PHP Manual

The ZipArchive class

(PHP 5 >= 5.2.0, PECL zip >= 1.1.0)


A file archive, compressed with Zip.

Class synopsis

ZipArchive {
/* Properties */
int $status;
string $filename;
string $comment;
/* Methods */
bool addEmptyDir ( string $dirname )
bool addFile ( string $filename [, string $localname = NULL [, int $start = 0 [, int $length = 0 ]]] )
bool addFromString ( string $localname , string $contents )
bool addGlob ( string $pattern [, int $flags = 0 [, array $options = array() ]] )
bool addPattern ( string $pattern [, string $path = "." [, array $options = array() ]] )
bool close ( void )
bool deleteIndex ( int $index )
bool deleteName ( string $name )
bool extractTo ( string $destination [, mixed $entries ] )
string getArchiveComment ([ int $flags ] )
string getCommentIndex ( int $index [, int $flags ] )
string getCommentName ( string $name [, int $flags ] )
bool GetExternalAttributesIndex ( int $index , int &$opsys , int &$attr [, int $flags ] )
bool getExternalAttributesName ( string $name , int &$opsys , int &$attr [, int $flags ] )
string getFromIndex ( int $index [, int $length = 0 [, int $flags ]] )
string getFromName ( string $name [, int $length = 0 [, int $flags ]] )
string getNameIndex ( int $index [, int $flags ] )
string getStatusString ( void )
resource getStream ( string $name )
int locateName ( string $name [, int $flags ] )
mixed open ( string $filename [, int $flags ] )
bool renameIndex ( int $index , string $newname )
bool renameName ( string $name , string $newname )
bool setArchiveComment ( string $comment )
bool setCommentIndex ( int $index , string $comment )
bool setCommentName ( string $name , string $comment )
bool setExternalAttributesIndex ( int $index , int $opsys , int $attr [, int $flags ] )
bool setExternalAttributesName ( string $name , int $opsys , int $attr [, int $flags ] )
array statIndex ( int $index [, int $flags ] )
array statName ( string $name [, int $flags ] )
bool unchangeAll ( void )
bool unchangeArchive ( void )
bool unchangeIndex ( int $index )
bool unchangeName ( string $name )



Status of the Zip Archive


System status of the Zip Archive


Number of files in archive


File name in the file system


Comment for the archive

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