Current Release Notes


New Features

  • Add --human-readable option to image show to display image size in human readable format (such as K, M, G, T,..) [Bug 1640086]
  • Add --default-quota option to subnet pool create and subnet pool set commands. [Bug 1667294]

Bug Fixes

  • Change column name Display Name to Name in volume list output. Current volume list --name command uses display_name as search_opts to send to cinder API, and show the result table with Display Name as column title. Replace all Display Name by Name to be consistent with other list commands.

    Support a mapping for volume list -c Display Name (Volume v1 and v2) and volume create/show -c display_name (Volume v1) to maintain backward compatibility until the next major release. [Bug 1657956]

  • Make role assignment list callable without administrator permissions if restricted to own project with --project parameter. [Bug 1658189]
  • Make block-device-mapping option of server create command more stable and clear. Fix ValueError when input block device mapping option in wrong format. Support to create block device from snapshot. Add details in help message about block-device-mapping option format and regular value of each item. [Bug 1667266]
  • Allow security groups in server create command to be specified by name or ID with the --security-group option. This also checks that the security group exist before creating the server. [Bug 1687814]
  • Raise exact exception when extension don’t exist in extension show command, and keep the column display order consist in extension list with and without --long option. [Bug 1689233]


Bug Fixes

  • Fix issue in port list command when no Compute endpoint is in the Service Catalog. [Bug 1688194]


New Features

  • Add support for Network Flavor Profile commands: network flavor profile create, network flavor profile delete, network flavor profile list, network flavor profile show and network flavor profile set [Blueprint neutron-client-flavors]
  • Add --share, --no-share, --project, --project-domain options to qos policy list command. [Blueprint network-commands-options]
  • Add quota list command with --compute, --volume and --network options. [Blueprint quota-list]
  • Add server add port and server remove port commands which enable to add/remove ports to/from a server [Bug 1678137]
  • Add --no-ha option to the router create command [Bug 1675514]
  • Add --fixed-ip-address option to the server add floating ip command [Bug 1624524]
  • Add --fixed-ip-address option to the server add fixed ip command [Bug 1678140]
  • Added extension show command to display the details of an extension. Currently works only for network extensions. [Blueprint extension-show]
  • Add network dhcp-agent related commands network agent add network, network agent remove network, network agent list --network and network list --agent for adding/removing network to dhcp agent. [Blueprint network-dhcp-adv-commands]
  • Add --private-key option for keypair create command to specify the private key file to save when a keypair is created, removing the need to copy the output and paste it into a new file. This is a convenient way to save private key in OSC interactive mode. [Bug 1549410]
  • Add --sort support to project list by sorting items in client side By default project list will be sorted by name. [Bug 1596818]
  • Add --qos-policy option to port create, port set and port unset commands. [Bug 1612136]
  • Add --network and --port options to server create command as alternatives to --nic option. [Bug 1612898]
  • The project list command lists all projects when called by an admin user. For non-admin users it will now list projects for the authenticated user instead of exiting with an authorization failure. The --my-projects option has also been added to the project list command to allow admin users to list their own projects. [Bug 1627555]
  • Add server event list and server event show commands.

    A server event is the event record of actions performed on a server, including: event type(create, delete, reboot and so on), event result(success, error), start time, finish time and others. [Bug 1642030]

  • Add floating ip set and floating ip unset commands. [Bug 1560297]
  • Add network flavor add profile and network flavor remove profile commands. [Blueprint neutron-client-flavors]

Deprecation Notes

  • volume transfer request accept has been changed to move the auth-key positional argument to a requried option --auth-key. This leaves the transfer request ID as the only positional arguemnt, as per the OpenStackClient command format. The old format is still functional, but is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix volume transfer request accept to not fail the transfer request name/ID lookup for non-admin users as the Volume API does not allow non-admin users access to transfers in other projects. [Bug 1633582]
  • Change the output column order in volume transfer request list to have ID followed by Name then the remaining columns.
  • Now the positional parameter <snapshot-name> of volume snapshot create command is no longer optional, it should be always present. [Bug 1659894]
  • security group list command now can display project IDs in the Project column of the command output. [Bug 1659967]
  • Allow users to create centralized (distributed=False) routers using the --centralized option in router create. Without this, routers are created based on the default neutron configuration of the deployment, which, for example, could be ‘distributed’. [Bug 1664255]
  • Add --mac-address option to port set command. [Bug 1670707]
  • Narrow acceptable negative response codes for group contains user [Bug 1672634]
  • Fix creating a server with a block-device-mapping when volume_size is empty. [Bug 1677236]


