Liberty - Liberty - Liberty - Liberty - Liberty - Liberty - Liberty - Liberty -
Use the following options in the neutron_lbaas.conf
file for the LBaaS agent.
Configuration option = Default value | Description |
interface_driver = None |
(StrOpt) The driver used to manage the virtual interface. |
loadbalancer_pool_scheduler_driver = |
(StrOpt) Driver to use for scheduling pool to a default loadbalancer agent |
loadbalancer_scheduler_driver = neutron_lbaas.agent_scheduler.ChanceScheduler |
(StrOpt) Driver to use for scheduling to a default loadbalancer agent |
periodic_interval = 40 |
(IntOpt) Seconds between running periodic tasks |
loadbalancer_scheduler_driver = neutron_lbaas.agent_scheduler.ChanceScheduler |
(StrOpt) Driver to use for scheduling to a default loadbalancer agent |
loadbalancer_pool_scheduler_driver = |
(StrOpt) Driver to use for scheduling pool to a default loadbalancer agent |
[service_auth] | |
auth_url = |
(StrOpt) Authentication endpoint |
admin_tenant_name = admin |
(StrOpt) The service admin tenant name |
admin_user = admin |
(StrOpt) The service admin user name |
admin_password = password |
(StrOpt) The service admin password |
admin_user_domain = admin |
(StrOpt) The admin user domain name |
admin_project_domain = admin |
(StrOpt) The admin project domain name |
region = RegionOne |
(StrOpt) The deployment region |
service_name = lbaas |
(StrOpt) The name of the service |
auth_version = 2 |
(StrOpt) The auth version used to authenticate |
[service_providers] | |
service_provider = [] |
(MultiStrOpt) Defines providers for advanced services using the format: <service_type>:<name>:<driver>[:default] |
[certificates] | |
cert_manager_type = barbican |
(StrOpt) Certificate Manager plugin. Defaults to barbican. |
storage_path = /var/lib/neutron-lbaas/certificates/ |
(StrOpt) Absolute path to the certificate storage directory. Defaults to env[OS_LBAAS_TLS_STORAGE]. |
[service_auth] | |
admin_password = password |
(StrOpt) The service admin password |
admin_project_domain = admin |
(StrOpt) The admin project domain name |
admin_tenant_name = admin |
(StrOpt) The service admin tenant name |
admin_user = admin |
(StrOpt) The service admin user name |
admin_user_domain = admin |
(StrOpt) The admin user domain name |
auth_url = |
(StrOpt) Authentication endpoint |
auth_version = 2 |
(StrOpt) The auth version used to authenticate |
region = RegionOne |
(StrOpt) The deployment region |
service_name = lbaas |
(StrOpt) The name of the service |
Use the following options in the lbaas_agent.ini
file for the LBaaS agent.
Configuration option = Default value | Description |
periodic_interval = 40 |
(IntOpt) Seconds between running periodic tasks |
interface_driver = None |
(StrOpt) The driver used to manage the virtual interface. |
debug = False |
(BoolOpt) Print debugging output (set logging level to DEBUG instead of default INFO level). |
ovs_use_veth = False |
(BoolOpt) Uses veth for an interface or not |
device_driver = [''] |
(MultiStrOpt) Drivers used to manage loadbalancing devices |
[haproxy] | |
loadbalancer_state_path = $state_path/lbaas |
(StrOpt) Location to store config and state files |
send_gratuitous_arp = 3 |
(IntOpt) When delete and re-add the same vip, send this many gratuitous ARPs to flush the ARP cache in the Router. Set it below or equal to 0 to disable this feature. |
user_group = nogroup |
(StrOpt) The user group |
Use the following options in the services_lbaas.conf
file for the LBaaS agent.
