The elastic_recheck.cmd.uncategorized_fails Module

elastic_recheck.cmd.uncategorized_fails.all_fails(classifier, config=None)

Find all the the fails in the integrated gate.

This attempts to find all the build jobs in the integrated gate so we can figure out how good we are doing on total classification.

elastic_recheck.cmd.uncategorized_fails.classifying_rate(fails, data, engine, classifier, ls_url)

Builds and prints the classification rate.

It’s important to know how good a job we are doing, so this tool runs through all the failures we’ve got and builds the classification rate. For every failure in the gate queue did we find a match for it.

elastic_recheck.cmd.uncategorized_fails.collect_metrics(classifier, fails, config=None)
elastic_recheck.cmd.uncategorized_fails.setup_template_engine(directory, group='integrated_gate')

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