New Features

  • Add support for the network auto allocated topology command for creating and deleting auto allocated topologies. [Blueprint network-auto-allocated-topology]
  • Add support to clear/overwrite all flavor properties using --no-property option with flavor set command. [Blueprint allow-overwrite-set-options]
  • Add --fixed-ip option to the port list command. [Bug 1634799]
  • Add --encryption-provider, --encryption-cipher, --encryption-key-size and --encryption-control-location options to volume type set and volume type create commands. Add --encryption-type option to volume type unset, volume type list and volume type show commands. [Bug 1651117]
  • Add --group option to the command list command to filter the commands by group name: openstack command list --group volume will list all Volume commands for the selected API version. Use --os-XXXX-api-version to select a specific API version for the desired APIs.

    This provides an alternative to searching help output to list the comamnds available for specific APIs. Note that the --group argument is used as a simple substring search in the Command Group column. [Bug 1666780]

  • Added support for Volume API v3 for the following block storage command resources: consistency group, consistency group snapshot, volume, volume backup, volume host, volume snapshot, volume type, volume qos, volume service, volume transfer request. Note that microversion support for Volume API v3 is not yet implemented, each command will assume the API version is 3.0.
  • Add network flavor create, network flavor delete, network flavor list, Add network flavor show and network flavor set command [Blueprint neutron-client-flavors]

Bug Fixes

  • Fix --parents and --children options in project show command. [Bug 1499657]
  • Fixed the port set and port unset command failures (AttributeError) when --security-group option is included. [Bug 1656788]
  • Fix wrong behavior of parsing plugin service name when the service name end with keyword os, like: antiddos. That cause the service api version specified by users don’t work. [Bug 1658614]
  • Fix module list --all command failed, and enhance the related unit tests and funcational tests. [Bug 1661814]
  • Fix server create command failed when --nic auto or none. auto and none options was added into –nic argument of server create command, but that don’t work and raise internal error when execute command. The patch fix that issue. [Bug 1663520]
  • Allow --default and --no-default options in network create command to be recognized when --external is not present. [Bug 1665231]
  • Fix the Ethertype column output of security group rule list command. [Bug 1667699]


Bug Fixes

  • The network create command was ignoring the --project option and creating networks owned by the current authenticated user’s project. This was a regression introduced in OSC 3.8.0. [Bug 1659878]
  • The address scope list command failed with ‘HttpException: Bad Request’ when the --share or --no-share options were used. [Bug 1659993]


New Features

  • Add meter rules commands for network meter rule create, network meter rule delete, network meter rule list, and network meter rule show. [Blueprint neutron-client-metering]
  • Add --allowed-address option to port create, port set and port unset commands. Also add --no-allowed-address option to port create and port set commands. [Bug 1612136]
  • Add --deleted and --changes-since options to server list command. [Bug 1647242]
  • Add --project and --project-domain filtering options to port list command. [Bug 1648087]
  • Add --domain options to the user set command. Allows specification of domain context when changing users. [Bug 1658147]
  • Add --project and --project-domain option to volume snapshot list command, in order to filter list result by different project.

Bug Fixes

  • Allow --block-device-mapping option to work correctly with --volume option in server create command. After Bug 1383338 --block-device-mapping was ignored if --volume was present. Block device mappings are now appended to the mapping created by the --volume option if it is present. The device name of the boot volume specificed in the --volume option is no longer assumed to be ‘vda’ but now uses the hypervisor’s boot index to obtain the device name. This maintains the status quo for QEMU/KVM hypervisors but XEN, parallels and others virt types that have device naming is different from vd* should now also work correctly. [Bug 1497845] [Bug 1647406]
  • Fixed a __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'project_name' error in various networking commands when help or --help was used. [Bug 1650026]
  • Work around a bug in OpenStackSDK 0.9.11 and 0.9.12 that causes quota set --network to fail. [Bug 1655445]
  • Fixed a volume qos create display mistake in argument of specs. [Bug 1656767]
  • Correctly handle non-admin in create trust command when looking up role names. [Bug 1658582]


