Bootstrap node

Bootstrap node

The Fuel bootstrap nodes can be based on the CentOS or Ubuntu distributions and are respectively called CentOS or Ubuntu bootstrap nodes. In previous versions of Fuel, the Fuel bootstrap nodes were based exclusively on CentOS. However, since Fuel 7.0, you can select from the two bootstraps. Initially, the Ubuntu bootstrap was introduced as an experimental feature. In current version, the Ubuntu bootstrap feature is fully supported.

Ubuntu bootstrap

This section describes how to build and use the Ubuntu bootstrap.


The CentOS bootstrap located in the /var/www/nailgun/bootstrap folder. The Ubuntu bootstrap is located in the /var/www/nailgun/bootstraps/active folder. The bootstrap location can be changed in the future releases.

To modify a bootsrtap, use one of the following options:

  • Create a custom image for bootstrap to replace the default one.
  • Modify the copy of original bootstrap image manually and activate it.

Let’s take a look at every approach in more details.


Altering the active bootstrap image is quite risky. Please create a backup copy of the active bootstrap image, make your changes on a copy of the active bootstrap and activate the altered image later. You can always create new custom bootstrap if something goes wrong and activate the new bootstrap.

Creating a custom bootstrap node

You can create a new Ubuntu bootstrap using the fuel-bootsrtap command. To create and activate a new Ubuntu bootstrap:

  1. Build a new bootstrap image as a .tar archive.
  2. Import the configured image from the archive.
  3. Activate the new image.


The commands for creating the Ubuntu bootstrap vary for different versions of Fuel.

To build the new bootstrap image:

  1. Type the command:

    fuel-bootstrap build

    System response:

    Try to build image with data:
     container: {format: tar.gz, meta_file: metadata.yaml}
     extend_kopts: biosdevname=0 net.ifnames=1 debug ignore_loglevel log_buf_len=10M
       print_fatal_signals=1 LOGLEVEL=8
     extra_files: [/usr/share/fuel_bootstrap_cli/files/trusty]
     label: 93f117b9-65b7-41fa-ade2-52002989dda1
     - {mask: kernel, name: kernel, uri: ''}
     - {compress_format: xz, mask: initrd, name: initrd, uri: ''}
     - &id001 {compress_format: xz, container: raw, format: ext4, mask: rootfs, name: rootfs,
       uri: ''}
     post_script_file: null
     root_ssh_authorized_file: /root/.ssh/
     uuid: 93f117b9-65b7-41fa-ade2-52002989dda1
    Build process is in progress. Usually it takes 15-20 minutes. It depends on your Internet connection and hardware performance.
    --- Building bootstrap image (do_mkbootstrap) ---
    *** Preparing image space ***
    Installing BASE operating system into image
    Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Building initramfs
    Building squashfs
    squashfs_image clean-up
    Creating archive: /tmp/93f117b9-65b7-41fa-ade2-52002989dda1.tar.gz
    --- Building bootstrap image END (do_mkbootstrap) ---
    Cleanup chroot
    Bootstrap image 93f117b9-65b7-41fa-ade2-52002989dda1 has been built: /tmp/93f117b9-65b7-41fa-ade2-52002989dda1.tar.gz

    A new bootstrap image has been successfully built. By default, Fuel places the new bootstrap image into the /tmp folder. For example, /tmp/93f117b9-65b7-41fa-ade2-52002989dda1.tar.gz.

  2. Import the bootstrap image:

    fuel-bootstrap import /tmp/93f117b9-65b7-41fa-ade2-52002989dda1.tar.gz

    System response:

    fuel-bootstrap import /tmp/93f117b9-65b7-41fa-ade2-52002989dda1.tar.gz
    Try extract /tmp/93f117b9-65b7-41fa-ade2-52002989dda1.tar.gz to /tmp/tmpaLrxol
    Bootstrap image 93f117b9-65b7-41fa-ade2-52002989dda1 has been imported.
  3. Activate the bootstrap image:

    fuel-bootstrap activate 93f117b9-65b7-41fa-ade2-52002989dda1

    System response:

    Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Bootstrap image 93f117b9-65b7-41fa-ade2-52002989dda1 has been activated.


If you use Fuel 7.0, create and activate a custom Ubuntu bootstrap image using the following commands:

fuel-bootstrap-image-set ubuntu

See also:

  • Fuel Installation Guide

Modifying initramfs image manually for the bootstrap node

The fuel-bootstrap utility builds Ubuntu bootstrap. The bootstrap is split into two files: initrd.img and root.squashfs. Fuel downloads and unpacks the intrd.img file as a temporary file system during the PXE boot. The image makes initialization and downloads the root.squashfs image. After that, the root.squashfs is unpacked. The mount point of the file system is switched to root.squasfs.

