Horizon includes a componentized API for programmatically creating tables in the UI. Why would you want this? It means that every table renders correctly and consistently, table-level and row-level actions all have a consistent API and appearance, and generally you don’t have to reinvent the wheel or copy-and-paste every time you need a new table!
See also
For usage information, tips & tricks and more examples check out the DataTables Topic Guide.
The core class which defines the high-level structure of the table being represented. Example:
class MyTable(DataTable):
name = Column('name')
email = Column('email')
class Meta(object):
name = "my_table"
table_actions = (MyAction, MyOtherAction)
row_actions = (MyAction)
A full reference is included below:
(request, data=None, needs_form_wrapper=None, **kwargs)[source]¶A class which defines a table with all data and associated actions.
¶String. Read-only access to the name specified in the table’s Meta options.
¶Boolean. Read-only access to whether or not this table should display a column for multi-select checkboxes.
¶Read-only access to the data this table represents.
¶Read-only access to the data this table represents, filtered by
the filter()
method of the table’s
class (if one is provided)
using the current request’s query parameters.
(statuses)[source]¶Returns a boolean value determining the overall row status.
It is detremined based on the dictionary of column name to status mappings passed in.
By default, it uses the following logic:
, return False
but any or None
, return None
, return True
.This provides the greatest protection against false positives without weighting any particular columns.
The statuses
parameter is passed in as a dictionary mapping
column names to their statuses in order to allow this function to
be overridden in such a way as to weight one column’s status over
another should that behavior be desired.
(request)[source]¶Determine whether the request should be handled by this table.
()[source]¶Returns the canonical URL for this table.
This is used for the POST action attribute on the form element wrapping the table. In many cases it is also useful for redirecting after a successful action on the table.
For convenience it defaults to the value of
with any query string stripped off,
e.g. the path at which the table was requested.
()[source]¶Get the filter field value used for ‘server’ type filters.
This is the value from the filter action’s list of filter choices.
()[source]¶Return the message to be displayed first in the filter.
when the user needs to provide a search criteria first before loading any data.
()[source]¶Get the filter string value.
For ‘server’ type filters this is saved in the session so that it gets persisted across table loads. For other filter types this is obtained from the POST dict.
()[source]¶Returns the full URL path for this table.
This is used for the POST action attribute on the form element wrapping the table. We use this method to persist the pagination marker.
()[source]¶Returns the identifier for the last object in the current data set.
The return value will be used as marker/limit-based paging in the API.
(lookup)[source]¶Returns the data object whose ID matches loopup
The data object is looked up from the table’s dataset and
the data which matches the lookup
parameter specified.
An error will be raised if the match is not a single data object.
We will convert the object id and lookup
to unicode before
Uses get_object_id()
(datum)[source]¶Returns a display name that identifies this object.
By default, this returns a name
attribute from the given object,
but this can be overridden to return other values.
(datum)[source]¶Returns the identifier for the object this row will represent.
By default this returns an id
attribute on the given object,
but this can be overridden to return other values.
Make sure that the value returned is a unique value for the id otherwise rendering issues can occur.
()[source]¶Returns the identifier for the first object in the current data set.
The return value will be used as marker/limit-based paging in the API.
()[source]¶Returns the query parameter string to paginate to the prev page.
(status)[source]¶Returns a css class name determined by the status value.
This class name is used to indicate the status of the rows in the table
if any status_columns
have been specified.
¶Indicates whether there are any available actions on this table.
Returns a boolean value.
()[source]¶Returns a boolean value indicating whether there is more data.
Returns True if there is more data available to this table from the source (generally an API).
The method is largely meant for internal use, but if you want to override it to provide custom behavior you can do so at your own risk.
()[source]¶Returns a boolean value indicating whether there is previous data.
Returns True if there is previous data available to this table from the source (generally an API).
The method is largely meant for internal use, but if you want to override it to provide custom behavior you can do so at your own risk.
(request, table_name, action_name, obj_id, new_row)[source]¶Inline edit handler.
Showing form or handling update by POST of the cell.
(request, datum, cell, obj_id, cell_name)[source]¶Handling update by POST of the cell.
()[source]¶Handles table actions if needed.
It determines whether the request should be handled by any action on this table after data has been loaded.
()[source]¶Determine whether the request should be handled in earlier phase.
It determines the request should be handled by a preemptive action on this table or by an AJAX row update before loading any data.
¶Returns if this table should be rendered wrapped in a <form>
Returns a boolean value.
(action_string)[source]¶Parses the action_string
parameter sent back with the POST data.
