• Updated from global requirements
  • Pass kwargs to the plugin getter
  • Rework EndpointData construction to normalize catalog first
  • Add returning EndpointData objects from discovery
  • Port the missing version data discovery tests from ksc


  • Fix html_last_updated_fmt for Python3
  • Replace assertTrue(isinstance()) with assertIsInstance()
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Add global_request_id param to Adapter constructor
  • Trivial fix typo in document
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Allow setting EndpointReference in ADFSPassword
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Add ADFSPassword to keystoneauth1 entry points
  • Fix V3ADFSPassword retrieval of scoped token


  • Introduce keystoneauth1.loading.adapter
  • Uncomment warning-is-error for doc building
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Add bindep.txt file
  • Updated inconsistent value of scope parameter
  • Updated from global requirements


  • Remove unused test requirement pycrypto
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Prevent JSON decode errors in the pre-record hook
  • Allow users to specify request matchers in Betamax
  • Remove pbr warnerrors in favor of sphinx check
  • Allow users to specify a serializer easily
  • Allow new cassettes to be recorded via fixture
  • Update test requirement
  • Add an allow_version_hack flag to session and identity plugins
  • Include the auth_url in the discovery failure message
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Fixed multiple target Auth warning in docstring
  • Use https for * references
  • Fix ClientException message property not set properly
  • Update reno for stable/ocata


  • Correctly Omit Response Body in Debug Mode
  • Add test for header in Saml2 plugin
  • Use comma as separator in ECP Accept HTTP header
  • Replace yaml.load() with yaml.safe_load()


  • Add a full listing of all auth plugins and there options
  • Only log application/json in session to start
  • X-Serivce-Token should be hashed in the log
  • Add __ne__ built-in function
  • Log request-id for each api call
  • Remove references to Python 3.4
  • Prevent MemoryError when logging response bodies
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Removes unnecessary utf-8 encoding
  • Add Constraints support
  • Remove discover from test-requirements
  • Replace six.iteritems() with .items()
  • Don’t issue deprecation warning when nesting adapters
  • Updated from global requirements


  • Show team and repo badges on README
  • Drop - it’s not needed by pbr
  • Add reauthenticate to generic plugins
  • Using assertIsNotNone() instead of assertNotEqual(None)
  • Fix a typo in
  • Correct betamax fixture for more strict IDNA
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Updated from global requirements
  • mark a few oidc parameters as required
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Updated from global requirements


  • Allow setting client_name, client_version on adapter
  • Show deprecation warning and limit features for KSC session
  • Don’t use private testtools.test module
  • Prevent changing content type in request


  • be more explicit about connection errors
  • Fix a typo in
  • Fix a typo in
  • Add a service token wrapper
  • Allow specifying client and service info to user_agent
  • Enable release notes translation


  • Updated from global requirements
  • Implement caching for the generic plugins
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Use mockpatch fixtures from fixtures
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Fix parameters for Kerberos Auth Plugin
  • Test that v3fedkerb plugin loads
  • Updated from global requirements
  • doc: remove unused import
  • Raise NotImplementedError instead of NotImplemented
  • standardize release note page ordering
  • Update reno for stable/newton


  • get_endpoint should return None when no version found


  • Disables TCP_KEEPCNT when using Windows Subsystem for Linux
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Allow identity plugins to discover relative version urls


  • add status code 308 to _REDIRECT_STATUSES
  • User-agent header shouldn’t start with a space
  • Add tests for user-agent with odd sys.argv
  • Update the home-page in setup.cfg


  • Add tests for YamlJsonSerializer
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Don’t include openstack/common in flake8 exclude list
  • Improve authentication plugins documentation
  • Add missing class name to tuple of public objects
  • Correctly report available for ADFS plugin
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Fix arguments to _auth_required()
  • Fix the doc error in “using-session”
  • Use assertEqual() instead of assertDictEqual()


  • Lazy load oauthlib for plugin loading
  • oidc: add missing ‘OidcAccessToken’ to __all__
  • oidc: implement client_credentials grant type
  • Fix ECP doc link in Saml2 Password class doc
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Fix link for “extras dependencies” in extras doc
  • Add pretty serializer for betamax fixture
  • Update hacking to global-requirements value
  • Use SAML2 requests plugin
  • Updated from global requirements
  • oidc: move the get_unscoped_auth_ref into the base class
  • oidc: deprecate grant_type argument
  • oidc: add discovery document support
  • Add additional_headers to session and adapter
  • Add Python 3.5 classifier and venv
  • remove unused LOG
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Add prompt parameter to Opt
  • Auth plugin for X.509 tokenless authentication
  • oidc: fix OpenID scope management
  • Add create_plugin to loader


