The OSEK Standard produced a specification for a Time Triggered Operating System (OSEKtime OS) that aims to represent a uniform functioning environment for single processor distributed embedded control units with a fault-tolerant communication layer.

The OSEKtime operating system supports static scheduling and offers all basic services for real-time applications, i.e., interrupt handling, dispatching, system time and clock synchronization, local message handling, and error detection mechanisms.

The OSEKtime operating system serves as a basis for application programs which are independent of each other, and provides their environment on a processor. The are two types of entities: interrupt services routines managed by the operating system and time triggered tasks.

The Osek Operating system can coexist with a OSEKTime OS, for handling both time triggered and event-driven computations on the same Embedded Control Unit. Basically, the interface of the OSEK OS remains the same (apart from some small changes in the startup/shutdown procedures). The main concept is that the OSEKTime OS assigns its idle time to the OSEK OS.

The OSEK OS, its tasks and its interrupts have always a lower priority than the similar entities in the OSEKTime OS. Non-preemptive tasks remains non-preemptive only in the OSEK/VDX domain, and they can be preempted bt the Time Triggered dispatcher and by the Time Triggered Tasks.