Setup DevStack

DevStack can be installed on Fedora, Ubuntu, and CentOS. For supported versions see DevStack documentation

We recommend that you install DevStack in a VM, rather than on your main system. That way you may avoid contamination of your system. You may find hypervisor and VM requirements in the next section. If you still want to install DevStack on your baremetal system, just skip the next section and read further.

Start VM and set up OS

In order to run DevStack in a local VM, you need to start by installing a guest with Ubuntu 14.04 server. Download an image file from Ubuntu’s web site and create a new guest from it. Virtualization solution must support nested virtualization. Without nested virtualization VMs running inside the DevStack will be extremely slow lacking hardware acceleration, i.e. you will run QEMU VMs without KVM.

On Linux QEMU/KVM supports nested virtualization, on Mac OS - VMware Fusion. VMware Fusion requires adjustments to run VM with fixed IP. You may find instructions which can help below.

Start a new VM with Ubuntu Server 14.04. Recommended settings:

  • Processor - at least 2 cores
  • Memory - at least 8GB
  • Hard Drive - at least 60GB

When allocating CPUs and RAM to the DevStack, assess how big clusters you want to run. A single Hadoop VM needs at least 1 cpu and 1G of RAM to run. While it is possible for several VMs to share a single cpu core, remember that they can’t share the RAM.

After you installed the VM, connect to it via SSH and proceed with the instructions below.

Install DevStack

The instructions assume that you’ve decided to install DevStack into Ubuntu 14.04 system.

Note: Make sure to use bash, as other shells are not fully compatible and may cause hard to debug problems.

  1. Clone DevStack:
$ sudo apt-get install git-core
$ git clone
  1. Create the file local.conf in devstack directory with the following content:

# Enable Swift
enable_service s-proxy s-object s-container s-account


# Force checkout prerequisites

# keystone is now configured by default to use PKI as the token format
# which produces huge tokens.
# set UUID as keystone token format which is much shorter and easier to
# work with.

# Change the FLOATING_RANGE to whatever IPs VM is working in.
# In NAT mode it is the subnet VMware Fusion provides, in bridged mode
# it is your local network. But only use the top end of the network by
# using a /27 and starting at the 224 octet.

# Enable logging

# Set ``OFFLINE`` to ``True`` to configure ```` to run cleanly
# without Internet access. ```` must have been previously run
# with Internet access to install prerequisites and fetch repositories.

# Enable sahara
enable_plugin sahara git://

In cases where you need to specify a git refspec (branch, tag, or commit hash) for the sahara in-tree devstack plugin (or sahara repo), it should be appended to the git repo URL as follows:

enable_plugin sahara git:// <some_git_refspec>
  1. Sahara can send notifications to Ceilometer, if Ceilometer is enabled. If you want to enable Ceilometer add the following lines to the local.conf file:
enable_plugin ceilometer git://
  1. Start DevStack:
$ ./
  1. Once the previous step is finished Devstack will print a Horizon URL. Navigate to this URL and login with login “admin” and password from local.conf.
  2. Congratulations! You have OpenStack running in your VM and you’re ready to launch VMs inside that VM. :)

Managing sahara in DevStack

If you install DevStack with sahara included you can rejoin screen with the screen -c stack-screenrc command and switch to the sahara tab. Here you can manage the sahara service as other OpenStack services. Sahara source code is located at $DEST/sahara which is usually /opt/stack/sahara.

Setting fixed IP address for VMware Fusion VM

  1. Open file /Library/Preferences/VMware Fusion/vmnet8/dhcpd.conf
  2. There is a block named “subnet”. It might look like this:
subnet netmask {
  1. You need to pick an IP address outside of that range. For example -
  2. Copy VM MAC address from VM settings->Network->Advanced
  3. Append the following block to file dhcpd.conf (don’t forget to replace VM_HOSTNAME and VM_MAC_ADDRESS with actual values):
        hardware ethernet VM_MAC_ADDRESS;
  1. Now quit all the VMware Fusion applications and restart vmnet:
$ sudo /Applications/VMware\ --stop
$ sudo /Applications/VMware\ --start
  1. Now start your VM; it should have new fixed IP address.