Common Terms
- Design Summit
- The ‘Design Summit’ is the previous name for the developer-oriented event
that used to happen concurrently with the OpenStack Summit. Design
Summits have been split into two separtate events: the Forum at the
OpenStack Summit, and the Project Teams Gathering.
- Forum
- The ‘Forum’ is one of the pillars of the OpenStack Summit event. It is
where the community gets together to discuss the future of OpenStack.
See Forum for details.
- Internet Relay Chat is a real-time communication platform used by
many open source projects. See Public Meetings on IRC and
Project IRC Channels for details about how OpenStack uses IRC, and for tips for setting up a
- Mid-cycle sprints
- Midcycle sprints or meetups are optional in-person gatherings
focused around a project team or a specific initiative within the
community. See Sprints for details.
- Project Teams Gathering (‘PTG’)
- The ‘Project Teams Gathering’ is an event for upstream project team
members to get together to bootstrap a new development cycle and
organize the work for the remainder of the cycle. See Project Teams Gathering
for details.
- A Project Team Lead is a member of a project team elected to lead
and represent that team for a release cycle. See
Technical Committee and PTL Elections for more details.
- TC
- The OpenStack Technical Committee is responsible for governance
of the technical contributors to the project. See for more details.