RTAI is the acronym of Realtime Application
Interface. It was first started at the Dipartimento
di Ingeneria Aerospaziale, Politecnico di Milano by Professor
Paolo Mantegazza.
RTAI started as a variant of RTLinux in 1999 when Paolo
Mantegazza tried to collaborate with RTLinux including new
features and rearrange the RTLinux code but Victor did not
accepted his contributions. Since then, the relations between
RTAI and RTLinux developers are not good.
Although RTAI still contains code from the original RTLinux
code, the API differences between them evolved in opposite
directions. RTLinux was rewritten to be POSIX compatible and
to remain small and simple; RTAI developers added new features
and system calls following a personal and non always coherent
style. One of the main development guideline of RTLinux was to
keep the system as simple as possible and only add new
features when strictly necessary. On the other hand, RTAI
developers accepted and integrated into the system all code
contributions which resulted in a full featured, but some
times redundant and incompatible, system.
Currently, RTAI developers have started two major tasks:
Replace the underlying hardware control RTHAL, based on
the RTLinux original code and patented by Victor
Yoddaiken, with a new technology called ADEOS "Adaptive
Domain Environment for Operating Systems".
Redesign the API.