2.0 Series Release Notes


New Features

  • Add server backup create command
  • Add network segment list and network segment show commands. These are beta commands and subject to change. Use global option --os-beta-command to enable these commands. [Blueprint routed-networks]
  • Add volume transfer request list command [Bug 1554886]
  • Add --project option to flavor set command to set project access to a flavor [Bug 1575461]
  • Add --project option to flavor unset command to remove project access to a flavor [Bug 1575461]
  • Add --state option to server set command to set the server to active or error state. [Blueprint server-reset-state]

Upgrade Notes

  • address scope delete command now accepts multiple address scopes in a single command
  • compute agent delete command now supports deleting multiple agents in a single command
  • An exception is not raised by command service set when nothing specified. Instead, the service is not enabled by default. And if --disable-resion is specified but not --disable, an exception will be raised.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix the --enable option on all commands by changing the --enable-beta-commands global option to --os-beta-command. There are no upgrade impacts for the global option rename since the old name isn’t used. [Bug 1588384]


New Features

  • Add network support for quota set command. Options added includes --networks --subnets --subnetpools --ports --routers --rbac-policies --vips --members --health-monitors. Options --floating-ips --secgroup-rules --secgroups now support both network and compute API. [Bug 1489441]
  • Add --icmp-type and --icmp-code options to the security group rule create command for Network v2 only. These options can be used to set ICMP type and code for ICMP IP protocols. [Bug 1519512]
  • The following Network v2 IP protocols are supported by the security group rule create command --protocol option, ah, dccp, egp, esp, gre, igmp, ipv6-encap, ipv6-frag, ipv6-icmp, ipv6-nonxt, ipv6-opts, ipv6-route, ospf, pgm, rsvp, sctp, udplite, vrrp and integer representations [0-255]. [Bug 1519512]
  • The security group rule list command supports displaying the ICMP type and code for security group rules with the ICMP IP protocols. [Bug 1519512]
  • Add --share and --default options to subnet pool create and --default option to subnet pool set [Bug 1544586] [Bug 1544591]
  • Add --transparent-vlan and --no-transparent-vlan options to network create and network set commands to add/remove VLAN transparency attributes from networks. This option is available in Network V2 only. [Bug 1545537]
  • Adds volume service list command. [Bug 1550999]
  • Support X.latest format for OS_COMPUTE_API_VERSION in order to talk with the latest nova microversion API, that is very helpful shortcut usage to use new nova side features. [Bug 1561838]
  • Add address scope create, address scope delete, address scope list, address scope set and address scope show commands. [Bug 1566269]
  • Add the --ip-version option to the subnet list command. This will output subnets based on IP version filter. [Bug 1581179]

Upgrade Notes

  • Changed the security group rule create command --proto option to --protocol. Using the --proto option is still supported, but is no longer documented and may be deprecated in a future release. [Bug 1519512]

Bug Fixes

  • Support a new --state option for snapshot set command that changes the state of a snapshot. [Bug 1535239]
  • --pool-prefix option made required for subnet pool create [Bug 1536479]
  • Command network delete will delete as many networks as possible, log and report failures in the end. [Bug 1556719] [Bug 1537856]
  • Fixed the --route option on the router set command which did not properly format the new routes to set resulting in a Bad Request error. In addition, the router create, router list and router show command output for routes was fixed to improve readability and to align with the --route option on the router set command. [Bug 1564460]
  • Added --no-route to the router set command. Deprecated --clear-routes. [Bug 1565034]
  • Fixed network create, network show and network list commands to correctly display the router type in the router:external and Router Type columns. [Bug 1572228]
  • The quota show command <project/class> argument is now optional. If not specified, the user’s current project is used. This allows non-admin users to show quotas for their current project. [Bug 1572733]
  • Fixed flavor show/delete/set/unset command to properly find a private flavor by flavor name. [Bug 1575478]
  • Fixed flavor set/unset command to properly find a flavor to be set/unset by flavor id. [Bug 1575624]