By default this parses a string formatted as
{{ table_name }}__{{ action_name }}__{{ row_id }}
and returns
each of the pieces. The row_id
is optional.
(datum, row=False)[source]¶Renders the actions specified in Meta.row_actions
The actions are rendered using the current row data. If row is True, the actions are rendered in a row of buttons. Otherwise they are rendered in a dropdown box.
(obj_id)[source]¶Override to modify an incoming obj_id to match existing API.
It is used to modify an incoming obj_id (used in Horizon) to the data type or format expected by the API.
The following options can be defined in a Meta
class inside a
class. Example:
class MyTable(DataTable):
class Meta(object):
name = "my_table"
verbose_name = "My Table"
(options)[source]¶Contains options for DataTable
¶A short name or slug for the table.
¶A more verbose name for the table meant for display purposes.
¶A list of column objects or column names. Controls ordering/display of the columns in the table.
¶A list of action classes derived from the
class. These actions will handle tasks
such as bulk deletion, etc. for multiple objects at once.
A list of action classes similar to table_actions
except these
will be displayed in a menu instead of as individual buttons. Actions
from this list will take precedence over actions from the
A label of a menu button for table_actions_menu
. The default is
“Actions” or “More Actions” depending on table_actions
¶A list similar to table_actions
except tailored to appear for
each row. These actions act on a single object at a time.
¶Boolean value to control rendering of an additional column containing
the various actions for each row. Defaults to True
if any actions
are specified in the row_actions
¶Boolean value to control rendering of an extra column with checkboxes
for selecting multiple objects in the table. Defaults to True
any actions are specified in the table_actions
¶Boolean value to control the display of the “filter” search box
in the table actions. By default it checks whether or not an instance
of FilterAction
is in table_actions
¶String containing the template which should be used to render the
table. Defaults to "horizon/common/_data_table.html"
¶String containing the template which should be used to render the
row actions dropdown. Defaults to
¶String containing the template which should be used to render the
row actions. Defaults to
¶String containing the template which should be used to render the
table actions. Defaults to
¶The name of the context variable which will contain the table when
it is rendered. Defaults to "table"
¶The name of the query string parameter which will be used when
paginating backward in this table. When using multiple tables in a
single view this will need to be changed to differentiate between the
tables. Default: "prev_marker"
¶The name of the query string parameter which will be used when
paginating forward in this table. When using multiple tables in a
single view this will need to be changed to differentiate between the
tables. Default: "marker"
¶A list or tuple of column names which represents the “state” of the data object being represented.
If status_columns
is set, when the rows are rendered the value
of this column will be used to add an extra class to the row in
the form of "status_up"
or "status_down"
for that row’s
The row status is used by other Horizon components to trigger tasks such as dynamic AJAX updating.
¶The class which should be used for rendering the cells of this table.
Optional. Default: Cell
¶The class which should be used for rendering the rows of this table.
Optional. Default: Row
¶The class which should be used for handling the columns of this table.
Optional. Default: Column
¶A custom CSS class or classes to add to the <table>
tag of the
rendered table, for when the particular table requires special styling.
Default: ""
¶A toggle to indicate if the table accepts two or more types of data.
Optional. Default: False
¶A list of data types that this table would accept. Default to be an
empty list, but if the attribute mixed_data_type
is set to
, then this list must have at least one element.
¶The name of an attribute to assign to data passed to the table when it
accepts mix data. Default: "_table_data_type"
Boolean to control whether or not to show the table’s footer.
Default: True
Boolean to control whether or not to show the table’s title.
Default: True
¶A list of permission names which this table requires in order to be
displayed. Defaults to an empty list ([]
You can integrate the DataTable
with a Django Formset using one of following classes:
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶A mixin for DataTable to support Django Formsets.
This works the same as the FormsetDataTable
below, but can be used
to add to existing DataTable subclasses.
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶A DataTable with support for Django Formsets.
Note that horizon.tables.DataTableOptions.row_class
are overwritten in this
class, so setting them in Meta
has no effect.
¶A class made with django.forms.formsets.formset_factory
containing the definition of the formset to use with this data table.
The columns that are named the same as the formset fields will be replaced with form widgets in the table. Any hidden fields from the formset will also be included. The fields that are not hidden and don’t correspond to any column will not be included in the form.
