PHP Manual

The EventBuffer class

(PECL event >= 1.5.0)


EventBuffer represents Libevent's "evbuffer", an utility functionality for buffered I/O.

Event buffers are meant to be generally useful for doing the "buffer" part of buffered network I/O.

Synopsis de la classe

EventBuffer {
/* Constants */
const integer EOL_ANY = 0 ;
const integer EOL_CRLF = 1 ;
const integer EOL_CRLF_STRICT = 2 ;
const integer EOL_LF = 3 ;
const integer PTR_SET = 0 ;
const integer PTR_ADD = 1 ;
/* Propriétés */
public readonly int $length ;
public readonly int $contiguous_space ;
/* Méthodes */
public bool add ( string $data )
public bool addBuffer ( EventBuffer $buf )
public int appendFrom ( EventBuffer $buf , int $len )
public __construct ( void )
public int copyout ( string &$data , int $max_bytes )
public bool drain ( int $len )
public void enableLocking ( void )
public bool expand ( int $len )
public bool freeze ( bool $at_front )
public void lock ( void )
public bool prepend ( string $data )
public bool prependBuffer ( EventBuffer $buf )
public string pullup ( int $size )
public string read ( int $max_bytes )
public int read ( mixed $fd , int $howmuch )
public string readLine ( int $eol_style )
public mixed search ( string $what [, int $start = -1 [, int $end = -1 ]] )
public mixed searchEol ([ int $start = -1 [, int $eol_style = EventBuffer::EOL_ANY ]] )
public string substr ( int $start [, int $length ] )
public bool unfreeze ( bool $at_front )
public bool unlock ( void )
public int write ( mixed $fd [, int $howmuch ] )



The number of bytes stored in an event buffer.


The number of bytes stored contiguously at the front of the buffer. The bytes in a buffer may be stored in multiple separate chunks of memory; the property returns the number of bytes currently stored in the first chunk.

Constantes pré-définies


The end of line is any sequence of any number of carriage return and linefeed characters. This format is not very useful; it exists mainly for backward compatibility.


The end of the line is an optional carriage return, followed by a linefeed. (In other words, it is either a "\r\n" or a "\n" .) This format is useful in parsing text-based Internet protocols, since the standards generally prescribe a "\r\n" line-terminator, but nonconformant clients sometimes say just "\n" .


The end of a line is a single carriage return, followed by a single linefeed. (This is also known as "\r\n" . The ASCII values are 0x0D 0x0A ).


The end of a line is a single linefeed character. (This is also known as "\n" . It is ASCII value is 0x0A .)


Flag used as argument of EventBuffer::setPosition() method. If this flag specified, the position pointer is moved to an absolute position within the buffer.


The same as EventBuffer::PTR_SET , except this flag causes EventBuffer::setPosition() method to move position forward up to the specified number of bytes(instead of setting absolute position).


PHP Manual