Configuration option = Default value | Description |
[haproxy] | |
send_gratuitous_arp = 3 |
(IntOpt) When delete and re-add the same vip, send this many gratuitous ARPs to flush the ARP cache in the Router. Set it below or equal to 0 to disable this feature. |
user_group = nogroup |
(StrOpt) The user group |
loadbalancer_state_path = $state_path/lbaas |
(StrOpt) Location to store config and state files |
periodic_interval = 10 |
(IntOpt) Seconds between periodic task runs |
interface_driver = None |
(StrOpt) The driver used to manage the virtual interface. |
jinja_config_template = /usr/lib/python/site-packages/neutron_lbaas/services/loadbalancer/drivers/haproxy/templates/haproxy.loadbalancer.j2 |
(StrOpt) Jinja template file for haproxy configuration |
[octavia] | |
base_url = |
(StrOpt) URL of Octavia controller root |
[heleoslb] | |
admin_password = None |
(StrOpt) ESM admin password. |
admin_username = None |
(StrOpt) ESM admin username. |
async_requests = None |
(BoolOpt) Define if the requests have run asynchronously or not |
dummy_utif_id = None |
(StrOpt) Dummy user traffic Security Zone id for LBs |
esm_mgmt = None |
(StrOpt) ESM management root address |
inband_id = None |
(StrOpt) In band Security Zone id for LBs |
lb_flavor = small |
(StrOpt) choose LB image flavor to use, accepted values: small, medium |
lb_image = None |
(StrOpt) Load Balancer image id (Embrane LB) |
mgmt_id = None |
(StrOpt) Management Security Zone id for LBs |
oob_id = None |
(StrOpt) Out of band Security Zone id for LBs |
resource_pool_id = None |
(StrOpt) Shared resource pool id |
sync_interval = 60 |
(IntOpt) resource synchronization interval in seconds |
[netscaler_driver] | |
is_synchronous = True |
(StrOpt) Setting for option to enable synchronous operationsNetScaler Control Center Server. |
netscaler_ncc_cleanup_mode = None |
(StrOpt) Setting to enable/disable cleanup mode for NetScaler Control Center Server |
netscaler_ncc_password = None |
(StrOpt) Password to login to the NetScaler Control Center Server. |
netscaler_ncc_uri = None |
(StrOpt) The URL to reach the NetScaler Control Center Server. |
netscaler_ncc_username = None |
(StrOpt) Username to login to the NetScaler Control Center Server. |
netscaler_status_collection = True,300 |
(StrOpt) Setting for member status collection fromNetScaler Control Center Server. |
periodic_task_interval = 2 |
(StrOpt) Setting for periodic task collection interval fromNetScaler Control Center Server.. |
[octavia] | |
base_url = |
(StrOpt) URL of Octavia controller root |
request_poll_interval = 3 |
(IntOpt) Interval in seconds to poll octavia when an entity is created, updated, or deleted. |
request_poll_timeout = 100 |
(IntOpt) Time to stop polling octavia when a status of an entity does not change. |
[radware] | |
actions_to_skip = setup_l2_l3 |
(ListOpt) List of actions that are not pushed to the completion queue. |
ha_secondary_address = None |
(StrOpt) IP address of secondary vDirect server. |
l2_l3_ctor_params = {'ha_network_name': 'HA-Network', 'service': '_REPLACE_', 'ha_ip_pool_name': 'default', 'twoleg_enabled': '_REPLACE_', 'allocate_ha_ips': True, 'allocate_ha_vrrp': True} |
(DictOpt) Parameter for l2_l3 workflow constructor. |
l2_l3_setup_params = {'data_ip_address': '', 'data_port': 1, 'gateway': '', 'ha_port': 2, 'data_ip_mask': ''} |
(DictOpt) Parameter for l2_l3 workflow setup. |