There is a possibility to add a package into a bootstrap “on the fly” using the following command:

fuel-bootstrap build --package <package-name>

The command adds the package into both images: initrd.img and root.squashfs.

You can add an arbitrary files and folders into root.squasfs (but not to initrd.img) using the following command:

fuel-bootstrap build --extra-dir <root-path>

There are tasks that require editing a bootstrap manually. For example, adding kernel module binaries into initramfs and root.squashfs.

To edit the initramfs (initrd.img) image, unpack the image, modify, and pack it back. The initramfs image is a compressed cpio archive.


The initrd.img and root.squashfs location may vary for different Fuel versions.


Install squashfs-tools prior to working with the root.squashfs image.


Operating on active bootstrap may lead to the case when a suddenly rebooted node fails to download bootstrap images initrd and root.squashfs. The rebooted node will repeat the attempts until the bootstrap files have been updated and downloaded successfully. You can also create a new bootstrap image using the commands fuel-bootstrap build and fuel-bootstrap import. Modify the initrd and root.squashfs files as described below and activate this new image using the command fuel-bootstrap active <your-bootstrap>. In such case, use the /var/www/nailgun/bootstraps/<your-bootstrap> path to your bootstrap instead of /var/www/nailgun/bootstraps/active_bootstrap in the commands below.

To change the initramfs image (initrd.img) and root.squashfs, follow the steps below.

  1. Unpack initrd.img and root.squashfs:

    1. Create a folder for modifying bootstrap and copy the initramfs and root.squashfs images into it:

      mkdir /tmp/initrd-orig
      cp /var/www/nailgun/bootstraps/active_bootstrap/initrd.img /tmp/initrd-orig/
      cp /var/www/nailgun/bootstraps/active_bootstrap/root.squashfs /tmp/initrd-orig/
    2. Unpack initramfs.

      1. Uncompress the initrd.img file:

        cd /tmp/initrd-orig/
        mv initrd.img initrd.img.xz
        xz -d initrd.img.xz
      2. Unpack the cpio archive to the initramfs folder:

        mkdir initramfs
        cd initramfs
        cpio -i < ../initrd.img
    3. Unpack the root.squashfs image into the squashfs-root folder:

      cd /tmp/initrd-orig/
      unsquashfs root.squashfs
    4. See the RAM content that you will have in the bootstrap:

      ls -l /tmp/initrd-orig/initramfs
      ls -l /tmp/initrd-orig/squashfs-root
  2. Modify initrd.img and root.squashfs


    To add or update a new kernel module, use the depmod command. It will update the modules.alias and modules.dep files informing the kernel about the new module.


    There is a safe way to update kernel modules for Ubuntu, when the new module is installed into the /lib/modules/<version>/updates folder. The previous kernel module is still kept in the system, but hidden by the new module. When something goes wrong with the new module it can be easily removed from the /update folder and the older version of module will be returned back.

    1. Modify it as you need. For example, copy new kernel module aacraid into the initrd corresponding kernel folder:

      mkdir -p /tmp/initrd-orig/initramfs/lib/modules/3.13.0-77-generic/updates
      cp aacraid.ko /tmp/initrd-orig/initramfs/lib/modules/3.13.0-77-generic/updates
    2. Modify the squashfs-root by copying the new kernel module aacraid into the specified folder (kernel version may be different in your case):

      mkdir -p /tmp/initrd-orig/squashfs-root/lib/modules/3.13.0-77-generic/updates
      cp aacraid.ko /tmp/initrd-orig/squashfs-root/lib/modules/3.13.0-77-generic/updates
    3. Run depmod to update information about kernel modules on initrd and root.squashfs:

      depmod -a -b /tmp/initrd-orig/initramfs/ -F /tmp/initrd-orig/squashfs-root/boot/ 3.13.0-77-generic
      depmod -a -b /tmp/initrd-orig/squashfs-root/ -F /tmp/initrd-orig/squashfs-root/boot/ 3.13.0-77-generic

      See depmod command parameters:

      depmod -a -b <base dir> -F < location> <kernel version>

      System response

      ====  =================================================================
       -a     Rebuild information for all modules
       -b     Base folder, If your modules are not currently in the (normal)
              directory /lib/modules/version. In our case it were the folders
              where initramfs and root.squasfs
       -F     location of the produced when the kernel was built
      ====  =================================================================


      It is important to pass a correct kernel version to the depmod command at the end of the parameters. Otherwise, the version of the current kernel on the Fuel master node will be used.

