Current Series Release Notes


New Features

  • Querying inspector rules API now also returns the invert and multiple attributes of the associated conditions.
  • Add a check from the link_local_connection plugin to use data stored by the lldp_basic plugin to avoid having to parse the LLDP packets twice.
  • Adds node state to the GET /v1/introspection/<node UUID or name> and GET /v1/introspection API response data.
  • Processing hooks can now define dependencies on other processing hooks. ironic-inspector start up fails when required hooks are not enabled before the hook that requires them.
  • Update pxe_enabled field on ports. It is set to True for the PXE-booting port and False for the remaining ports. Both newly discovered and existing ports are affected.

Upgrade Notes

  • Experimental setting IPMI credentials support was removed from all versions of the API. The current API version was bumped to 1.12 to mark this change.
  • The default API version was synchronized with the current API version again after removal of the IPMI credentials setting.
  • Ports creating logic was moved from core processing code to the validate_interfaces processing hook. This may affect deployments that disable this hook or replace it with something else. Also make sure to place this hook before any hooks expecting ports to be created.
  • Bare metal API version ‘1.19’ is now required.
  • Support for rollback actions in introspection rules was removed.
  • Old status records are no longer removed by default. They are still removed if a node is removed from Ironic.

Deprecation Notes

  • The node_status_keep_time configuration option is deprecated. Now that we can remove status information about nodes removed from ironic, this option does not make much sense, and maybe be confusing (see bug 1695858).

Bug Fixes

  • Timeout event on starting state lead to undefined transition error.
  • Do not fail the whole introspection due to a value formatting error during introspection rules rollback. See bug 1686942 for an example and detailed investigation.

Other Notes

  • Allow a timeout to happen while a node inspection is in any active state.


Bug Fixes

  • The POST /v1/introspection/<Node ID>/data/unprocessed API updates the started_at time when ironic inspector begins processing the node.
  • Exception CalledProcessError is raised when running iptables cmd on start up. The issue is caused by eventlet bug, see: The issue affects ironic-inspector only if it manages firewall - configured with manage_firewall = True configuration option.
  • Wrong provision state name ‘inspectfail’ in ironic-inspector valid states for node inspection. This issue leads to state inconsistency between ironic and ironic-inspector. For example, if ironic inspection timeout is lower than ironic-inspector’s, and inspection timeout occurs, ironic will transition node into ‘inspect failed’ provision state. In such case when node inspection finishes without errors the node will be in ‘inspect failed’ provision state with inspection in ‘finished’ state.