New Features

  • Add --disable-reason option to the service set command
  • Add port create, port list and port set commands [Bug 1519909]
  • Add server restore command
  • The security group create, security group set and security group show commands now uses Network v2 when enabled which results in a more detailed output for network security group rules. [Bug 1519511]
  • Add --project and --project-domain options to the security group create command for Network v2. [Bug 1519511]
  • Add --ingress, --egress, --ethertype, --project and --project-domain options to the security group rule create command for Network v2 only. These options enable egress and IPv6 security group rules along with setting the project. [Bug 1519512]
  • The security group rule list command now uses Network v2 when enabled which results in egress security group rules being displayed. The --long option was also added for Network v2 to display direction and ethertype information. In addition, security group rules for all projects will be displayed when the group argument is not specified (admin only). This is done by default when using Network v2, but requires the new --all-projects option when using Compute v2. [Bug 1519512]
  • The security group rule create command now supports a security group name for the --src-group option. [Bug 1540656]
  • Add subnet create command. [Bug 1542364]
  • Add subnet pool create and subnet pool set commands. [Bug 1544586] [Bug 1544591]
  • Add provider network options --provider-network-type, --provider-physical-network and --provider-segment to the network create and network set commands. These options are available for NetworkV2 only. [Bug 1545537]
  • Add external network options --external|--internal and --external suboptions --default|--no-default to the network create and network set commands. These options are available for Network version 2 only. [Bug 1545537]
  • Add --image-property option to volume set and volume unset commands

    Image properties are copied when a volume is created from an image. The properties are immutable on the image itself but may be updated or removed from the volume created from that image.

    [Bug 1554877] [Bug 1554879]

  • Add --project and --project-domain options to volume type set and volume type unset commands

    Use the --project option to restrict a volume type to a specific project. Volume types are public by default, restricted volume types should be made private with the --private option to the volume create command.

    [Bug 1554889] [Bug 1554890]

  • Add host set command [Bug 1556929]
  • Add aggregate unset command [Bug 1559866]
  • Add global options os-cert and --os-key to support client certificate/key. Environment variables OS_CERT and OS_KEY, as well as the cert and key values in clouds.yaml may also be used [Bug 1565112]
  • Add router add port command [Bug 1546849]
  • Add router remove port command [Bug 1546849]
  • Add router add subnet command [Bug 1546849]
  • Add router remove subnet command [Bug 1546849]
  • Add subnet set command. [Bug 1542363]

Upgrade Notes

  • The ip floating create command now uses Network v2 when enabled [Bug 1519502]
  • The security group rule create command now uses Network v2 when enabled which results in a more detailed output for network security group rules that matches the security group rule show command. [Bug 1519512]
  • Deprecate global option --profile in favor of --os-profile.

    --profile interferes with existing command options with the same name. Unfortunately it appeared in a release so we must follow the deprecation process and wait one year (April 2017) before removing it.

    [Bug 1571812]

Bug Fixes

  • The security group create command now uses Network v2 when enabled which allows the security group description to be created with an empty value. In addition, the tenant_id field changed to project_id to match the security group show command output. [Bug 1519511]
  • The security group rule list command no longer ignores the group argument when it is set to an empty value. [Bug 1519512]
  • Fixed openstack command list to display properly [Bug 1545609]
  • Fixed SSL/TLS verification for Network v2 commands. The commands were ignoring the --insecure and --os-cacert options and the OS_CACERT environment variable which caused them to fail with An SSL error occurred. when authenticating using SSL/TLS. [Bug 1560157]
  • Fixed subnet pool list command to properly disply the list of subnet pool prefixes in the Prefixes column. This fix is consistent with the subnet pool create and subnet pool show command output. [Bug 1569480]
  • Make --name optional in volume snapshot create and volume backup create commands.


New Features

  • OSprofiler support was added. To initiate OpenStack request tracing --profile <HMAC_KEY> option needs to be added to the CLI command. This key needs to present one of the secret keys defined in the OpenStack projects configuration files (if there is a wish to generate cross-project trace, the chosen key needs to be presented in all these configuration files). By default all OpenStack projects, that support OSprofiler, are using SECRET_KEY HMAC key.

    To use tracing functionality OSprofiler (and its storage backend) needs to be installed in the environment. If so, you will be able to trigger profiling via openstack –profile SECRET_KEY <operation> command. At the end of output there will be message with <trace_id>, and to plot human-readable HTML chart the following command should be used - osprofiler trace show <trace_id> --html --out result.html.