      The following files will be modified in the initramfs and squashfs-root folders after running the depmod command:

      • lib/modules/3.13.0-77-generic/modules.alias
      • lib/modules/3.13.0-77-generic/modules.alias.bin
      • lib/modules/3.13.0-77-generic/modules.dep
      • lib/modules/3.13.0-77-generic/modules.dep.bin
      • lib/modules/3.13.0-77-generic/modules.symbols.bin

      To get more information on how to:

      • Pass options to a module
      • Start dependent modules
      • Start black-list modules

      see the modprobe.d man page.

  3. Pack the initramfs and squashfs-root

    1. Pack the initramfs back to image:

      cd /tmp/initrd-orig/initramfs
      find . | cpio --quiet -o -H newc | xz --check=crc32 > ../
    2. Pack the squashfs to the


      squashfs utilities (mksquashfs) installed on a user’s machine or the Fuel Master node can be incompatible with squashfs code in the bootstrap kernel. To verify the generated squashfs image is compatible with the bootstrap kernel, use mksquashfs utility installed in squashfs-root. A simple way to do that is using bind mounts:

      cd /tmp/initrd-orig
      mkdir -p /tmp/initrd-orig/squashfs-root/mnt/dst
      mkdir -p /tmp/initrd-orig/dst
      mount --bind dst squashfs-root/mnt/dst
      chroot squashfs-root mksquashfs / /mnt/dst/ -comp xz -noappend -e /mnt/dst
      # clean up
      umount squashfs-root/mnt/dst

      The output of the mksquashfs command should be as follows:

      mksquashfs squashfs-root -comp xz
        quashfs squashfs-root -comp xz
        Parallel mksquashfs: Using 2 processors
        Creating 4.0 filesystem on, block size 131072.
        [================================================\] 105857/105857 100%
        Exportable Squashfs 4.0 filesystem, xz compressed, data block size 131072
          compressed data, compressed metadata, compressed fragments, compressed xattrs
          duplicates are removed
        Filesystem size 598514.76 Kbytes (584.49 Mbytes)
          47.89% of uncompressed filesystem size (1249842.98 Kbytes)
        Inode table size 933186 bytes (911.31 Kbytes)
          23.04% of uncompressed inode table size (4050950 bytes)
        Directory table size 1904568 bytes (1859.93 Kbytes)
          48.93% of uncompressed directory table size (3892589 bytes)
        Number of duplicate files found 7780
        Number of inodes 121770
        Number of files 106698
        Number of fragments 4627
        Number of symbolic links  6388
        Number of device nodes 81
        Number of fifo nodes 0
        Number of socket nodes 0
        Number of directories 8603
        Number of ids (unique uids + gids) 18
        Number of uids 4
          root (0)
          unknown (102)
          unknown (100)
          unknown (101)
        Number of gids 17
          root (0)
          unknown (44)
          unknown (29)
          tty (5)
          man (15)
          disk (6)
          unknown (42)
          unknown (102)
          unknown (43)
          unknown (103)
          mem (8)
          unknown (106)
          ftp (50)
          unknown (101)
          unknown (105)
          adm (4)
          unknown (104)
    3. Copy new files and update the current bootstrap

      cp dst/ /var/www/nailgun/bootstraps/active_bootstrap/
      cd /var/www/nailgun/bootstraps/active_bootstrap/
      mv initrd.img initrd.img.orig
      mv root.squashfs root.squashfs.orig
      cp initrd.img
      cp root.squashfs
      cobbler sync
    4. Clean up. Remove /tmp/initrd-orig temporary folder:

      rm -Rf /tmp/initrd-orig

Creating Ubuntu chroot on the Fuel Master node


There is an alternative way of creating a chroot folder on the Fuel Master node. You can download prebuilt VM images for Ubuntu and run it with your favorite hypervisor. You can also use an IBP Ubuntu image which is built to your Fuel Master node.

This section describes how to create a chroot with Ubuntu on the Fuel Master node and provides the implementation script.

Creating a chroot folder on Ubuntu can be useful for:

  • Rebuilding kernel modules for Ubuntu
  • Creating DKMS DEB packages from sources
  • Building kernel modules binaries for a given kernel version with DKMS

The script below creates chroot on the Fuel Master node using a prebuilt Ubuntu cloud image trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz that is downloaded from the VM images site. The name of the image and the link are kept in the UBUNTU_IMAGE and PREBUILT_IMAGE_LINK variables respectively.


Before you copy and run the script, modify the UBUNTU_IMAGE, PREBUILT_IMAGE_LINK, DISTRO_RELEASE, KERNEL_FLAVOR, or MIRROR_DISTRO variables if required.

