-- Perl 5.8.8 documentation --


Fink::Base - basic parameter handling


  package My::Fink;
  require Fink::Base;
  @ISA = qw(Fink::Base);
  my $obj = My::Fink->new_from_properties({ key1 => val1, ...});
  my $val = $obj->param($param);
  $obj->set_param($param, $val);


Basic parameter handling for fink objects.


  • new
      my $obj = Fink::Base->new;

    Create a new, empty fink object.

  • new_from_properties
      my $obj = Fink::Base->new_from_properties({ key1 => val1, ...});

    Create a new fink object setting its parameters to the given hash.

    Any key with a leading _ is ignored.

  • initialize

    Protected method, do not call directly.

    All Fink::Base constructors will call initialize() just before returning the object.

    The default initialize() is empty. You may override.

Parameter queries

All keys are used case insensitively.

  • param
      my $value = $obj->param($param);

    Returns the $value of the given $param.

  • set_param
      $obj->set_param($param, $value);

    Sets the $param to $value. If $value is undef or '' the $param is deleted.

  • param_default
      my $value = $obj->param_default($param, $default_value);

    Like param() but if the $param does not exist as a parameter $default_value will be used.

  • param_boolean
      my $value = $obj->param_boolean($param);

    Interprets the value of $param as a boolean. "True", "Yes", "On" and "1" are all considered true while all other values are considered false. Returns 1 for true, 0 for false, and undef if the field is not present at all.

  • has_param
      my $exists = $obj->has_param($param);

    Checks to see if the given $param has been set.

  • params_matching
      my @params = $obj->params_matching($regex);
      my @params = $obj->params_matching($regex, $with_case);

    Returns a list of the parameters that exist for $obj that match the given pattern $regex. Each returned value is suitable for passing to the other param* methods. The string $regex is a treated as a perl regular expression (which will not be further interpolated), with the exception that it will not return parameters of which only a substring matches. In perl terms, a leading ^ and trailing $ are applied. In human terms, passing 'a.' will not return parameters such as 'apple' or 'cat'. If the optional $with_case is given and is true, matching will be done with case-sensitivity. If $with_case is false or not given, the matching will be case-insensitive (i.e., a /i modifier is applied). In either case, the values returned are in their actual case. The values are not returned in any particular order.