Domains are high-level containers for projects, users and groups. As such, they can be used to centrally manage all keystone-based identity components. With the introduction of account domains, server, storage and other resources can now be logically grouped into multiple projects (previously called tenants) which can themselves be grouped under a master account-like container. In addition, multiple users can be managed within an account domain and assigned roles that vary for each project.
The Identity V3 API supports multiple domains. Users of different domains may be represented in different authentication back ends and even have different attributes that must be mapped to a single set of roles and privileges, that are used in the policy definitions to access the various service resources.
Where a rule may specify access to only admin users and users belonging to the tenant, the mapping may be trivial. In other scenarios the cloud administrator may need to approve the mapping routines per tenant.
Domain-specific authentication drivers allow the Identity service
to be configured for multiple domains using domain-specific configuration
files. Enabling the drivers and setting the domain-specific configuration file
location occur in the [identity]
section of the keystone.conf
domain_specific_drivers_enabled = True
domain_config_dir = /etc/keystone/domains
Any domains without a domain-specific configuration file
will use options in the primary keystone.conf
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