The script completes the following steps:

  1. Creates chroot in the /tmp folder with the ubuntu-chroot.XXXXX template name (where XXXXX is substituted with digits and characters, for example, /tmp/ubuntu-chroot.Yusk8G).
  2. Mounts the /proc filesystem and creates a /dev folder with links to /proc into the chroot folder.
  3. Prepares a configuration for the apt package manager.
  4. Downloads and installs an additional set of packages, listed in the UBUNTU_PKGS variable, to chroot. The packages are required to build DKMS and deal with the DEB packages. These packages are: linux-headers, dkms, build-essential, and debhelper.


The Fuel Master node should have access to the Internet to download a required DEB package from the Ubuntu repository.

Unmount the chroot/proc file system and delete chroot when you do not need it anymore.


# Define the kernel flavor and path to the link to a prebuild image.
[ -z "$KERNEL_FLAVOR"  ] && KERNEL_FLAVOR="-generic-lts-trusty"
[ -z "$UBUNTU_IMAGE"   ] && UBUNTU_IMAGE="trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz"
[ -z "$PREBUILT_IMAGE_LINK" ] && \

UBUNTU_PKGS="linux-headers${KERNEL_FLAVOR} linux-firmware dkms build-essential debhelper"

# Create a temporary directory (ubuntu-chroot) using the command:
# [ -z "$root_dir"  ] &&
root_dir=$(mktemp -d --tmpdir ubuntu-chroot.XXXXX)
chmod 755 ${root_dir}

# Download a prebuilt image and un-tar it.
# Check if it has been downloaded already.
if [ ! -e "$UBUNTU_IMAGE" ]; then
 # download
tar -xzvf "${UBUNTU_IMAGE}" -C ${root_dir}

# Install required packages and resolve dependencies.
chroot $root_dir  env \
             LC_ALL=C \
             DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \
             TMPDIR=/tmp \
             TMP=/tmp \
             PATH=$PATH:/sbin:/bin \
             apt-get update

chroot $root_dir  env \
             LC_ALL=C \
             DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \
             TMPDIR=/tmp \
             TMP=/tmp \
             PATH=$PATH:/sbin:/bin \
             apt-get install --force-yes --yes $UBUNTU_PKGS

echo "Don't forget to delete $root_dir at the end"

Adding DKMS kernel modules into bootstrap (Ubuntu)

The key strength of Dynamic Kernel Module Support (DKMS) is the ability to rebuild the required kernel module for a different version of kernels. But there is a drawback of installing DKMS kernel modules into bootstrap. DKMS builds a module during installation, that queries the installation of additional packages like linux-headers and a tool-chain building. It unnecessarily oversizes the bootstrap. The DKMS package actually should be installed into an IBP (image-based provisioning) image, which will be deployed on nodes and be re-built during the kernel updates.


You can add kernel modules on bootstrap by making the kernel module binaries in a form of a DEB package and by installing the package on bootstrap like other packages.

DKMS provides an ability to build a DEB package and a disk driver archive on the fly from sources.

Ubuntu packages can be built on the Fuel Master node in chroot with Ubuntu deployed in chroot. For details, see Creating Ubuntu chroot on the Fuel Master node.

To create a DKMS package in the .deb format:

  1. Copy the required module sources to a folder with the corresponding name located in /usr/src of chroot.
  2. Create a dkms.conf configuration file in the /usr/src directory.
  3. Optimize the dkms.conf file as described in the Example of an improved dkms.conf file section.


If you already have a DKMS package built with sources and want to simply export the kernel module binaries to DEB format, install the existing DKMS package into the chroot folder (and skip the Creating DKMS chapter).

Creating a DKMS package from sources

Before creating a DKMS package from sources, verify that you have completed the following steps:

  1. Create the chroot folder.
  2. Install the following packages to the chroot folder: DKMS, build-essential, and debhelper.

Once you complete the steps above, create a DKMS package from sources:

  1. Create a folder for a required kernel module in the <module name>-<version> format in the /usr/src directory located in chroot. For example, if the module name is i40e and module version is 1.3.47, create a /usr/src/i40e-1.3.47 folder in chroot.
  2. Copy the sources into the created folder.
  3. Create and modify a dkms.conf file in the <chroot folder>/usr/src/<module>-<version>/ directory.

Example of a minimal dkms.conf file

Below is an example of a minimal dkms.conf file:


The parameters in the minimal dkms.conf file are obligatory but not sufficient to build a module. Therefore, proceed with adding additional parameters to the dkms.conf file to make it operational. See the Example of an improved dkms.conf file section for details.

Example of an improved dkms.conf file

To make your dkms.conf file operational, add and configure the following fields: MAKE, CLEAN, and BUILD_MODULE_LOCATION. There are also internal variables in DKMS that you can use in dkms.conf, for example, $kernelver. For details, see DKMS Manual page.