(transform, verbose_name=None, sortable=True, link=None, allowed_data_types=None, hidden=False, attrs=None, status=False, status_choices=None, display_choices=None, empty_value=None, filters=None, classes=None, summation=None, auto=None, truncate=None, link_classes=None, wrap_list=False, form_field=None, form_field_attributes=None, update_action=None, link_attrs=None, policy_rules=None, cell_attributes_getter=None, help_text=None)[source]¶A class which represents a single column in a DataTable
¶A string or callable. If transform
is a string, it should be the
name of the attribute on the underlying data class which
should be displayed in this column. If it is a callable, it
will be passed the current row’s data at render-time and should
return the contents of the cell. Required.
¶The name for this column which should be used for display purposes.
Defaults to the value of transform
with the first letter
of each word capitalized if the transform
is not callable,
otherwise it defaults to an empty string (""
¶Boolean to determine whether this column should be sortable or not.
Defaults to True
Boolean to determine whether or not this column should be displayed
when rendering the table. Default: False
¶A string or callable which returns a URL which will be wrapped around this column’s text as a link.
¶A list of data types for which the link should be created.
Default is an empty list ([]
When the list is empty and the link
attribute is not None, all the
rows under this column will be links.
¶Boolean designating whether or not this column represents a status
(i.e. “enabled/disabled”, “up/down”, “active/inactive”).
Default: False
¶A tuple of tuples representing the possible data values for the
status column and their associated boolean equivalent. Positive
states should equate to True
, negative states should equate
to False
, and indeterminate states should be None
Values are compared in a case-insensitive manner.
Example (these are also the default values):
status_choices = (
('enabled', True),
('true', True),
('up', True),
('active', True),
('yes', True),
('on', True),
('none', None),
('unknown', None),
('', None),
('disabled', False),
('down', False),
('false', False),
('inactive', False),
('no', False),
('off', False),
¶A tuple of tuples representing the possible values to substitute the data when displayed in the column cell.
¶A string or callable to be used for cells which have no data.
Defaults to the string "-"
¶A string containing the name of a summation method to be used in
the generation of a summary row for this column. By default the
options are "sum"
or "average"
, which behave as expected.
¶A list of functions (often template filters) to be applied to the
value of the data for this column prior to output. This is effectively
a shortcut for writing a custom transform
function in simple cases.
¶An iterable of CSS classes which should be added to this column.
Example: classes=('foo', 'bar')
¶A dict of HTML attribute strings which should be added to this column.
Example: attrs={"data-foo": "bar"}
¶A callable to get the HTML attributes of a column cell depending on the data. For example, to add additional description or help information for data in a column cell (e.g. in Images panel, for the column ‘format’):
helpText = {
'ARI':'Amazon Ramdisk Image',
'QCOW2':'QEMU' Emulator'
text = helpText.get(data, None)
if text:
return {'title': text}
return {}
cell_attributes_getter = getHoverHelp
¶An integer for the maximum length of the string in this column. If the
length of the data in this column is larger than the supplied number,
the data for this column will be truncated and an ellipsis will be
appended to the truncated data.
Defaults to None
¶An iterable of CSS classes which will be added when the column’s text
is displayed as a link.
This is left for backward compatibility. Deprecated in favor of the
link_attributes attribute.
Example: link_classes=('link-foo', 'link-bar')
Defaults to None
¶Boolean value indicating whether the contents of this cell should be
wrapped in a <ul></ul>
tag. Useful in conjunction with Django’s
template filter. Defaults to False
¶A form field used for inline editing of the column. A django forms.Field can be used or django form.Widget can be used.
Example: form_field=forms.CharField(required=True)
Defaults to None
¶The additional html attributes that will be rendered to form_field.
Example: form_field_attributes={'class': 'bold_input_field'}
Defaults to None
¶The class that inherits from tables.actions.UpdateAction, update_cell
method takes care of saving inline edited data. The tables.base.Row
get_data method needs to be connected to table for obtaining the data.
Example: update_action=UpdateCell
Defaults to None
¶A dict of HTML attribute strings which should be added when the
column’s text is displayed as a link.
link_attrs={"data-foo": "bar"}
link_attrs={"target": "_blank", "class": "link-foo link-bar"}
Defaults to None
¶List of scope and rule tuples to do policy checks on, the composition of which is (scope, rule)
scope: service type managing the policy for action rule: string representing the action to be checked
- for a policy that requires a single rule check:
- policy_rules should look like
- “((“compute”, “compute:create_instance”),)”
- for a policy that requires multiple rule checks:
- rules should look like
- “((“identity”, “identity:list_users”),
- (“identity”, “identity:list_roles”))”
¶A string of simple help text displayed in a tooltip when you hover
over the help icon beside the Column name. Defaults to None
(request)[source]¶Determine whether processing/displaying the column is allowed.
It is determined based on the current request.
(datum)[source]¶Returns the final display data for this column from the given inputs.
