A share type is an administrator-defined “type of service”, comprised of a tenant visible description, and a list of non-tenant-visible key-value pairs - extra specifications. The manila-scheduler uses extra specifications to make scheduling decisions, and drivers control the share creation.
An administrator can create and delete share types, and also manage extra specifications that give them meaning inside the Shared File Systems service. Tenants can list the share types and can use them to create new shares. For details of managing the share types, see Shared File Systems API and Share types managing documentation.
Share types can be created as public and private. This is the level of visibility for the share type that defines whether other tenants can or cannot see it in a share types list and use it to create a new share.
By default, share types are created as public. While creating a share type,
use --is_public
parameter set to False
to make your share type
private which will prevent other tenants from seeing it in a list of share
types and creating new shares with it. On the other hand, public share
types are available to every tenant in a cloud.
The Shared File Systems service allows an administrator to grant or deny access to the private share types for tenants. It is also possible to get information about access for a specified private share type.
Since share types due to their extra specifications help to filter or choose back ends before users create a share, using access to the share types you can limit clients in choice of specific back ends.
As an example, being an administrator user in admin tenant, you can create a
private share type named my_type
and see it in the list. In the console
examples the logging in and out is omitted, and environment variables are
provided to show the current logged in user.
$ env | grep OS_
$ manila type-list --all
| ID | Name | Visibility| is_default| required_extra_specs | optional_extra_specs |
| 4..| my_type| private | - | driver_handles_share_servers:False| snapshot_support:True |
| 5..| default| public | YES | driver_handles_share_servers:True | snapshot_support:True |
user in demo
tenant can list the types and the private share type
named my_type
is not visible for him.
$ env | grep OS_
$ manila type-list --all
| ID | Name | Visibility| is_default| required_extra_specs | optional_extra_specs |
| 5..| default| public | YES | driver_handles_share_servers:True| snapshot_support:True|
The administrator can grant access to the private share type for the demo tenant with the tenant ID equal to df29a37db5ae48d19b349fe947fada46:
$ env | grep OS_
$ openstack project list
| ID | Name |
| ... | ... |
| df29a37db5ae48d19b349fe947fada46 | demo |
$ manila type-access-add my_type df29a37db5ae48d19b349fe947fada46
Thus now users in demo tenant can see the private share type and use it in the share creation:
$ env | grep OS_
$ manila type-list --all
| ID | Name | Visibility| is_default| required_extra_specs | optional_extra_specs |
| 4..| my_type| private | - | driver_handles_share_servers:False| snapshot_support:True |
| 5..| default| public | YES | driver_handles_share_servers:True | snapshot_support:True |
To deny access for a specified project, use manila type-access-remove <share_type> <project_id> command.
A real production use case that shows the purpose of a share types and
access to them is a situation when you have two back ends: cheap LVM as a
public storage and expensive Ceph as a private storage. In this case you
can grant access to certain tenants and make the access with
authentication method.
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