  • Updated from global requirements
  • move release note to correct directory
  • oidc: fix OpenID Connect scope option
  • oidc: add tests for plugin loader
  • Don’t mock the session.request function
  • Updated from global requirements
  • oidc: refactor unit tests
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Fix code example for OAuth1 authentication
  • Add entrypoint for Federated Kerberos
  • Fix kerberos available property
  • Document named kerberos plugin
  • Support TOTP auth plugin
  • Make the kerberos plugin loadable
  • Add available flag to plugin loaders
  • Updated from global requirements
  • PEP257: Ignore D203 because it was deprecated
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Apply a heuristic for product name if a user_agent is not provided


  • Updated from global requirements
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Let Oidc* auth plugins accept scope parameters as kwargs
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Update keystoneauth fixture to support v3
  • Check that all defined entry points can be loaded
  • Use betamax hooks to mask fixture results
  • oidc: fix typo on class name
  • oidc: fix option definition
  • oidc: add OidcAccessToken class to authenticate reusing an access token
  • oidc: fix typo in docstring
  • oidc: DRY when obtaining an access token
  • oidc: DRY when obtaining a keystone token
  • oidc: Remove unused parameters in _OidcBase
  • Add is_domain to keystoneauth token


  • Updated from global requirements
  • Updated from global requirements
  • docstring: fix typo
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Add oauth plugin to keystoneauth
  • Expose is_admin_project in AccessInfo
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Expose allow parameters for URL discovery
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Refactor variables for fixture and service
  • Enable bandit
  • Lazy import oslo_config as required
  • Add 303 as redirect code for k2k plugin
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Fix H405, D105, D200, and D203 PEP257
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Fixing D204, D205, D208, and D211 pep8
  • Fixing D301 docstring
  • Removing tox ignore D400
  • Fix documentation example again
  • Include query string in request logging
  • Removing tox ignore D401 and make keystoneauth compliant


  • Documentation example fix
  • Allow to send different recorders to betamax
  • Fix doc build if git is absent
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Updated from global requirements


  • fix OrderedDict mutated during iteration
  • Fix for PEP8 violation - D202 (No blank lines allowed after function docstring.)
  • Examples for migration from keystoneclient
  • Renamed endpoint to interface in docstring
  • Keystoneauth Authentication Plugin doc typo
  • Allow seeing full token response when debug enabled
  • Update reno for stable/mitaka
  • Examples for kerberos and saml2 plugins
  • Adding authentication compatibility for OpenStackClient
  • Swap the order of username deprecation
  • Fix exported symbol in identity.v3
  • Editorial nits for docs
  • Improve usability of docs
  • Add links to federation plugins
  • Remove unavailable parameter
  • Generate FederationBaseAuth constructor parameters
  • Update test run instructions
  • Fix typos and improve formatting in migrating.rst
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Cleanup docstrings
  • Fix docstring in identity.v3.oidc module


  • Cleanup test-requirements.txt
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Allow parameter expansion in endpoint_override
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Use positional library instead of our own copy
  • Remove argparse from requirements
  • HTTPError should contain ‘retry_after’ parameter
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Remove keyring as a test-requiremnet
  • Mark password/secret options as secret
  • Replace deprecated library function os.popen() with subprocess


  • add release notes for ksa 2.2.0
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Replace assertEqual(None, *) with assertIsNone in tests
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Change LOG.warn to LOG.warning
  • Wrong usage of “a”
  • On Windows and OSX, the ‘socket’ python module does not contain the attributes TCP_KEEPCNT or TCP_KEEPINTVL, causing services consuming the library to malfunction
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Add betamax to test-requirements.txt
  • Add some documentation about migrating from ksc
  • Docstring corrections
  • Iterate over copy of session.adapters keys in Python2/3
  • Provide a RFC 7231 compliant user agent string
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Deprecated tox -downloadcache option removed
  • small fix to missing parameters in documentation
  • Remove confusing documentation
  • Update coverage to keystoneauth1
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Cleanups to K2K plugin
  • Get versioned url for K2K auth
  • Extract SAML fixtures into templates
  • Add BetaMax Fixture
  • Updated from global requirements