New Features

  • Added auto and none as values for --nic to the“server create“ command. Specifying none will not attach a network to the server. Specifying auto will automatically attach a network. Note, v2.37 (or newer) of the Compute API is required for these options. [Bug 1650342]
  • Add support for Network QoS rule commands: network qos rule create, network qos rule delete, network qos rule list, network qos rule show and network qos rule set [Bug 1609472]
  • Add support for Network QoS rule type commands: network qos rule type list, [Bug 1612194]
  • Add --router and --no-router options to osc router set command to modify routes in a router instance. [ Blueprint allow-overwrite-set-options]
  • Add support for network metering commands: network meter create, network meter delete, network meter show, network meter list [Blueprint neutron-client-metering]
  • Add consistency group add volume and consistency group remove volume commands in volume v2. [Bug 1642238]
  • Add filters --agent-type and --host to network agent list command [Bug 1641868]
  • Add --type, --action, --long options to network rbac list command [Bug 1648307]
  • Add support to update image membership with the --accept, --reject and --pending options of the image set command.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix an endpoint version problem with Image endpoints that contained the substring ‘v2’. [Bug 1652827]
  • Fix --project option for flavor create command when the ID for the new flavor is auto generated. [Bug 1654221]
  • Fixed a 'Quota' object is not iterable error in the quota show command that appeared with the initial release of openstacksdk v0.9.11 and v0.9.12. [Bug 1655537]
  • Fix floating ip delete and floating ip show to accept IP addresses in addition to IDs to select floating IPs to delete or show. [Bug 1656402
  • Work around a bug in OpenStackSDK 0.9.11 and 0.9.12 that causes quota show --default to fail. [Bug 1656572]
  • Fix a bug of unable to filter volume list by --project and --user options in the openstack volume list.
  • Makes openstack object save much faster when saving an object to disk. [Bug 1654645]


New Features

  • Add --default option to volume type list command, in order to show which volume type the volume sets as it’s default. [Blueprint cinder-command-support]
  • Add --bootable, --non-bootable, --read-only and --read-write options to volume create command. [Blueprint cinder-command-support]
  • Add --name, --ip-version, --project, --project-domain, --share, --no-share options to the address scope list command. [Bug 1636046]
  • Add ploop as a valid disk format choice for image create and image set commands. [Bug 1650342]
  • Add support for setting the gateway information in a router, by introducing the new option --external-gateway in router set command and clearing the gateway information in a router by introducing --external-gateway option in router unset command. [ Blueprint neutron-client-advanced-router]


New Features

  • Add network service provider list command.
  • Add --enable-port-security and --disable-port-security options to port set and port create commands. [Blueprint network-commands-options]
  • Add volume host set command, it allows a user to enable or disable a volume host. [Blueprint cinder-command-support]
  • Add --force option to volume snapshot delete command to allow delete in state other than error or available. [Bug 1597195]
  • Add --dns-name option to os port create and os port set commands. [Bug 1612136]
  • Add --project and --project-domain options to the router list, floating ip create and security group list commands. [Bug 1613231] [Bug 1613629] [Bug 1610909]
  • Add consistency group create command in volume v2. [Bug 1613964]
  • Add consistency group delete command in volume v2. [Bug 1613964]
  • Add consistency group show command in volume v2. [Bug 1613964]
  • Add consistency group set command in volume v2. [Bug 1613964]
  • Add --long, --status, --project, --project-domain, and --router options to floating ip list command. [Bug 1614379]
  • Add --port, --fixed-ip-address, --network, options to floating ip list command [Bug 1614379]
  • Add --remote-source option to volume snapshot create command to support creating volume snapshot from an existing remote volume snapshot in volume v2. [Bug 1618676]
  • The image list command will now sort by name in ascending order by default. --sort option will have the default value of name:asc. [Bug 1639231]
  • Add consistency group snapshot create, consistency group snapshot delete, consistency group snapshot list and consistency group snapshot show commands in volume v2. [Bug 1642238]
  • Add Is Public column to volume type list. [Bug 1643861]
  • Add --name, --status and --volume options to volume snapshot list command [Bug 1645252]
  • Add QoS support for Network commands. The new parameter qos-policy is added to network create and network set commands. This parameter is the name or the ID of the network QoS policy to attach to this network. [Bug 1627069]

