Ocata Series Release Notes (2.2.0 - 2.2.x)


New Features

  • Support has been added for inspecting nodes. For a node that is in the manageable state, its action menu will include an Inspect button. Node action menus are located in the node-list and node-detail pages.
  • The current cleaning step is displayed in the Provisioning Status section of the node-details/overview page
  • The user is now able to abort a node cleaning operation. When cleaning is aborted the node is moved from the CLEAN WAIT state to the CLEAN FAIL state. When appropriate an “Abort cleaning” action will be present in individual node action menu.
  • The node-details/configuration page has been extended to enable the user to edit ports after initial creation.
  • The user is now able to specify the pxe_enabled and local-link-connection attributes as part of defining/editing ports.