The return value will be either the attribute specified for this column or the return value of the attr:~horizon.tables.Column.transform method for this column.
(datum)[source]¶Returns the final value for the column’s link
If allowed_data_types
of this column is not empty and the datum
has an assigned type, check if the datum’s type is in the
list. If not, the datum won’t be displayed
as a link.
If link
is a callable, it will be passed the current data object
and should return a URL. Otherwise get_link_url
will attempt to
call reverse
on link
with the object’s id as a parameter.
Failing that, it will simply return the value of link
(table, datum=None)[source]¶Represents a row in the table.
When iterated, the Row
instance will yield each of its cells.
Rows are capable of AJAX updating, with a little added work:
The ajax
property needs to be set to True
, and
subclasses need to define a get_data
method which returns a data
object appropriate for consumption by the table (effectively the “get”
lookup versus the table’s “list” lookup).
The automatic update interval is configurable by setting the key
Default: 2500
(measured in milliseconds).
¶The table which this row belongs to.
¶The data object which this row represents.
¶A string uniquely representing this row composed of the table name and the row data object’s identifier.
¶The cells belonging to this row stored in a OrderedDict
This attribute is populated during instantiation.
¶Boolean value representing the status of this row calculated from
the values of the table’s status_columns
if they are set.
¶Returns a css class for the status of the row based on status
¶Boolean value to determine whether ajax updating for this row is enabled.
¶String that is used for the query parameter key to request AJAX
updates. Generally you won’t need to change this value.
Default: "row_update"
¶String that is used for the query parameter key to request AJAX
updates of cell. Generally you won’t need to change this value.
It is also used for inline edit of the cell.
Default: "cell_update"
(datum)[source]¶Determines whether the row can be selected.
By default if multiselect enabled return True. You can remove the checkbox after an ajax update here if required.
(request, obj_id)[source]¶Fetches the updated data for the row based on the given object ID.
Must be implemented by a subclass to allow AJAX updating.
(datum=None)[source]¶Load the row’s data and initialize all the cells in the row.
It also set the appropriate row properties which require the row’s data to be determined.
The row’s data is provided either at initialization or as an argument to this function.
This function is called automatically by
if the datum
argument is
provided. However, by not providing the data during initialization
this function allows for the possibility of a two-step loading
pattern when you need a row instance but don’t yet have the data
(single_func=None, multiple_func=None, handle_func=None, attrs=None, **kwargs)[source]¶Represents an action which can be taken on this table’s data.
¶Required. The short name or “slug” representing this action. This name should not be changed at runtime.
¶A descriptive name used for display purposes. Defaults to the
value of name
with the first letter of each word capitalized.
¶Used like verbose_name
in cases where handles_multiple
. Defaults to verbose_name
with the letter “s” appended.
¶The HTTP method for this action. Defaults to POST
. Other methods
may or may not succeed currently.
¶Boolean value indicating whether or not this action can be taken
without any additional input (e.g. an object id). Defaults to True
¶Boolean value indicating whether this action should be evaluated in the period after the table is instantiated but before the data has been loaded.
This can allow actions which don’t need access to the full table data to bypass any API calls and processing which would otherwise be required to load the table.
¶A list that contains the allowed data types of the action. If the datum’s type is in this list, the action will be shown on the row for the datum.
Default to be an empty list ([]
). When set to empty, the action
will accept any kind of data.
¶list of scope and rule tuples to do policy checks on, the composition of which is (scope, rule)
scope: service type managing the policy for action rule: string representing the action to be checked
- for a policy that requires a single rule check:
- policy_rules should look like
- “((“compute”, “compute:create_instance”),)”
- for a policy that requires multiple rule checks:
- rules should look like
- “((“identity”, “identity:list_users”),
- (“identity”, “identity:list_roles”))”
At least one of the following methods must be defined:
(self, data_table, request, object_id)¶Handler for a single-object action.
(self, data_table, request, object_ids)¶Handler for multi-object actions.
(self, data_table, request, object_ids)¶If a single function can work for both single-object and
multi-object cases then simply providing a handle
will internally route both single
and multiple
to handle
with the calls from single
being transformed
into a list containing only the single object id.
(attrs=None, **kwargs)[source]¶A table action which is simply a link rather than a form POST.
¶Required. The short name or “slug” representing this action. This name should not be changed at runtime.
¶A string which will be rendered as the link text. (Required)
¶A string or a callable which resolves to a url to be used as the link
target. You must either define the url
attribute or override
the get_link_url
method on the class.