l2_l3_workflow_name = openstack_l2_l3 |
(StrOpt) Name of l2_l3 workflow. Default: openstack_l2_l3. |
l4_action_name = BaseCreate |
(StrOpt) Name of the l4 workflow action. Default: BaseCreate. |
l4_workflow_name = openstack_l4 |
(StrOpt) Name of l4 workflow. Default: openstack_l4. |
service_adc_type = VA |
(StrOpt) Service ADC type. Default: VA. |
service_adc_version =
(StrOpt) Service ADC version. |
service_cache = 20 |
(IntOpt) Size of service cache. Default: 20. |
service_compression_throughput = 100 |
(IntOpt) Service compression throughput. Default: 100. |
service_ha_pair = False |
(BoolOpt) Enables or disables the Service HA pair. Default: False. |
service_isl_vlan = -1 |
(IntOpt) A required VLAN for the interswitch link to use. |
service_resource_pool_ids =
(ListOpt) Resource pool IDs. |
service_session_mirroring_enabled = False |
(BoolOpt) Enable or disable Alteon interswitch link for stateful session failover. Default: False. |
service_ssl_throughput = 100 |
(IntOpt) Service SSL throughput. Default: 100. |
service_throughput = 1000 |
(IntOpt) Service throughput. Default: 1000. |
vdirect_address = None |
(StrOpt) IP address of vDirect server. |
vdirect_password = radware |
(StrOpt) vDirect user password. |
vdirect_user = vDirect |
(StrOpt) vDirect user name. |
[radwarev2] | |
child_workflow_template_names = manage_l3 |
(ListOpt) Name of child workflow templates used.Default: manage_l3 |
ha_secondary_address = None |
(StrOpt) IP address of secondary vDirect server. |
service_adc_type = VA |
(StrOpt) Service ADC type. Default: VA. |
service_adc_version =
(StrOpt) Service ADC version. |
service_cache = 20 |
(IntOpt) Size of service cache. Default: 20. |
service_compression_throughput = 100 |
(IntOpt) Service compression throughput. Default: 100. |
service_ha_pair = False |
(BoolOpt) Enables or disables the Service HA pair. Default: False. |
service_isl_vlan = -1 |
(IntOpt) A required VLAN for the interswitch link to use. |
service_resource_pool_ids =
(ListOpt) Resource pool IDs. |
service_session_mirroring_enabled = False |
(BoolOpt) Enable or disable Alteon interswitch link for stateful session failover. Default: False. |
service_ssl_throughput = 100 |
(IntOpt) Service SSL throughput. Default: 100. |
service_throughput = 1000 |
(IntOpt) Service throughput. Default: 1000. |
stats_action_name = stats |
(StrOpt) Name of the workflow action for statistics. Default: stats. |
vdirect_address = None |
(StrOpt) IP address of vDirect server. |
vdirect_password = radware |
(StrOpt) vDirect user password. |
vdirect_user = vDirect |
(StrOpt) vDirect user name. |
workflow_action_name = apply |
(StrOpt) Name of the workflow action. Default: apply. |
workflow_params = {'data_ip_address': '', 'ha_network_name': 'HA-Network', 'ha_port': 2, 'allocate_ha_ips': True, 'ha_ip_pool_name': 'default', 'allocate_ha_vrrp': True, 'data_port': 1, 'gateway': '', 'twoleg_enabled': '_REPLACE_', 'data_ip_mask': ''} |
(DictOpt) Parameter for l2_l3 workflow constructor. |
workflow_template_name = os_lb_v2 |
(StrOpt) Name of the workflow template. Default: os_lb_v2. |
[radwarev2_debug] | |
configure_l3 = True |
(BoolOpt) Configule ADC with L3 parameters? |
configure_l4 = True |
(BoolOpt) Configule ADC with L4 parameters? |
provision_service = True |
(BoolOpt) Provision ADC service? |
Use the following options in the /etc/octavia/octavia.conf
file for octavia config.