Deprecation Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Skip password prompt when running commands that do not require auth and user auth values are present except for password. [Bug 1619274] Fixed in release 3.3.0
  • Fix problem with --os-auth-type token_endpoint that caused exceptions when recent os-client-config version 1.23.0 or newer is installed. [Bug 1642301] Fixed in release 3.4.1
  • Changed the default version of OS_IMAGE_API_VERSION to 2. Image v1 has been deprecated for more than six months and other projects, such as shade and os-client-config are using Image v2 by default as well. [Bug 1642772]


Bug Fixes

  • Fix TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'project_domain_id' error with non-password authentication types. [Bug 1642301]


New Features

  • Add support to update high-availability property of a router by adding --ha and --no-ha option to router set CLI. [Bug 1631492]
  • Add support for Network QoS policies commands: network qos policy create, network qos policy delete, network qos policy list, network qos policy show and network qos policy set [Bug 1609037]
  • Add --all-projects option to the volume backup list command to list volume backups across all projects.
  • openstack floating ip now provides Floating Network and Project to identify to which network and project the floating-ip belongs to. [Bug 1566090]
  • Add --security-group and --no-security-group options to port create, port set and port unset commands. [Bug 1612136]
  • Add --ingress, --egress and --protocol options to security group rule list command. [Bug 1613533]
  • Add a new column status and --long option to the result of the os port list command. [Bug 1613995] [Bug 1614321]
  • Add support to allow filtering ports via --mac-address option to the port list command. [Bug 1634333]
  • Add --provider-network-type, --provider-physical-network, and --provider-segment options to the network list command. [Bug 1635580]
  • Add --long option and more columns to the hypervisor list command. [Bug 1637074]
  • Add --name, --enable, --disable options to router list command. [Bug 1637945]
  • Add --name, --status, --volume, --marker and --limit options to volume backup list command [Bug 1639712]
  • rbac_object parameter in network rbac create command now can be a QoS policy name.

Upgrade Notes

  • Rename the --src-group and --src-ip options in the security group rule create command to --remote-group and --remote-ip. The --src-group and --src-ip options are deprecated but still supported, and will be removed in a future release. [Bug 1637365]

Bug Fixes

  • Fix the --block-migration and --shared-migration options for server migrate to send the correct values to the Compute API. [Bug 1518059]:
  • A warning message will be shown when an empty password is used for user create and user set operations. [Bug 1607959]
  • Fix router unset --route to correctly removed routes. [Bug 1631471]
  • Fix --no-allocation-pool option for subnet set command to send the correct value to the Network API. [Bug 1518059]:
  • Cliff 2.3.0: The shell formatter would emit invalid shell variable names for field names that contain colons (‘:’) and dashes (‘-‘), these are now replaced by underscores (‘_’). [Bug 1616323]