¶A list that contains the allowed data types of the action. If the datum’s type is in this list, the action will be shown on the row for the datum.
Defaults to be an empty list ([]
). When set to empty, the action
will accept any kind of data.
(datum=None)[source]¶Returns the final URL based on the value of url
If url
is callable it will call the function.
If not, it will then try to call reverse
on url
Failing that, it will simply return the value of url
When called for a row action, the current row data object will be passed as the first parameter.
(**kwargs)[source]¶A base class representing a filter action for a table.
¶The short name or “slug” representing this action. Defaults to
¶A descriptive name used for display purposes. Defaults to the
value of name
with the first letter of each word capitalized.
¶A string representing the name of the request parameter used for the
search term. Default: "q"
¶A string representing the type of this filter. If this is set to
then filter_choices
must also be provided.
Default: "query"
¶Required for server type filters. A tuple of tuples representing the filter options. Tuple composition should evaluate to (string, string, boolean, string, boolean), representing the following:
which means no help text.True
. This is useful
when the choice needs to be displayed conditionally.needs_preloading
¶If True, the filter function will be called for the initial
GET request with an empty filter_string
, regardless of the
value of method
(table, data, filter_string)[source]¶Provides the actual filtering logic.
This method must be overridden by subclasses and return the filtered data.
()[source]¶Returns the full query parameter name for this action.
Defaults to
{{ table.name }}__{{ action.name }}__{{ action.param_name }}
(**kwargs)[source]¶A filter action with fixed buttons.
(table, rows)[source]¶Override to separate rows into categories.
To have filtering working properly on the client, each row will need CSS class(es) beginning with ‘category-‘, followed by the value of the fixed button.
Return a dict with a key for the value of each fixed button, and a value that is a list of rows in that category.
Returns a list of dict describing fixed buttons used for filtering.
Each list item should be a dict with the following keys:
: Text to display on the buttonicon
: Icon class for icon element (inserted before text).value
: Value returned when the button is clicked. This value is
passed to filter()
as filter_string
(**kwargs)[source]¶A table action which takes batch action on one or more objects.
This action should not require user input on a per-object basis.
¶A short name or “slug” representing this action. Should be one word such as “delete”, “add”, “disable”, etc.
()¶Method returning a present action name. This is used as an action label.
Method must accept an integer/long parameter and return the display forms of the name properly pluralised (depending on the integer) and translated in a string or tuple/list.
The returned display form is highly recommended to be a complete action name with a form of a transitive verb and an object noun. Each word is capitalized and the string should be marked as translatable.
If tuple or list - then setting self.current_present_action = n will set the current active item from the list(action_present[n])
()¶Method returning a past action name. This is usually used to display a message when the action is completed.
Method must accept an integer/long parameter and return the display forms of the name properly pluralised (depending on the integer) and translated in a string or tuple/list.
The detail is same as that of action_present
¶Optional location to redirect after completion of the delete action. Defaults to the current page.
¶Optional message for providing an appropriate help text for the horizon user.
(**kwargs)[source]¶A table action used to perform delete operations on table data.
¶A short name or “slug” representing this action. Defaults to ‘delete’
()¶Method returning a present action name. This is used as an action label.
Method must accept an integer/long parameter and return the display forms of the name properly pluralised (depending on the integer) and translated in a string or tuple/list.
The returned display form is highly recommended to be a complete action name with a form of a transitive verb and an object noun. Each word is capitalized and the string should be marked as translatable.
If tuple or list - then setting self.current_present_action = n will set the current active item from the list(action_present[n])
()¶Method returning a past action name. This is usually used to display a message when the action is completed.
Method must accept an integer/long parameter and return the display forms of the name properly pluralised (depending on the integer) and translated in a string or tuple/list.
The detail is same as that of action_present
¶Optional location to redirect after completion of the delete action. Defaults to the current page.
¶Optional message for providing an appropriate help text for the horizon user.
[source]¶DEPRECATED: A table action for cell updates by inline editing.
Several class-based views are provided to make working with DataTables easier in your UI.
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶A class-based generic view to handle basic DataTable processing.
Three steps are required to use this view: set the table_class
attribute with the desired DataTable
define a get_data
method which returns a set of data for the
table; and specify a template for the template_name
Optionally, you can override the has_more_data
method to trigger
pagination handling for APIs that support it.
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶Generic view to handle multiple DataTable classes in a single view.
Each DataTable class must be a DataTable
or its subclass.
Three steps are required to use this view: set the table_classes
attribute with a tuple of the desired
define a get_{{ table_name }}_data
method for each table class
which returns a set of data for that table; and specify a template for
the template_name
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