
The scheduler decides on the basis of the task priority which is the next of the ready tasks to be transferred into the running state (dynamic priority management is not supported). Tasks on the same priority level are started depending on their order of activation.

The OSEK standard provides four flavors of fixed priority scheduling, outlined below:

Full Preemptive Scheduling

Full preemptive scheduling means that the running task may be rescheduled at any instruction by the arrival of high priority tasks.

Non Preemptive Scheduling

Non preemptive scheduling means that task switching is only performed via one of a selection of explicitly defined system services (like task termination, explicit call to the scheduler and arrival of an event that wakes up an extended task).

Mixed Preemptive Scheduling

Since preemptiveness is a task attribute, preemptive and non-preemptive tasks can be mixed in the same application. The running task will influence the policy really used.

Task Grouping Using Internal Resources

This scheduling policy is very similar to the preemption threshold technology, where threshold values are implemented using the OSEK Priority Ceiling protocol together with internal resources locked and unlocked at the start and at the end of every task instance.