v13.0.0 Release Notes

v13.0.0 Release Notes

13.0.0 Release Notes


This release is marking the start of Newton release support in Tempest

New Features

  • Define identity service clients as libraries. Add new service clients to the library interface so the other projects can use these modules as stable libraries without any maintenance changes.

    • identity_client(v2)
    • groups_client(v3)
    • trusts_client(v3)
    • users_client(v3)
    • identity_client(v3)
    • roles_client(v3)
    • inherited_roles_client(v3)
    • credentials_client(v3)
  • Define volume service clients as libraries. The following volume service clients are defined as library interface, so the other projects can use these modules as stable libraries without any maintenance changes.
    • backups_client
    • encryption_types_client (v1)
    • encryption_types_client (v2)
    • qos_clients (v1)
    • qos_clients (v2)
    • snapshots_client (v1)
    • snapshots_client (v2)
  • Define the v1 and v2 types_client clients for the volume service as library interfaces, allowing other projects to use these modules as stable libraries without maintenance changes.

Upgrade Notes

  • the already deprecated tempest-cleanup standalone command has been removed. The corresponding functionalities can be accessed through the unified tempest command (tempest cleanup).

Deprecation Notes

  • Oslo.utils provides same method get_ipv6_addr_by_EUI64, so deprecate it in Newton and remove it in Ocata.
  • The call_until_true function is moved from the tempest.test module to the tempest.lib.common.utils.test_utils module. Backward compatibility is preserved until Ocata.

Other Notes

  • OpenStack releases supported at this time are Liberty, Mitaka, and Newton.

    The release under current development as of this tag is Ocata, meaning that every Tempest commit is also tested against master during the Ocata cycle. However, this does not necessarily mean that using Tempest as of this tag will work against a Ocata (or future releases) cloud.

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