New Features

  • Ports can now be listed as per the networks they are connected to by using the --network option with the port list CLI. [ Blueprint network-commands-options]
  • Allow --no-fixed-ip and --no-binding-profile options to port set command to be specified when --fixed-ip and --binding-profile are present. This allows the list of fixed IPs and binding profiles to be cleared and replaced with new values in a single command. [Blueprint allow-overwrite-set-options]
  • Add --no-allocation-pool and --no-host-route options to subnet set command that clears the respective values in the specified subnet. This allows new values to replace the entire list of existing values in a single command for allocation pools and host routes. [Blueprint allow-overwrite-set-options]
  • Add volume transfer request create, volume transfer request delete, volume transfer request show and volume transfer request accept commands in volume v1 and v2. [Blueprint cinder-command-support]
  • Add network segment create, network segment delete and network segment set commands. In addition, the network segment list and network segment show commands are no longer beta commands and the --network-segment option on the subnet create command is no longer a beta command option. [Blueprint routed-networks]
  • Add --no-property option to aggregate set command. This allows the property list to be cleared and replaced with new values in a single command. [Blueprint support-no-property-in-aggregate]
  • Supported to fetch network project default quota with command quota show --default. [Bug 1204956]
  • Add --internal, --name, --project and --project-domain, --enable and --disable, --share and --no share, --status options to the network list command. [Bug 1578819]
  • Add --name option to command object create for uploading a file and renaming it. [Bug 1607972]
  • Support to update per_volume_gigabytes, backup_gigabytes and backups quota in quota set command. [Bug 1609767]
  • Add --ha option to router create command. [Bug 1610161]
  • Add --project, --project-domain, --network, --gateway, --name and --subnet-range options to the subnet list command. [Bug 1610883]
  • Add --limit option to volume list command in volume v1, add --limit and --marker options to volume list command in volume v2. [Bug 1612484]
  • Add volume backup set commands in volume v2. [Bug 1613261]
  • Add volume service set commands in volume v1 and v2. [Bug 1613597]
  • Add --share, --no-share, --project, --project-domain, --default, --no-default, --name and --address-scope options to the subnet pool list command. [Bug 1613926]
  • Add consistency group list command in volume v2. [Bug 1613964]
  • Support listing the specified server’s ports by new option --server of port list command. [Bug 1614385]
  • Adds --description option to subnet create and subnet set commands. [Bug 1614458]
  • Adds --description option to subnet pool create and subnet pool set commands. [Bug 1614823]
  • Add --source-replicated, --consistency-group, --hint and --multi-attach options to volume create command in volume v2. Make --size optional when --snapshot, --source or source-replicated options are present. [Bug 1627913]
  • Add --service-type option to the subnet create, subnet set, subnet unset, and subnet list commands. [ Blueprint service-subnets]

Security Issues

  • Mask passwords when --debug or -vv options are used. [Bug 1630822]

Bug Fixes

  • Add --bootable and --non-bootable options to os volume set command to mark volume as bootable or non-bootable. [Bug 1535704]
  • Update novaclient DEFAULT_API_VERSION from 2.0 to 2.1 [Bug 1588171]
  • Fix the --class option in quota set and quota show commands to not perform a project lookup in Identity. [Bug 1609233]
  • Do not show os-volume-type-access:is_public property which is the same as is_public property of volume type object. [Bug 1620922]
  • Fix --long option in router list command for deployments without the router_availability_zone extension is not enabled. [Bug 1622565]
  • Fix missing _username attribute error in server ssh command. [Bug 1624085]


Bug Fixes

  • Fix prompting for password issue introduced in release 3.0.0 [Bug 1617384]


