-- Perl 5.8.8 documentation --


Fink::Command - emulate common shell commands in Perl


  use Fink::Command ':ALL';
  mv @src, $dest;
  cp @src, $dest;
  my $text = cat $file;
  my @text = cat $file;
  mkdir_p @dirs;
  rm_rf @dirs;
  rm_f @files;
  touch @files;
  chowname $user, @files;
  symlink_f $src, $dest;


Its a common tempation to write something like this:

    execute("rm -rf $dir");

Instead of relying on shell utilities, we can do this inside Perl. This module provides a set of Perl functions emulating common shell utilities.


No functions are exported by default, they are all optional. You can get all of them with

  use Fink::Command ':ALL';

Unless noted otherwise, functions set $! and return false on failure.

  • mv
      mv $src,  $dest;
      mv @srcs, $destdir;

    Like mv .

  • cp
      cp $src,  $dest;
      cp @srcs, $destdir;

    Like cp .

  • cat
      my $text = cat $file;
      my @text = cat $file;

    Reads a file returning all the text in one lump or as a list of lines depending on context.

    Returns undef on error, even in list context.

  • mkdir_p
      mkdir_p @dirs;

    Like mkdir -p .

    Due to an implementation quirk, $! is not set on failure.

  • rm_rf
      rm_rf @dirs;

    Like rm -rf

  • rm_f
      rm_f @files;

    Like rm -f

  • touch
      touch @files;

    Like touch .

  • chowname
      chowname $user, @files;
      chowname "$user:$group", @files;
      chowname ":$group", @files;

    Like chowname but the user/group specification is a bit simpler. Dot is not supported as a seperator.

  • symlink_f
      symlink_f $src, $dest;

    Like ln -sf . Currently requires the full filename for $dest (not just target directory.

  • du_sk
      du_sk @dirs;

    Like du -sk , though slower.

    On success returns the disk usage of @dirs in kilobytes. This is not the sum of file-sizes, rather the total size of the blocks used. Thus it can change on a filesystem with support for sparse files, or an OS with a different block size.

    On failure returns "Error: <description>".

  • _expand
      my @expanded_paths = _expand(@paths);

    Expands a list of filepaths like the shell would.


This module is inspired by ExtUtils::Command