
Python Client library for StoryBoard


  • TODO


This is the StoryBoard python client! It lets you interact with StoryBoard from the comfort of your own terminal! There is no command to run this; instead you can import it into scripts. This lets you perform complex actions on things in StoryBoard, eg: add an helpful comment on all stories with ‘cannot store contact information’ in the description, pointing users at the relevant docs, but only if there is no comment to this effect already. (There is an example of such a script in Usage)

Some sample commands are given in usage.rst. In general, most resources (ie: stories, tasks, projects, and so on) have a get_all() and get() method. The latter takes the resource’s id as a parameter, thought it can also take other attributes (eg: tag name).

To create a new resource, use the create() method. The necessary parameters depend on the resource, and if not documented, can be worked out from the relevant .py file in the code for the StoryBoard API.

The update() method will update mutable fields of the resource (again, these vary depending on the resource).

Finally, delete() will delete things.

Happy task-tracking!