[DEFAULT] allow_automatic_lbaas_agent_failover = False |
(BoolOpt) Automatically reschedule loadbalancer from offline to online lbaas agents. This is only supported for drivers who use the neutron LBaaSv2 agent |
[DEFAULT] device_driver = ['neutron_lbaas.drivers.haproxy.namespace_driver.HaproxyNSDriver'] |
(MultiStrOpt) Drivers used to manage loadbalancing devices |
[DEFAULT] ha_vrrp_health_check_interval = 0 |
(IntOpt) The VRRP health check interval in seconds. Values > 0 enable VRRP health checks. Setting it to 0 disables VRRP health checks. Recommended value is 5. This will cause pings to be sent to the gateway IP address(es) - requires ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST to be enabled on the gateway. If gateway fails, all routers will be reported as master, and master election will be repeated in round-robin fashion, until one of the router restore the gateway connection. |
[DEFAULT] loadbalancer_scheduler_driver = neutron_lbaas.agent_scheduler.ChanceScheduler |
(StrOpt) Driver to use for scheduling to a default loadbalancer agent |
[designate] auth_section = None |
(Opt) Config Section from which to load plugin specific options |
[designate] auth_type = None |
(Opt) Authentication type to load |
[designate] cafile = None |
(StrOpt) PEM encoded Certificate Authority to use when verifying HTTPs connections. |
[designate] certfile = None |
(StrOpt) PEM encoded client certificate cert file |
[designate] keyfile = None |
(StrOpt) PEM encoded client certificate key file |
[designate] timeout = None |
(IntOpt) Timeout value for http requests |
[haproxy] jinja_config_template = /usr/lib/python/site-packages/neutron-lbaas/neutron_lbaas/drivers/haproxy/templates/haproxy.loadbalancer.j2 |
(StrOpt) Jinja template file for haproxy configuration |
[haproxy] loadbalancer_state_path = $state_path/lbaas |
(StrOpt) Location to store config and state files |
[haproxy] send_gratuitous_arp = 3 |
(IntOpt) When delete and re-add the same vip, send this many gratuitous ARPs to flush the ARP cache in the Router. Set it below or equal to 0 to disable this feature. |
[haproxy] user_group = nogroup |
(StrOpt) The user group |
[octavia] allocates_vip = False |
(BoolOpt) True if Octavia will be responsible for allocating the VIP. False if neutron-lbaas will allocate it and pass to Octavia. |
[octavia] base_url = |
(StrOpt) URL of Octavia controller root |
[octavia] request_poll_interval = 3 |
(IntOpt) Interval in seconds to poll octavia when an entity is created, updated, or deleted. |
[octavia] request_poll_timeout = 100 |
(IntOpt) Time to stop polling octavia when a status of an entity does not change. |
[placement] auth_section = None |
(Opt) Config Section from which to load plugin specific options |
[placement] auth_type = None |
(Opt) Authentication type to load |
[placement] endpoint_type = public |
(StrOpt) Type of the placement endpoint to use. This endpoint will be looked up in the keystone catalog and should be one of public, internal or admin. |
[placement] region_name = None |
(StrOpt) Name of placement region to use. Useful if keystone manages more than one region. |
[radwarev2] child_workflow_template_names = manage_l3 |
(ListOpt) Name of child workflow templates used.Default: manage_l3 |
[radwarev2] ha_secondary_address = None |
(StrOpt) IP address of secondary vDirect server. |
[radwarev2] service_adc_type = VA |
(StrOpt) Service ADC type. Default: VA. |
[radwarev2] service_adc_version = |
(StrOpt) Service ADC version. |
[radwarev2] service_cache = 20 |
(IntOpt) Size of service cache. Default: 20. |
[radwarev2] service_compression_throughput = 100 |
(IntOpt) Service compression throughput. Default: 100. |
[radwarev2] service_ha_pair = False |
(BoolOpt) Enables or disables the Service HA pair. Default: False. |
[radwarev2] service_isl_vlan = -1 |
(IntOpt) A required VLAN for the interswitch link to use. |
[radwarev2] service_resource_pool_ids = |
(ListOpt) Resource pool IDs. |
[radwarev2] service_session_mirroring_enabled = False |
(BoolOpt) Enable or disable Alteon interswitch link for stateful session failover. Default: False. |
[radwarev2] service_ssl_throughput = 100 |
(IntOpt) Service SSL throughput. Default: 100. |
[radwarev2] service_throughput = 1000 |
(IntOpt) Service throughput. Default: 1000. |
[radwarev2] stats_action_name = stats |
(StrOpt) Name of the workflow action for statistics. Default: stats. |
[radwarev2] vdirect_address = None |
(StrOpt) IP address of vDirect server. |
[radwarev2] vdirect_password = radware |
(StrOpt) vDirect user password. |
[radwarev2] vdirect_user = vDirect |
(StrOpt) vDirect user name. |
[radwarev2] workflow_action_name = apply |
(StrOpt) Name of the workflow action. Default: apply. |
[radwarev2] workflow_params = {'data_ip_address': '', 'ha_network_name': 'HA-Network', 'ha_port': 2, 'allocate_ha_ips': True, 'ha_ip_pool_name': 'default', 'allocate_ha_vrrp': True, 'data_port': 1, 'gateway': '', 'twoleg_enabled': '_REPLACE_', 'data_ip_mask': ''} |
(DictOpt) Parameter for l2_l3 workflow constructor. |
[radwarev2] workflow_template_name = os_lb_v2 |
(StrOpt) Name of the workflow template. Default: os_lb_v2. |
[radwarev2_debug] configure_l3 = True |
(BoolOpt) Configule ADC with L3 parameters? |
[radwarev2_debug] configure_l4 = True |
(BoolOpt) Configule ADC with L4 parameters? |
[radwarev2_debug] provision_service = True |
(BoolOpt) Provision ADC service? |
[xenapi] connection_password = None |
(StrOpt) Password for connection to XenServer/Xen Cloud Platform. |
[xenapi] connection_url = None |
(StrOpt) URL for connection to XenServer/Xen Cloud Platform. |
[xenapi] connection_username = None |
(StrOpt) Username for connection to XenServer/Xen Cloud Platform. |