  • Add oslo.config compatibility attributes
  • Fix PyPI badges
  • Default for service service type should be empty
  • Put py34 first in the env order of tox
  • Updated from global requirements


  • Extract the rescoping logic from federation and K2K
  • Add release notes for keystoneauth
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Add argparse registration from Adapter objects
  • Fix PEP 257 error
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Remove Python 2.6 support
  • Add docstring validation
  • Tweak the way plugin attributes are loaded
  • Add documentation to Opt
  • Add load_from_options_getter to plugin loading
  • Cleanup time patching
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Put Session options into an option group
  • Address hacking check H405
  • Allow saving and caching the plugin auth state
  • Add three pieces of the Session interface
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Specify default_domain to generic plugin
  • Migrate kerberos plugin
  • Use XML matcher
  • Add XML matcher
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Remove mox
  • Split ADFS and SAML2 plugins
  • SAML2 authentication plugins in keystoneauth
  • Correct references in authentication-plugin.rst
  • Declare an extras directory for plugins
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Make public the base loader classes
  • Refactored AccessInfo.project_scoped accessor


  • Expose bind data via AccessInfo
  • Return None from generic plugin if failure
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Copy AccessInfo tests from keystoneclient
  • Fix deprecated options in oslo_config
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Add url as a deprecated alias for endpoint
  • Updated from global requirements
  • auto-generate release history
  • Make RST section delineation length match title
  • Remove “Features” section from README
  • Update the project description
  • Make __all__ immutable
  • Add UnknownConnectionError to __all__
  • remove references to keystone CLI
  • Add version/downloads links/badges into README.rst
  • Allow fetching oslo.config Opts from plugins
  • Fix doc session example
  • add openid connect plugins
  • Change ignore-errors to ignore_errors
  • Updated from global requirements


  • Updated from global requirements
  • There is no token_endpoint.TokenEndpoint
  • Use option dest rather than name in missing error
  • Move generic loading tests into loading folder
  • Move session loading tests into loading section
  • Identity plugin thread safety
  • Fix typo in Python package summary in setup.cfg
  • Convert project to os-testr


  • Change the README to remove the warning for 1.0.0 release
  • Add accessor method for raw catalog content
  • Move around the tests so they can be found easier
  • Raise exception for v2 with domain scope
  • Change auth plugin help text to auth type
  • Use auth_type instead of auth_plugin by default
  • Add session and auth loading to loading.__init__
  • Auth-url is required for identity plugins
  • Return oslo.config opts from config loading
  • Move admin_token to base _plugins dir
  • Mark tenant-name and tenant-id deprecated
  • Raise error if loader is provided name without id
  • Provide has_scope_parameters function on plugins
  • Remove deprecated options from identity base plugin
  • get_available_loaders should return loader object
  • Change option requirement testing
  • Better isolate loading tests
  • Update k2k plugin with related code comments
  • Remove plugin.load_from_conf_options and argparse
  • Give easy entry points for session loading
  • Updated from global requirements


  • Fix plugin loading tests
  • Keep a consistent logger name for keystoneauth
  • Fix v2 plugin loaders to not have V2 prefix
  • Do not log binary data during debug
  • Clean up exception messages
  • Port in the argument scrubbing from OCC
  • Add required property to Opt class
  • Rename the actual plugin class to AdminToken
  • Expose admin_token plugin
  • Use human readable exception messages
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Replace endpoint_type with interface in catalog
  • Remove service_type requirement from catalog searching
  • Allow searching a catalog on service or endpoint id
  • Import service catalog tests from keystoneclient
  • Make missingproperty private
  • Move AccessInfo objects into own module
  • Add role_ids, role_names to v3 fixture
  • Update .gitignore
  • Move session loading into loading module
  • Remove oslo_config from auth plugin loading
  • Split plugin loading
  • Remove auth/ directory
  • Updated from global requirements
  • py34 not py33 is tested and supported
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Set reasonable defaults for TCP Keep-Alive
  • Fix decorators of properties in AccessToken
  • Expose bug in AccessToken
  • Updated from global requirements


