With over 2000 developers from 80 different companies worldwide, OpenStack is one of the largest collaborative software-development projects. Because of its size, it is characterized by a huge diversity in social norms and technical conventions. Attending a live class to get an insight of how the community operates and to learn about the insights and best practices can significantly increase the speed at which newcomers are successful at integrating their own roadmap into that of the OpenStack project.
We’ve designed a training program to provide an interactive environment to newcomers where they can learn they ways of collaborating with our community. We are relying on the principles of open collaboration and describe and show how the ‘Four Opens’ work in OpenStack in practice.
The training has a modular structre by which it gives room to attendees with different job roles.
For example if you are a project or program manager it is very important for you to understand how the OpenStack releases are structured in order to be able to plan the roadmap for the product you are responsible for. You might also be interested in participating in Working Groups to actively participate in and influence the community in you areas of interest. The training helps you to find the information entry points you need.
If you are a developer we help you to find your way into the community to get your bug fix or feature accepted in the OpenStack project in a minimum amount of time.
The live one and a half day class teaches the students how to navigate the intricacies of the project’s technical tools and social interactions and shows how they can collaborate with the community and find their place in the ecosystem.
After the training students have the possibility to sign up for a longer term mentoring to further stregthen the skills they’ve learnt during the training.
We are providing a virtual machine with the necessary tools pre-installed in it. For further information about the system requirements on it please see the ref: prepare-environment section.
- Add an info item to the minutes. People should liberally use
this for important things they say, so that they can be logged in the
- Document an action item in the minutes. Include any
nicknames in the line, and the item will be assigned to them. (nicknames
are case-sensitive)#help
- Add a “Call for Help” to the minutes. Use this command when
you need to recruit someone to do a task. (Counter-intuitively, this
doesn’t provide help on the bot)git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack-dev/devstack
cd devstack; ./stack.sh
Overview of the contribution process
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