Configuration option = Default value | Description |
verbose = False |
(BoolOpt) Print more verbose output (set logging level to INFO instead of default WARNING level). |
debug = False |
(BoolOpt) Print more verbose output (set logging level to INFO instead of default WARNING level). |
bind_host = |
(StrOpt) The host IP to bind to the api service to . |
bind_port = 9876 |
(IntOpt) The port to bind to the api service to. |
api_handler = simulated_handler |
(StrOpt) The handler that the API communicates with. |
octavia_plugins = hot_plug_plugin |
(StrOpt) Name of the controller plugin to use. |
os_region_name =
(StrOpt) Region in Identity service catalog to use for communication with the OpenStack services. |
host =
(StrOpt) Hostname to be used by the host machine for services running on it.The default value is the hostname of the host machine. |
[database] | |
connection = mysql+pymysql://root:[email protected]:3306/octavia |
(StrOpt) The SQLAlchemy connection string used to connect to the database. |
[health_manager] | |
bind_ip = |
(StrOpt) IP address the controller will listen on for heart beats from the amphora. |
bind_port = 5555 |
(IntOpt) Port number the controller will listen on for heart beats from the amphora. |
controller_ip_port_list =
(StrOpt) List of controller ip and port pairs for the heartbeat receivers. Example [,]. |
failover_threads = 10 |
(IntOpt) Number of threads performing amphora failovers. |
status_update_threads = 50 |
(IntOpt) Number of threads performing amphora status update. |
heartbeat_interval = 10 |
(IntOpt) Sleep time between sending hearthbeats from the amphora. |
heartbeat_key =
(StrOpt) key used to authenticate the heartbeat message sent by the amphora. |
heartbeat_timeout = 60 |
(IntOpt) Interval, in seconds, to wait before failing over an amphora. |
health_check_interval = 3 |
(IntOpt) Sleep time between health checks in seconds. |
sock_rlimit = 0 |
(IntOpt) sets the value of the heartbeat recv buffer. |
[keystone_authtoken] | |
auth_uri = https://localhost:5000/v3 |
(StrOpt) Complete public Identity API endpoint. |
admin_user = octavia |
(StrOpt) Keystone account username. |
admin_password = password |
(StrOpt) Keystone account password. |
admin_tenant_name = service |
(StrOpt) Keystone service account tenant name to validate user tokens. |
insecure = False |
(BoolOpt) Verify HTTPS connections. |
[keystone_authtoken_v3] | |
admin_user_domain = default |
(StrOpt) Admin user keystone authentication domain. |
admin_project_domain = default |
(StrOpt) Admin project keystone authentication domain. |
[certificates] | |
cert_generator_class = octavia.certificates.generator.LocalCertGenerator |
(StrOpt) Class name which generate certificates. |
cert_manager_class = octavia.certificates.manager.LocalCertManager |
(StrOpt) Class name of certificate manager. |
ca_certificate = /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem |
(StrOpt) Absolute path to the CA Certificate for signing. Defaults to env[OS_OCTAVIA_TLS_CA_CERT].Local Cert generator only. |
ca_private_key = /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key |
(StrOpt) Absolute path to the Private Key for signing. Defaults to env[OS_OCTAVIA_TLS_CA_KEY].Local Cert generator only. |
ca_private_key_passphrase =
(StrOpt) Passphrase for the Private Key. Defaults to env[OS_OCTAVIA_CA_KEY_PASS] or None.Local Cert generator only. |
signing_digest = sha256 |
(StrOpt) Certificate signing digest. Defaults to env[OS_OCTAVIA_CA_SIGNING_DIGEST] or sha256.Local Cert generator only. |
storage_path = /var/lib/octavia/certificates/ |