  • Allow custom logging of components [Bug 1484660]
  • Command ip floating delete is now available for neutron network. [Bug 1519502]
  • Command ip floating list is now available for neutron network. [Bug 1519502]
  • Add command ip floating show for neutron and nova network. [Bug 1519502]
  • Add support for security group rule show command. [Bug 1519512]
  • Add support for the server dump create command [Bug 1538372]
  • Add subnet show command. [Bug 1542359]
  • Add subnet delete command to openstack-client. [Bug 1542362]
  • Add token revoke command for Identity v3 [Bug 1543226]
  • Command network delete is now available for nova network. [Bug 1543672]
  • Command network list is now available for nova network. [Bug 1543672]
  • Command network show is now available for nova network. [Bug 1543672]
  • Command network create is now available for nova network. [Bug 1543672]
  • Add support for subnet pool delete command. [Bug 1544587]
  • Add support for subnet pool list command. [Bug 1544589]
  • Add support for subnet pool show command. [Bug 1544590]
  • [bug 1479569] Add an optional --names argument to the role assignment list` command. This will output names instead of IDs for users, groups, roles, projects, and domains.
  • Add support for recursive container delete. [Bug 1542718]

Upgrade Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Ignore the security group list command --all-projects option for Network v2 since security groups will be displayed for all projects by default (admin only). [Bug 1519511]
  • The security group set command now uses Network v2 when enabled which allows the security group name and description to be set to an empty value. [Bug 1519511]
  • The token issue can now return an unscoped token. If a project or domain target scope are not specified, an unscoped token will be returned. [Bug 1543214]
  • Command flavor set/unset now outputs nothing. [Bug 1546065]
  • Command security group set now outputs nothing. [Bug 1546065]
  • Command compute agent set now outputs nothing. [Bug 1546065]
  • Command aggregate set now outputs nothing. [Bug 1546065]


New Features

  • Add support for the port delete command. [Bug 1519909]
  • Add support for the port show command. [Bug 1519909]
  • Add support for the subnet list command. [Bug 1523258]
  • Add project unset command for Identity v2 [Bug 1486597]
  • Add image set --activate|--deactivate options (Image v2 only) [Bug 1516661]
  • Add --project-domain option to image create and image set commands (Image v2 only) [Bug 1517134]
  • Add router commands create, delete, list, set, show [Bug 1519503]
  • Add --src-group option to security group rule create to include a ‘remote’ security group rule. [Bug 1522969]
  • Add volume support to os availability zone list [Bug 1532945]
    • New --compute option to only list compute availability zones.
    • New --volume option to only list volume availability zones.
  • Add network support to os availability zone list [Bug 1534202]
    • New --network option to only list network availability zones.
  • Add --limit option to image list to limit the number of images in output. [Bug 1540988]
  • Add --marker option to image list to handle paginate requests. [Bug 1540988]

Bug Fixes

  • Make security group rule list group argument optional to list all security groups [Bug 1519512]
  • Add remote security group to os security group rule list [Bug 1520003]
  • Change server list --flavor to now accept flavor ID or name [Bug 1521492]
  • Change server list --image to now accept image ID or name [Bug 1521492]
  • Change the project set --domain option to use the argument as a lookup for locating projects in non-default domains. [Bug 1524456]
  • Fix case sensitivity when showing object-store properties. [Bug 1525805]
  • Support non-interactive user password update [Bug 1531360]

Other Notes

  • Change the --owner option to --project in image create and image set commands. --owner is deprecated and no longer documented but is still accepted; a warning message will be shown if it is used. [Bug 1527833]


Upgrade Notes

  • Removed the deprecated command project usage list in favor of usage list

Bug Fixes

  • Some compute quotas were not being set [Bug 1475831]
  • Add –all for snapshot list [Bug 1517386]
  • Add Status column to default image list output (v1 and v2) [Bug 1519181]
  • Fix --public|--private options for volume type create command to correctly pass privacy argument to client library [Bug 1520115]
  • Fix volume delete command to delete all specified volumes rather than only the last volume [Bug 1520541]

Other Notes

  • Add dependency on keystoneauth1 module to perform authentication in place of python-keystoneclient.
  • Drop Python 2.6 support [Bug 1519510]
  • Changes to server resource commands:
    • Added --limit and --marker to server list
    • Added server shelve
    • Added server unshelve
    • server resume now takes multiple server arguments
    • server suspend now takes multiple server arguments