  • Remove opestack-common.conf
  • Move to the keystoneauth1 namespace
  • Remove catalog/translation targets from tox.ini
  • Remove keystoneclient lingering files
  • Keystone2KeystoneAuthPlugin scoping capabilities
  • Add Keystone2KeystoneAuthPlugin for K2K federation
  • Support discovery on the AUTH_INTERFACE
  • Remove unused fixtures
  • Add get_communication_params interface to plugins
  • Make normalize_endpoint_type public
  • Make _is_endpoint_type_match function public
  • Remove _get_service_endpoints function
  • Use random strings for test fixtures
  • Stop using function deprecated in Python 3
  • Cleanup fixture imports
  • Provide a means to get all installed plugins
  • Ensure that failing responses are logged
  • Typo in openstack client help
  • Drop use of ‘oslo’ namespace package
  • Remove functional tests from tox
  • Removes temporary fix for doc generation
  • Properly handle Service Provider in token fixtures
  • Fetch Service Providers urls from auth plugins
  • removed custom assertDictEqual
  • Encapsulate Service Providers in AccessInfo
  • Add protocol docstring in FederationBaseAuthPlugin
  • Add default domain to fixture.v3.V3FederationToken
  • Honour “service_providers“ in AccessInfo
  • Cleanup needless variable binding
  • Remove i18n stub
  • Rename to


  • Remove lxml test-requirement
  • Remove oslo.i18n dependency
  • Replace datetime calculations with utility functions
  • Remove oslo.utils dependency
  • Make utils file private
  • Remove old request method
  • Remove some cruft from the service catalog
  • Remove oslo serialization dependency
  • Remove un-needed requirements
  • Cleanup deprecated session variables
  • Remove session.construct
  • Move catalog hack functions to keystoneauth
  • Remove pbr as runtime depend