The table below lists the fields that we use in our example to optimize the dkms.conf file:

PACKAGE_NAME The DKMS package name.
PACKAGE_VERSION The DKMS package version.
BUILT_MODULE_NAME The binary kernel module name to be installed.
DEST_MODULE_LOCATION The install location of the binary kernel module.
MAKE The make command to build the kernel module bounded to the kernel version, sources, and so on.
BUILD_KERNEL The kernel version for which the module should be build. Use an internal variable $kernelver here.
CLEAN The clean directive to clean up after the module build.
BUILT_MODULE_LOCATION The location of the sources in the DKMS tree.
REMAKE_INITRD Whether the initrd will be rebuilt or not when the module is installed.

For the i40e module that is used in our example, the following configuration is applied:

MAKE="make -C src/ KERNELDIR=/lib/modules/\${kernelver}/build"
CLEAN="make -C src/ clean"


The path that is set in the configuration file is bound to the DKMS tree. For example, DEST_MODULE_LOCATION="/updates" actually means /lib/modules/$kernelver/updates.

We recommend that you install new modules in the /updates directory for a safe update of the kernel modules.

Exporting DKMS package and kernel binaries

When dkms.conf is ready, you can build the binaries in chroot and export the DKMS package with kernel module binaries to the .deb format.

Use the DKMS commands to add and build a DKMS module for a particular kernel version.

When the build is done, run the following commands to create a DEB package and a disk-driver .tar archive in chroot:


See details in the bash script below.

The script builds a DKMS package in chroot. The output is a disk-driver archive containing the module binaries built against the kernel installed in the chroot .

The second produced package is a DKMS module. The output is placed into the /tmp/dkms-deb folder:

$ ls /tmp/dkms-deb/
i40e-1.3.47-ubuntu-dd.tar  i40e-dkms_1.3.47_all.deb
The script requires following parameters to be provided:
$1 - ``chroot`` folder with Ubuntu has been deployed
$2 - module name
$3 - module version
$4 - path to the folder where is sources of the kernel module


The script unmounts the /proc file system from chroot and finally deletes chroot made by the first script. Run the script with the root privileges.

# Check passed parameters, expectations are following:
# $1 - chroot folder with Ubuntu has been deployed
# $2 - module name
# $3 - module version
# $4 - path to the folder where is sources of the kernel module

if [ $# != 4 ] ;
  echo "ERR: Passed wrong number of parameters, the expectation are following"
  echo " $1 - chroot folder with Ubuntu has been deployed"
  echo " $2 - module name"
  echo " $3 - module version"
  echo " $4 - path to the folder where is sources of the module"
  echo "$0 <chroot_dir> <module-name> <module-version> <path-to-src>"
  exit 1;
   root_dir=$1 # chroot folder
if [ ! -d "$root_dir" ]  ||  [ ! -d "$module_src_dir" ] ;
    echo "ERR: The $root_dir or $module_src_dir was not found";
    exit 1;


# Create the folder ${root_dir}/usr/src/${module-name}-${module-version}
mkdir -p "${root_dir}/usr/src/${module_name}-${module_version}"
chmod 755 "${root_dir}/usr/src/${module_name}-${module_version}"

# Copy sources into the folder
cp -R "$module_src_dir"/* \

# Create the dkms.conf package
cat > "${root_dir}/usr/src/${module_name}-${module_version}/dkms.conf" <<-EOF
MAKE="make -C src/ KERNELDIR=/lib/modules/\${kernelver}/build"
CLEAN="make -C src/ clean"

# Deduce the kernel version
KERNELDIR=$(ls -d ${root_dir}/lib/modules/*)

# Build the binaries by DKMS
# Add the dkms
chroot $root_dir  env \
                LC_ALL=C \
                DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \
                DEBCONF_NONINTERACTIVE_SEEN=true \
                TMPDIR=/tmp \
                TMP=/tmp \
                PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin \
                BUILD_KERNEL=${kv} \
                dkms add -m "${module_name}"/"${module_version}" -k ${kv}

# Build the kernel module by dkms
chroot $root_dir  env \
                LC_ALL=C \
                DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \
                DEBCONF_NONINTERACTIVE_SEEN=true \
                TMPDIR=/tmp \
                TMP=/tmp \
                PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin \
                BUILD_KERNEL=${kv} \
                dkms build -m "${module_name}"/"${module_version}" -k ${kv}

# Create the deb-dkms package
chroot $root_dir  env \
                LC_ALL=C \
                DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \
                DEBCONF_NONINTERACTIVE_SEEN=true \
                TMPDIR=/tmp \
                TMP=/tmp \
                PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin \
                BUILD_KERNEL=${kernelver} \
                dkms mkdeb -m "${module_name}"/"${module_version}" -k ${kv}

