point in the designate.scheduler.filters namespace like so in your setup.cfg file:

designate.scheduler.filters =
    my_custom_filter = my_extention.filters.my_custom_filter:MyCustomFilter

The new filter can be added to the scheduler_filters list in the [service:central] section like so:


scheduler_filters = attribute, pool_id_attribute, fallback, random, my_custom_filter

The filters list is ran from left to right, so if the list is set to:


scheduler_filters = attribute, random

There will be two filters ran, the designate.scheduler.filters.attribute_filter.AttributeFilter followed by designate.scheduler.filters.random_filter.RandomFilter

Default Provided Filters

Base Class - Filter

class designate.scheduler.filters.base.Filter(storage)[source]

This is the base class used for filtering Pools.

This class should implement a single public function filter() which accepts a designate.objects.pool.PoolList and returns a designate.objects.pool.PoolList

filter(context, pools, zone)[source]

Filter list of supplied pools based on attributes in the request


designate.objects.pool.PoolList - Filtered list of Pools

Attribute Filter

class designate.scheduler.filters.attribute_filter.AttributeFilter(storage)[source]

Bases: designate.scheduler.filters.base.Filter

This allows users to choose the pool by supplying hints to this filter. These are provided as attributes as part of the zone object provided at zone create time.

    "attributes": {
        "pool_level": "gold",
        "fast_ttl": "true",
        "pops": "global",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "name": "example.com."

The zone attributes are matched against the potential pool candidates, and any pools that do not match all hints are removed.


This should be uses in conjunction with the designate.scheduler.impl_filter.filters.random_filter.RandomFilter in case of multiple Pools matching the filters, as without it, we will raise an error to the user.

name = ‘attribute’

Name to enable in the [designate:central:scheduler].filters option list

Pool ID Attribute Filter

class designate.scheduler.filters.pool_id_attribute_filter.PoolIDAttributeFilter(storage)[source]

Bases: designate.scheduler.filters.base.Filter

This allows users with the correct role to specify the exact pool_id to schedule the supplied zone to.

This is supplied as an attribute on the zone

    "attributes": {
        "pool_id": "794ccc2c-d751-44fe-b57f-8894c9f5c842"
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "name": "example.com."

The pool is loaded to ensure it exists, and then a policy check is performed to ensure the user has the correct role.


This should only be enabled if required, as it will raise a 403 Forbidden if a user without the correct role uses it.

filter(context, pools, zone)[source]

Attempt to load and set the pool to the one provided in the Zone attributes.


designate.objects.pool.PoolList – A PoolList with containing a single pool.


Forbidden, PoolNotFound

name = ‘pool_id_attribute’

Name to enable in the [designate:central:scheduler].filters option list

Random Filter

class designate.scheduler.filters.random_filter.RandomFilter(storage)[source]

Bases: designate.scheduler.filters.base.Filter

Randomly chooses one of the input pools if there is multiple supplied.


This should be used as one of the last filters, as it reduces the supplied pool list to one.

name = ‘random’

Name to enable in the [designate:central:scheduler].filters option list

Fallback Filter

class designate.scheduler.filters.fallback_filter.FallbackFilter(storage)[source]

Bases: designate.scheduler.filters.base.Filter

If there is no zones available to schedule to, this filter will insert the default_pool_id.


This should be used as one of the last filters, if you want to preserve behavior from before the scheduler existed.

name = ‘fallback’

Name to enable in the [designate:central:scheduler].filters option list

Default Pool Filter

class designate.scheduler.filters.default_pool_filter.DefaultPoolFilter(storage)[source]

Bases: designate.scheduler.filters.base.Filter

This filter will always return the default pool specified in the designate config file


This should be used as the only filter, as it will always return the same thing - a designate.objects.pool.PoolList with a single designate.objects.pool.Pool

name = ‘default_pool’

Name to enable in the [designate:central:scheduler].filters option list

In Doubt Default Pool Filter

class designate.scheduler.filters.in_doubt_default_pool_filter.InDoubtDefaultPoolFilter(storage)[source]

Bases: designate.scheduler.filters.base.Filter

If the previous filter(s) didn’t make a clear selection of one pool and if the default pool is in the set of multiple pools, this filter will select the default pool.

This filter will pass through the pool list, if there are one or less pools available to schedule to, or if the default pool is not in the set of multiple pools.


This should be used as one of the last filters.

name = ‘in_doubt_default_pool’

Name to enable in the [designate:central:scheduler].filters option list

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