  • Add a readme
  • Reorder catalog exceptions
  • Remove unused plugins from entrypoints
  • Add endpoint and service ids to fixtures
  • Copy missed test_fixtures from keystoneclient
  • Don’t return default for domain in v2 accessinfo
  • Base Documentation changes
  • AccessInfo is not a dict
  • Make ServiceCatalog take an actual catalog
  • Remove the factory from service catalog
  • Don’t save version into the dictionary
  • Cannot retrieve a token from service catalog
  • Remove region_name from service catalog
  • Remove the AccessInfo Factory
  • Remove region_name from catalog
  • Remove auth_url property from AccessInfo
  • Remove management_url from AccessInfo
  • Remove cli functions from utils
  • Rename _discover module
  • Reorganize exceptions
  • Change keystoneclient to keystoneauth in docs
  • Add doc data back in. This will be replaced by real doc data
  • Fix namespace issues and remove tests for client-specific code
  • update _discover to use keystoneauth namespace
  • move keystoneclient/ to keystoneauth/
  • Initial Split of python-keystoneclient to keystoneauth
  • Uncap library requirements for liberty
  • Make process_header private
  • Increase minimum token life required
  • Allow requesting an unscoped Token
  • Expose audit_id via AccessInfo
  • Replace assertRaisesRegexp with assertRaisesRegex
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Return None for missing trust_id in fixture
  • Improve feedback message in SSL error
  • Add a FederatedBase v3 plugin
  • Rename requests mock object in testing
  • Provide a generic auth plugin loader
  • Extract BaseAuth out of Auth Plugin
  • Split v3 authentication file into module
  • Allow passing logger object to request
  • Implements subtree_as_ids and parents_as_ids
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Allow handling multiple service_types
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Add default body for non-abstract empty methods
  • Create functional test base
  • Ignore all failures removing catalog when logging token
  • Using correct keyword for region in v3
  • Move tests to the unit subdirectory
  • Make remove_service_catalog private
  • Change hacking check to verify all oslo imports
  • Change oslo.i18n to oslo_i18n
  • Workflow documentation is now in infra-manual
  • Basic AccessInfo plugin
  • Enable hacking rule E122 and H304
  • Add get_headers interface to authentication plugins
  • Add name parameter to NoMatchingPlugin exception
  • Change oslo.config to oslo_config
  • Change oslo.serialization to oslo_serialization
  • Switch from oslo.utils to oslo_utils
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Surface the user_id and project_id beyond the plugin
  • Configure TCP Keep-Alive for certain Sessions
  • Correct failures for check H238
  • Enable hacking rule F821
  • Add auth plugin params to doc
  • Correct failures for check W292
  • Move to hacking 0.10
  • Updated from global requirements
  • don’t log service catalog in every token response
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Allow fetching user_id/project_id from auth
  • Reference identity plugins from
  • Allow v3 plugins to opt out of service catalog
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Fix up types within API documentation
  • Expose version matching functions to the public
  • Take plugin params from ENV rather than default
  • get_endpoint should return the override
  • Pass all adapter parameters through to adapter
  • Correct documenting constructor parameters
  • Correct Session docstring
  • Add missing user-id option to generic.Password
  • duplicate auth-url option returned by BaseGenericPlugin
  • Fix importing config module and classmethod params
  • Curl statements to include globoff for IPv6 URLs
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Updated from global requirements
  • I18n
  • I18n
  • Correct use of noqa
  • Sync oslo-incubator to 1fc3cd47
  • Log the CA cert with the debug statement
  • Use oslo_debug_helper and remove our own version
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Cleanup docs - raises class
  • Docstring cleanup for return type
  • Docstring cleanup for return type
  • Docstrings should have :returns: everywhere
  • Docstrings should have :returns: everywhere
  • Use oslo.utils and oslo.serialization
  • Log token with sha1
  • Redact x-subject-token from response headers
  • Update hacking to 0.9.x
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Handle federated tokens
  • SAML2 federated authentication for ADFS
  • Allow retrying some failed requests
  • Versioned Endpoint hack for Sessions
  • Versioned Endpoint hack for Sessions
  • Pass kwargs to auth plugins
  • Sync with latest oslo-incubator
  • fix typos
  • Work toward Python 3.4 support and testing
  • warn against sorting requirements
  • Version independent plugins
  • Expose auth methods on the adapter
  • Add version parameter to adapter
  • Allow providing an endpoint_override to requests
  • Allow passing None for username in v2.Password
  • Distinguish between name not provided and incorrect
  • Move fake session to HTTPClient
  • Allow providing a default value to CLI loading
  • Allow unauthenticated discovery
  • Allow unauthenticated discovery
  • Remove cruft from setup.cfg
  • Unsort pbr and hacking in requirements files
  • Add v3scopedsaml entry to the setup.cfg
  • Fix handling of deprecated opts in CLI
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Revert “Add oslo.utils requirement”
  • Revert “Use oslo.utils”