# Create the disk-driver archive with
# module binaries in deb package ready to install on bootstrap
chroot $root_dir  env \
                LC_ALL=C \
                DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \
                DEBCONF_NONINTERACTIVE_SEEN=true \
                TMPDIR=/tmp \
                TMP=/tmp \
                BUILD_KERNEL=${kv} \
                PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin \
                dkms mkdriverdisk -m "${module_name}"/"${module_version}" \
                        -k ${kv} -d ubuntu --media tar

# Create /tmp/dkms-deb folder and copy the created deb file into it
if [ ! -d "${output_dir}" ];
   mkdir -p ${output_dir}
# Copy the built deb dkms package into the folder
# and driver disk tar archive.i
# The archive contains the binary module as a deb package for given kernel version
cp ${root_dir}/var/lib/dkms/${module_name}/${module_version}/deb/*.deb ${output_dir}
cp ${root_dir}/var/lib/dkms/${module_name}/${module_version}/driver_disk/*.tar ${output_dir}

# Don't forget to umount ${root_dir}/proc and remove ${root_dir}
umount ${root_dir}/proc
rm -Rf ${root_dir}

Extracting kernel module binaries

The /tmp/dkms-deb folder contains a built DKMS DEB package. You can install it into IBP. The DEB package with the kernel module binaries built for a given kernel version is archived in the disk-driver archive.

Unpack the .tar file and copy the .deb file into the repository. For example, if the archive is i40e-1.3.47-ubuntu-dd.tar and the i40e module was built for kernel 3.13.0-77-generic, the output should be the following:

tar -xvf i40e-1.3.47-ubuntu-dd.tar

The i40e_1.3.47-3.13.0-77-generic_x86_64.deb package contains the kernel module binaries for kernel 3.13.0-77-generic that you install on the bootstrap with the kernel.


Updating the new kernel for Ubuntu requires rebuilding the DKMS package against a new kernel in order to get the module binaries package.

Known Issues

Not all the kernel module sources can be compiled by DKMS.

DKMS builds the given drivers sources against different kernels versions. The ABI (kernel functions) may be changed among different kernels, and the compilation of a module can potentially fail when calling non-existing of expired functions.

The example below shows an attempt to build a module taken from one kernel version against the other kernel version:

# dkms build -m be2net/10.4u

Kernel preparation unnecessary for this kernel.  Skipping...

Building module:
make clean
make: *** No rule to make target `clean'.  Stop.
(bad exit status: 2)
{ make KERNELRELEASE=3.13.0-77-generic -C /lib/modules/3.13.0-77-generic/build SUBDIRS=/var/lib/dkms/be2net/10.4u/build modules; } >> /var/lib/dkms/be2net/10.4u/build/make.log 2>&1
(bad exit status: 2)
ERROR (dkms apport): binary package for be2net: 10.4u not found
Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 3.13.0-77-generic (x86_64)
Consult /var/lib/dkms/be2net/10.4u/build/make.log for more information.

The make.log file contains errors that some functions or structures have not been declared or declared implicitly:

# cat /var/lib/dkms/be2net/10.4u/build/make.log
DKMS make.log for be2net-10.4u for kernel 3.13.0-77-generic (x86_64)

make: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-3.13.0-77-generic'
CC [M]  /var/lib/dkms/be2net/10.4u/build/be_main.o
/var/lib/dkms/be2net/10.4u/build/be_main.c: In function ‘be_mac_addr_set’:
/var/lib/dkms/be2net/10.4u/build/be_main.c:315:2: error: implicit declaration of function ‘ether_addr_copy’ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]
ether_addr_copy(netdev->dev_addr, addr->sa_data);
/var/lib/dkms/be2net/10.4u/build/be_main.c: In function ‘be_get_tx_vlan_tag’:
/var/lib/dkms/be2net/10.4u/build/be_main.c:727:2: error: implicit declaration of function ‘skb_vlan_tag_get’ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]
vlan_tag = skb_vlan_tag_get(skb);
/var/lib/dkms/be2net/10.4u/build/be_main.c: In function ‘be_get_wrb_params_from_skb’:
/var/lib/dkms/be2net/10.4u/build/be_main.c:789:2: error: implicit declaration of function ‘skb_vlan_tag_present’ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]
if (skb_vlan_tag_present(skb)) {
/var/lib/dkms/be2net/10.4u/build/be_main.c: In function ‘be_insert_vlan_in_pkt’:
/var/lib/dkms/be2net/10.4u/build/be_main.c:1001:3: error: implicit declaration of function ‘vlan_insert_tag_set_proto’ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]
 skb = vlan_insert_tag_set_proto(skb, htons(ETH_P_8021Q),
/var/lib/dkms/be2net/10.4u/build/be_main.c:1001:7: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast [enabled by default]
 skb = vlan_insert_tag_set_proto(skb, htons(ETH_P_8021Q),
/var/lib/dkms/be2net/10.4u/build/be_main.c:1011:7: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast [enabled by default]
 skb = vlan_insert_tag_set_proto(skb, htons(ETH_P_8021Q),
/var/lib/dkms/be2net/10.4u/build/be_main.c: In function ‘be_xmit_workarounds’:
/var/lib/dkms/be2net/10.4u/build/be_main.c:1132:3: error: implicit declaration of function ‘skb_put_padto’ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]
 if (skb_put_padto(skb, 36))
/var/lib/dkms/be2net/10.4u/build/be_main.c: In function ‘be_xmit’:
/var/lib/dkms/be2net/10.4u/build/be_main.c:1299:19: error: ‘struct sk_buff’ has no member named ‘xmit_more’
bool flush = !skb->xmit_more;

