PHP Manual

The Judy class

(No version information available, might only be in SVN)


The Judy class implements the ArrayAccess interface and the Iterator interface. This class, once instantiated, can be accessed like a PHP array.

A PHP Judy object (or Judy Array) can be one of the following type :

Example #1 Judy array example

= new Judy(Judy::INT_TO_MIXED);
$judy[1] = "one";
$judy[2] = array('a''b''c');
$judy[3] = new Judy(Judy::BITSET);

Sommario dellla classe

Judy implements ArrayAccess , Iterator {
/* Constants */
const integer BITSET = 1 ;
const integer INT_TO_INT = 2 ;
const integer INT_TO_MIXED = 3 ;
const integer STRING_TO_INT = 4 ;
const integer STRING_TO_MIXED = 5 ;
/* Metodi */
public int byCount ( int $nth_index )
public __construct ( int $judy_type )
public int count ([ int $index_start = 0 [, int $index_end = -1 ]] )
public void __destruct ( void )
public mixed first ([ mixed $index ] )
public int firstEmpty ([ mixed $index = 0 ] )
public int free ( void )
public int getType ( void )
public void last ([ string $index ] )
public int lastEmpty ([ int $index = -1 ] )
public int memoryUsage ( void )
public mixed next ( mixed $index )
public int nextEmpty ( int $index )
public bool offsetExists ( mixed $offset )
public mixed offsetGet ( mixed $offset )
public bool offsetSet ( mixed $offset , mixed $value )
public bool offsetUnset ( mixed $offset )
public mixed prev ( mixed $index )
public int prevEmpty ( mixed $index )
public void size ( void )

Costanti predefinite


Define the Judy Array as a Bitset with keys as Integer and Values as a Boolean


Define the Judy Array with key/values as Integer, and Integer only.


Define the Judy Array with keys as Integer and Values of any type.


Define the Judy Array with keys as a String and Values as Integer, and Integer only.


Define the Judy Array with keys as a String and Values of any type.

Indice dei contenuti

PHP Manual