  • Remove lxml as a forced depend
  • Allow passing user_id to v2Password plugin
  • Make auth plugins dest save to os_
  • Allow registering individual plugin CONF options
  • Standardize AccessInfo token setting
  • Individual plugin CLI registering
  • Mark auth plugin options as secret
  • Handle invalidate in identity plugins correctly
  • Isolate get_discovery function
  • Use oslo.utils
  • Add oslo.utils requirement
  • Control identity plugin reauthentication
  • Config fixture from oslo-incubator is not used
  • Redact tokens in request headers
  • Convert httpretty to requests-mock
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Add the ‘auth’ interface type
  • Use oslosphinx to generate doc theme
  • Don’t log sensitive auth data
  • Fix mistakes in token fixtures
  • SAML2 ECP auth plugin
  • remove useless part of error message
  • Use jsonutils to load adapter response
  • Provide an __all__ for auth module
  • Allow loading auth plugins from CLI
  • Plugin loading from config objects
  • Ensure no double slash in get token URL
  • Add profiling support to keystoneclient
  • Add a fixture for Keystone version discovery
  • Sync with oslo-incubator fd90c34a9
  • Session loading from CLI options
  • Session loading from conf
  • Add trust users to AccessInfo and fixture
  • Add OAuth data to AccessInfo
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Add invalidate doc string to identity plugin
  • Session Adapters
  • Unversioned endpoints in service catalog
  • Unversioned endpoints in service catalog
  • Update keystoneclient code to account for hacking 0.9.2
  • Rename v3._AuthConstructor to v3.AuthConstructor
  • Add issued handlers to auth_ref and fixtures
  • Add role ids to the AccessInfo
  • Doc build fails if warnings
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Add service_name to URL discovery
  • Remove _factory methods from auth plugins
  • Fix tests to use UUID strings rather than ints for IDs
  • Sync with oslo-incubator caed79d
  • Add endpoint handling to Token/Endpoint auth
  • Remove left over vim headers
  • Add /role_assignments endpoint support
  • Auth Plugin invalidation
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Fixes an erroneous type check in a test
  • Mark keystoneclient as being a universal wheel
  • Compressed Signature and Validation
  • OAuth request/access token and consumer support for oauth client API
  • Add mailmap entry
  • Sync with oslo-incubator 2640847
  • Discovery URL querying functions
  • Remove importutils from oslo config
  • fixed typos found by RETF rules
  • Fix docstrings in keystoneclient
  • Synced jsonutils from oslo-incubator
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Create a V3 Token Generator
  • Add new error for invalid response
  • Rename HTTPError -> HttpError
  • Don’t use generic kwargs in v2 Token Generation
  • Allow session to return an error response object
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Add service name to catalog
  • Hash functions support different hash algorithms
  • Allow passing auth plugin as a parameter
  • Ensure JSON headers in Auth Requests
  • Create a test token generator and use it
  • Reuse module `exceptions` from Oslo
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Handle URLs via the session and auth_plugins
  • Start using positional decorator
  • Fix passing get_token kwargs to get_access
  • Sync config fixture object from oslo.incubator
  • Add a positional decorator
  • Don’t use a connection pool unless provided
  • Revert “Add request/access token and consumer…”
  • Revert “Authenticate via oauth”
  • Fix doc build errors
  • Generate module docs
  • Authenticate via oauth
  • Add request/access token and consumer support for keystoneclient
  • Handle Token/Endpoint authentication
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Provide more data to AuthMethod plugins
  • Enforce scope mutual exclusion for trusts
  • Privatize auth construction parameters
  • Remove dependent module py3kcompat
  • Create V3 Auth Plugins
  • Create V2 Auth Plugins
  • Fix role_names call from V3 AccessInfo
  • Add Python 3 classifiers
  • Remove tox locale overrides
  • Remove vim header
  • Sync openstack/common/ with Oslo
  • HTTPretty: Bump to 0.8.0
  • Update my mailmap
  • Sync apiclient from oslo
  • Create Authentication Plugins
  • Fix debug curl commands for included data
  • Add back –insecure option to CURL debug
  • Provide a conversion function for creating session
  • Return role names by AccessInfo.role_names
  • Fix typos in documents and comments
  • Using common method ‘bool_from_string’ from oslo strutils
  • Sort items in requirement related files
  • Adjust import items according to hacking import rule
  • Sync with global requirements
  • Updated from global requirements
  • Saner debug log message generation
  • Controllable redirect handling
  • Revert “Whitelist external netaddr requirement”
  • Sync strutils from oslo
  • Fix auth_token middleware test invalid cross-device link issue
  • Debug env for tox
  • Whitelist external netaddr requirement
  • Do not try to call decode() on a text string
  • Move redirect handling to session
  • Remove debug specific handling
  • Update requirements
  • HTTPretty: update to 0.7.1
  • Don’t install pre-release software with tox
  • Sync global requirements to pin sphinx to sphinx>=1.1.2,<1.2
  • Allow commit title messages to end with a period
  • Sync with latest module from oslo
  • Properly handle Regions in keystoneclient
  • Discover supported APIs
  • Bump hacking to 0.8
  • Updates .gitignore