To make the kernel module sources compatible with different kernels, the sources should contain the wrappers, which are re-declaring changed functions depending on the kernel version. This work should be done by driver developers.

The example below shows the compat.h file wrapper:

* This file is part of the Linux NIC driver for Emulex networking products.
* Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Emulex. All rights reserved.
* EMULEX and SLI are trademarks of Emulex.
* [email protected]
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details, a copy of which
* can be found in the file COPYING included with this package

#ifndef BE_COMPAT_H
#define BE_COMPAT_H

#define RHEL


#define RHEL_RELEASE_VERSION(a,b) (((a) << 8) + (b))


/*************************** NAPI backport ********************************/

/* RHEL 5.4+ has a half baked napi_struct implementation.
* Bypass it and use simulated NAPI using multiple netdev structs
#ifdef RHEL
typedef struct napi_struct        rhel_napi;

#define netif_napi_add           netif_napi_add_compat
#define netif_napi_del           netif_napi_del_compat
#define napi_gro_frags(napi)     napi_gro_frags((rhel_napi*) napi)
#define napi_get_frags(napi)     napi_get_frags((rhel_napi*) napi)
#define vlan_gro_frags(napi, g, v)    vlan_gro_frags((rhel_napi*) napi, g, v);
#define napi_schedule(napi)      netif_rx_schedule((napi)->dev)
#define napi_enable(napi)        netif_poll_enable((napi)->dev)
#define napi_disable(napi)       netif_poll_disable((napi)->dev)
#define napi_complete(napi)      napi_gro_flush((rhel_napi *)napi); \
#define napi_schedule_prep(napi)    netif_rx_schedule_prep((napi)->dev)
#define __napi_schedule(napi)        __netif_rx_schedule((napi)->dev)

#define napi_struct           napi_struct_compat

struct napi_struct_compat {
#ifdef RHEL
   rhel_napi napi;    /* must be the first member */
   struct net_device *dev;
   int (*poll) (struct napi_struct *napi, int budget);

extern void netif_napi_del_compat(struct napi_struct *napi);
extern void netif_napi_add_compat(struct net_device *, struct napi_struct *,
              int (*poll) (struct napi_struct *, int), int);
#endif /*********************** NAPI backport *****************************/

CentOS bootstrap

This section describes creating a custom CentOS bootstrap image.


Since the Fuel 8.0 version, CentOS bootstrap is depricated and not recommended for using.

Creating and injecting the initrd_update into bootstrap

A typical use case for creating initrd_update looks as follows: a great number of proprietary drivers for equipment cannot be shipped with GA Fuel ISO due to legal issues and should be installed by users themselves.

That means, you can add (or inject) the required issues (drivers, scripts etc.) during Fuel ISO installation procedure.

Injection workflow consists of several stages:

  1. Prepare the injected initramfs image with the required kernel modules (for CentOS).
  2. Modify bootstrap (CentOS)

Prepare injected initramfs image for CentOS

The injected initramfs image should contain the files what are going to be put on (or let’s say injected into) the original initramfs on the bootstrap in addition to the deployed (original) RAM file system.

The injected initramfs image should have the following structure:


Let’s put all required files into the folder called dd-src and create the image. For example, we need the 2.6.32-504 (CentOs 6.6) kernel:

  1. Create the working folder dd-src:

    mkdir dd-src
  2. Put the kernel modules into:

    mkdir -p ./dd-src/lib/modules/2.6.32-504.1.3.el6.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi
    cp hpvsa.ko ./dd-src/lib/modules/2.6.32-504.1.3.el6.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi
  3. Put the <module-name>.conf file with the modprobe command into the etc/modprobe.d/ folder:

    mkdir -p ./dd-src/etc/modprobe.d/
    echo modprobe hpvsa > ./dd-src/etc/modprobe.d/hpvsa.conf
    chmod +x ./dd-src/etc/modprobe.d/hpvsa.conf

    There is the second (deprecated) way: create the /etc/rc.modules executable file and list the command to probe with the module name. Do not use /etc/rc.local file for this purpose, because it is too late for init hardware:

    mkdir ./dd-src/etc
    echo modprobe hpvsa > ./dd-src/etc/rc.modules
    chmod +x ./dd-src/etc/rc.modules
  4. Create the dd-src.tar.gz file for coping to the Fuel Master node:

    tar -czvf dd-src.tar.gz ./dd-src

    The dd-src.tar.gz file can now be copied to the Fuel Master node.