(StrOpt) Absolute path to the certificate storage directory. Defaults to env[OS_OCTAVIA_TLS_STORAGE].Local Cert manager only. |
[octavia_network] | |
lb_network_name =
(StrOpt) Network to communicate with amphora. |
max_retries = 15 |
(IntOpt) The maximum attempts to retry an action with the networking service. |
retry_interval = 1 |
(IntOpt) Seconds to wait before retrying an action with the networking service. |
[haproxy_amphora] | |
base_path = /var/lib/octavia |
(StrOpt) Base directory for amphora files on amphora. |
base_cert_dir = /var/lib/octavia/certs |
(StrOpt) Base directory for cert storage on amphora. |
haproxy_template = /var/lib/octavia/custom_template |
(StrOpt) Custom haproxy template. |
base_log_dir = /logs |
(StrOpt) Base director for log on amphora. |
connection_max_retries = 300 |
(IntOpt) Retry threshold for connecting to amphorae. |
connection_retry_interval = 5 |
(IntOpt) Retry threshold for connecting to amphorae. |
cert_manager = barbican_cert_manager |
(StrOpt) Name of the cert manager to use. |
username = ubuntu |
(StrOpt) Name of user for access to amphora,ssh driver only. |
key_path = /opt/stack/.ssh/id_rsa |
(StrOpt) Local absolute path to the private key loaded on amphora at boot,ssh driver only. |
bind_host = |
(StrOpt) The host IP to bind to amphora hose/REST driver only. |
bind_port = 9191 |
(IntOpt) The port to bind to.REST driver only. |
haproxy_cmd = /usr/sbin/haproxy |
(StrOpt) The full path to haproxy. |
respawn_count = 2 |
(IntOpt) The respawn count for haproxy's upstart script. |
respawn_interval = 2 |
(IntOpt) The respawn interval for haproxy's upstart script. |
haproxy_cert_dir = /tmp |
(StrOpt) The directory to store haproxy cert files in. |
[controller_worker] | |
amp_active_retries = 10 |
(IntOpt) Retry attempts to wait for Amphora to become active. |
amp_active_wait_sec = 10 |
(IntOpt) Seconds to wait for an Amphora to become active. |
amp_flavor_id =
(StrOpt) Nova instance flavor id for the Amphora. |
amp_image_id =
(StrOpt) Glance image id for the Amphora image to boot. |
amp_ssh_key_name =
(StrOpt) SSH key name used to boot the Amphora.REST driver/or debugging. |
amp_network =
(StrOpt) Network to attach to the Amphora. |
amp_secgroup_list =
(StrOpt) List of security groups to attach to the Amphora. |
client_ca = /etc/octavia/certs/ca_01.pem |
(StrOpt) Client CA for the amphora agent to use.REST driver only. |
amphora_driver = amphora_noop_driver |
(StrOpt) Name of the amphora driver to use. |
compute_driver = compute_noop_driver |
(StrOpt) Name of the compute driver to use. |
network_driver = network_noop_driver |
(StrOpt) Name of the network driver to use. |
cert_generator = local_cert_generator |
(StrOpt) Name of the cert generator to use. |
[task_flow] | |
engine = serial |
(StrOpt) TaskFlow engine to use. |
max_workers = 5 |
(IntOpt) The maximum number of workers. |
[oslo_messaging_rabbi] | |
rabbit_userid = octavia |
(StrOpt) RabbitMQ username. |
rabbit_password = password |
(StrOpt) RabbitMQ password. |
rabbit_port = 5672 |
(IntOpt) RabbitMQ port. |
rabbit_hosts = localhost:5672 |
(StrOpt) RabbitMQ host. |
[oslo_messaging] | |
rpc_thread_pool_size = 2 |
(IntOpt) Queue Consumer Thread Pool Size. |
topic = octavia_prov |
(StrOpt) Topic (i.e. Queue) Name. |
[house_keeping] | |
spare_check_interval = 30 |
(IntOpt) Interval in seconds to initiate spare amphora checks. |
spare_amphora_pool_size = 0 |
(IntOpt) Number of spare amphorae. |
cleanup_interval = 30 |
(IntOpt) Cleanup interval for Deleted amphora. |
amphora_expiry_age = 604800 |
(IntOpt) Amphora expiry age in seconds. Default is 1 week. |