  • Updates .gitignore
  • Extract a base Session object
  • Reorganize Service Catalog
  • Fix typo in keystoneclient
  • Encode the text before print it to console
  • Add testresources test requirement
  • Update tox.ini to usedevelop
  • Make HACKING.rst DRYer and turn into rst file
  • python3: Work around httpretty issue
  • Remove unused simplejson requirement
  • Migrate the keystone.common.cms to keystoneclient
  • Replace OpenStack LLC with OpenStack Foundation
  • Sync jsonutils from oslo
  • python3: Refactor dict for python2/python3 compat
  • Updated from global requirements
  • python3: Make iteritems py3k compat
  • Fix H202 assertRaises Exception
  • Allow v2 client authentication with trust_id
  • Require oslo.config 1.2.0 final
  • Move tests in keystoneclient
  • Change Babel to a runtime requirement
  • Decode the non-english username str to unicode
  • Allow Hacking 0.7.x or later
  • Fixing potential NameErrors
  • Fix and enable gating on F811
  • Fix and enable gating on F841
  • Remove duplicate method in AccessInfo
  • remove the UUID check for userids
  • Fix and enable gating on H302: only import modules
  • Fix License Headers and Enable Gating on H102
  • Add domain attributes to accessinfo
  • Support older token formats for projects in accessinfo
  • python3: Transition to mox3 instead of mox
  • Sync py3kcompat from oslo-incubator
  • Update oslo.config
  • Initial Trusts support
  • Add importutils and strutils from oslo
  • Synchronize code from oslo
  • Add apiclient.exceptions hierarchy
  • Fix and enable Gating on H404
  • flake8: enable H201, H202, H802
  • Add a get_data function to Service Catalog
  • Extract basic request call
  • Updated from global requirements
  • flake8: fix alphabetical imports and enable H306
  • Add discover to test-requirements
  • Update openstack-common.conf format
  • Fix and enable gating on H403
  • Fix and enable gating on H402
  • Use ServiceCatalog.factory, the object has no __init__
  • Sync install_venv_common from oslo
  • Flake8 should ignore build folder
  • Fix and enable H401
  • Use Python 3.x compatible print syntax
  • Implements v3 auth client
  • Use AuthRef for some client fields
  • Fix unused imports(flake8 F401, F999)
  • Fix line continuations (flake8 E125, E126)
  • python3: Introduce py33 to tox.ini
  • Enumerate ignored flake8 rules
  • Rename requires files to standard names
  • Allow secure user password update
  • Migrate to flake8
  • Migrate to pbr
  • Use testr instead of nose
  • Perform oslo-incubator code sync
  • Added Conflict Exception to the exception code map
  • Restore compatibility with PrettyTable < 0.7.2
  • Sync memorycache and timeutils from oslo
  • Improve error message for missing endpoint
  • Use oslo-config-2013.1b3
  • Use from oslo
  • Update .coveragerc
  • Treat HTTP code 400 and above as error
  • Factorize endpoint retrieval in access
  • Take region_name into account when calling url_for
  • Remove useless code
  • Add name arguments to keystone command
  • Add file ‘ChangeLog’ to
  • Use requests module for HTTP/HTTPS
  • Fix keystoneclient user-list output order
  • bug-1040361: use keyring to store tokens
  • Add –version CLI opt and __version__ module attr
  • updating PEP8 to 1.3.3
  • Correct a misspelled in comments
  • Add auth-token code to keystoneclient, along with supporting files
  • Make initial structural changes to keystoneclient in preparation to moving auth_token here from keystone. No functional change should occur from this commit (even though it did refresh a newer copy of, none of the newer updates are in functions called from this client)
  • removing repeat attempt at authorization in client
  • HACKING compliance: consistent usage of ‘except’
  • Replace refs to ‘Keystone API’ with ‘Identity API’
  • Don’t log an exception for an expected empty catalog
  • Add OpenStack trove classifier for PyPI
  • Useful error msg when missing catalog (bug 949904)
  • v3 Domain/Project role grants
  • updating keystoneclient doc theme
  • enabling i18n with Babel
  • pep8 1.3.1 cleanup
  • Add wrap option to keystone token-get for humans
  • Fixes setup compatibility issue on Windows
  • Handle “503 Service Unavailable” exception
  • Support 2-way SSL with Keystone server if it is configured to enforce 2-way SSL. See also for the corresponding review for the 2-way SSL addition to Keystone
  • Don’t call PrettyTable add_row with a tuple
  • Add post-tag versioning
  • Do not display None in pretty tables for fields with no value
  • Skip argparse when injecting requirements
  • Update to latest openstack.common setup code
  • Move docs to doc
  • pep8 1.1 changes and updates
  • Remove printt
  • Auto generate AUTHORS for python-keystoneclient
  • Include last missing files in tarball
  • Open Folsom
  • Updated tox.ini to work properly with Jenkins
  • Backslash continuations (python-keystoneclient)
  • enabled treated as string (bug 953678)
  • Make ec2-credentials-* commands work properly for non-admin user
  • Improve usability of CLI
  • Added condition requirement to argparse
  • Display token and service catalog for user
  • Add license file to the tarball
  • Updates client to work with keystone essex roles API routes
  • Support for version and extension discovery
  • Adjust version number to match other deliveries
  • Modify tox.ini file to do the standard thigns
  • Added in common test, venv and gitreview stuff
  • Improved error message when unable to communicate with keystone
  • Improved logging/error messages
  • Initial commit
  • Initial commit