Adding initrd_update image to the bootstrap


Currently, the bootstrap is based on CentOS (kernel and modules).

Assume that the Fuel Master node has been deployed:

  1. Connect to the Fuel Master node:

    ssh root@<your-Fuel-Master-node-IP>
  2. Prepare initramfs update image:

    tar -xzvf dd-src.tar.gz
    cd dd-src
    find . | cpio --quiet -o -H newc | gzip -9 > /tmp/initrd_update.img
  3. Copy into the TFTP (PXE) bootstrap folder:

    cp /tmp/initrd_update.img /var/www/nailgun/bootstrap/
    chmod 755 /var/www/nailgun/bootstrap/initrd_update.img
  4. Copy inside the cobbler container to the folder:

    dockerctl copy initrd_update.img cobbler:/var/lib/tftpboot/initrd_update.img
  5. Modify the bootstrap menu initrd parameter.

    • Log into the cobbler container:

      dockerctl shell cobbler
    • Get the variable kopts variable value:

      cobbler profile dumpvars --name=bootstrap | grep kernel_options
      kernel_options : ksdevice=bootif locale=en_US text mco_user=mcollective initrd=initrd_update.img biosdevname=0 lang url= priority=critical mco_pass=HfQqE2Td kssendmac
    • Add initrd=initrd_update.img at the beginning of the string and re-sync the container. It turns into the kernel parameter passing to the kernel on boot ‘initrd=initramfs.img,initrd_update.img’:

      cobbler profile edit --name bootstrap --kopts='initrd=initrd_update.img ksdevice=bootif lang=  locale=en_US text mco_user=mcollective priority=critical url= biosdevname=0 mco_pass=HfQqE2Td kssendmac'
      cobbler sync

Modifying initramfs image manually for bootstrap node

To edit the initramfs (initrd) image, you should unpack it, modify and pack back. Initramfs image is a gzip-ed cpio archive.

To change initramfs image, follow these steps:

  1. Create a folder for modifying initramfs image and copy the initramfs image into it:

    mkdir /tmp/initrd-orig
    dockerctl copy cobbler:/var/lib/tftpboot/images/bootstrap/initramfs.img /tmp/initrd-orig/
  2. Unpack initramfs image. First of all, unzip it:

    cd /tmp/initrd-orig/
    mv initramfs.img initramfs.img.gz
    gunzip initramfs.img.gz
  3. Unpack the cpio archive to the initramfs folder:

    mkdir initramfs
    cd initramfs
    cpio -i < ../initramfs.img
  4. Now you have the file system what you have in the RAM on the bootstrap:

    ls -l /tmp/initrd-orig/initramfs
  5. Modify it as you need. For example, copy files or modify the scripts:

      cp hpvsa.ko lib/modules/2.6.32-504.1.3.el6.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi/
      echo "modprobe hpvsa" > etc/modprobe.d/hpvsa.conf
    To get more information on how to pass options to
    the module, start dependent modules or black-list modules please,
    consult see the *modprobe.d* man page.
        vi etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
  6. Pack the initramfs back to image:

    cd /tmp/initrd-orig/initramfs
    find . | cpio --quiet -o -H newc | gzip -9 > /tmp/
  7. Clean up. Remove /tmp/initrd-orig temporary folder:

    rm -Rf /tmp/initrd-orig/

Creating a custom bootstrap node

This option requires further investigation and will be introduced in the near future.

Replacing default bootstrap node with the custom one

Let’s suppose that you have created or modified the initramfs image. It is placed in the /tmp folder under name.

To replace the default bootstrap with the custom, follow these steps:

  1. Save the previous initramfs image:

    mv /var/www/nailgun/bootstrap/initramfs.img /var/www/nailgun/bootstrap/initramfs.img.old
  2. Copy the new initramfs image into the bootstrap folder:

    cd /tmp
    cp /var/www/nailgun/bootstrap/initramfs.img
    dockerctl copy /var/www/nailgun/bootstrap/initramfs.img cobbler:/var/lib/tftpboot/images/bootstrap/initramfs.img
  3. Make the Cobbler update the files:

    cobbler sync
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Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.