New Features

  • Add a new command port unset to clear the information of fixed-ip and binding-profile from the port. [ Blueprint network-property-unset]
  • Added support of –server-groups –server-group-members options to quota set command. [Bug 1602223]
  • Add network agent delete, network agent list, network agent show and network agent set commands. [Blueprint implement-network-agents]
  • Support bulk deletion and error handling for aggregate delete, flavor delete, keypair delete and service delete commands. [Blueprint multi-argument-compute]
  • Support bulk deletion for subnet pool delete, subnet delete, floating ip delete, security group delete and security group rule delete. [Blueprint multi-argument-network]
  • Update --binding-profile option on the port create and port set commands to support JSON input for more advanced binding profile data. [Blueprint neutron-client]
  • Add --enable-port-security and --disable-port-security options on the network create and network set commands. This supports setting the default port security for ports created on a network. [Blueprint neutron-client]
  • Add geneve choice to the network create command --provider-network-type option. [Blueprint neutron-client]
  • Add --device-owner option to the port list command to enable listing ports based on device owner. [Blueprint neutron-client]
  • Add network rbac list, network rbac show, network rbac create, network rbac delete and network rbac set commands. [Blueprint neutron-client-rbac]
  • Add --network-segment option to the subnet create command. This is a beta command option and subject to change. Use global option --os-beta-command to enable this option. [Blueprint routed-networks]
  • Add support for showing flavor access list by using flavor show command. [Bug 1575461]
  • Add --purge option to volume delete command (Volume v2 only) in order to removing any snapshots along with volume automatically when user delete the volume. [Bug 1589332]
  • Add options --up and --down for compute v2 compute service set command to support force up/down compute service. [Bug 1589348]
  • Support bulk deletion for ec2 credentials delete, endpoint delete, service delete in identity V2.0 . [Bug 1592906]
  • Support bulk deletion for identity v3 commands: consumer, credential, domain, ec2creds, endpoint, federation_protocol, identity_provider, mapping, policy, region, service_provider and service. [Bug 1592906]
  • Support bulk deletion for volume type delete. [Bug 1592906]
  • Add --force option to backup create command to allow users to back up an in-use volume. [Bug 1596443]
  • Add --property option to flavor create command. [Bug 1596798]
  • Add --force option to volume qos delete command to allow users to delete in-use QoS specification(s). [Bug 1596821]
  • Add --snapshot option to backup create command. [Bug 1597184]
  • Add --force option to backup delete command to allow delete in state other than error or available. [Bug 1597188]
  • Add --property option to snapshot create command. [Bug 1597192]
  • Add --public and --private options to volume type list command. [Bug 1597198]
  • Add --incremental option to backup create command to allow users to create incremental backups. [Bug 1600196]
  • Add “Checksum” column to output of “image list –long” [Bug 1602073]
  • Add --project and --project-domain options to volume type create command. [Bug 1602169]
  • Support to get server rdp, serial, mks type console url. [Bug 1605088]
  • Add --limit and --marker options to snapshot list command. [Bug 1605475]
  • Deprecate role list arguments in favor of role assignment command. [Bug 1605774]
  • Add support for domain specific roles in role and“role assignment“ commands. [Bug 1606105]
  • Make subnet list command supports listing up subnets with dhcp enabled/disabled by adding --dhcp and --no-dhcp options to the command. [Bug 1610883]
  • Add --project and --project-domain options to the flavor create command. We can use these options to add the flavor access to a given project when we create the flavor.
  • Show project access details for private volume type.

    An user can list projects which have access to a specific private volume type by using volume type show <volume-type>

    [Bug 1554891]

  • Add a new command subnet unset to clear the information of allocation-pools, host-routes or DNS servers from the subnet. [ Blueprint network-property-unset]
  • Add a new command router unset to clear the information of routes from the router. [ Blueprint network-property-unset]
  • Add a new command subnet pool unset to clear the information of pool-prefixes from the subnet pools. [ Blueprint network-property-unset]

Upgrade Notes

  • All set and unset commands now return normally when nothing specified to modify. This will become the default behavior of OSC set and unset commands. [Bug 1588588]
  • Migrate command compute agent set arguments to be optional.
  • With the change to use keystoneauth plugins the OpenStackClient-specific osc_password authentication plugin has been removed. The visible difference should only be in the behaviour with poorly configured clouds with old default Keystone values for admin_endpoint and public_endpoint as seen in the version details returned in a GET to the root (‘/’) route.

Deprecation Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Support a new --state option for volume set command that changes the state of a volume. [Bug 1535213]
  • Keystone V3 user password set is a self-service operation. It should not required a scoped token as it is not considered a scoped operation. [Bug 1543222]
  • When performing domain show, project show or user show, peek into the user token to determine the ID or the resource (if supplied with only a name). This should make finding information about the user and their project easier for non-admin users. [Bug 1561599]
  • Fix setting defaults for some scope parameters, that were putting invalid scope parameters for some auth plugins. [Bug 1582774]
  • Raise ArgumentTypeError if the input arguments do not match the type key=value when we set properties. [Bug 1589935]
  • Scope options are now validated after authentication occurs, and only if the user does not have a default project scope. [Bug 1592062]
  • Fix for network OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE/–os-interface. Previously these were being ignored for network commands which resulted in the public endpoint always being used. [Bug 1592368]
  • Add default IP version in ip availability list command and make this command work properly without --ip-version option. [Bug 1592761]
  • Fixed service name lookup in Identity commands to properly handle multiple matches. [Bug 1597296]