The mailing lists


As in most other open-source projects, the support is done via mailing lists. In our case, we currently have seven PEAR related mailing lists:

The first four lists are intended to help you, if you have questions. Please read below to get to know, what list fits to your needs. The SVN commit list is intended for people that are contributing to PEAR: All commits to our revision control system (SVN) are sent to this list. The core and QA lists are intended for people that want to take part in the development of PEAR.

You can subscribe to the PEAR mailing lists via this website.

The General mailing list

The PEAR general mailing list is the mailing list, where you ask, if you have a question about installing PEAR, using a certain PEAR package etc.

The list is not a support forum for questions concerning the usage of PHP. Please use [email protected] instead.

The Developers mailing list

As the name implies, this list is where the developers of PEAR come together to make decisions, to discuss code and to handle things that are related to PEAR.

If you are not a developer of PEAR itself, this list is of no real interest to you, unless

  • you want to get to know what's going on behind PEAR
  • you want to contribute code to PEAR
  • you have found a bug in a PEAR package and want to supply a patch for that.

The address for this list is [email protected].

The documentation mailing list

This list is the place where all the things concerning the PEAR documentation, the manual etc. are discussed.

If you want to help out documenting PEAR packages don't hesitate to drop a mail there.

The QA mailing list

People interested in improving the overall quality of PEAR come together on the QA list.

The Quality Assurance team is always seeking people that want to help. If you are interested, just sign up and announce yourself on the mailing list.

The Webmaster mailing list

If you have found a problem on our website or have a question concerning the site, you can email the guys on [email protected] .

The core mailing list

This list is the place, where the core infrastructure of PEAR is discussed. Members of this list also come from other PHP projects such as PECL and PHP QA, since the PEAR infrastructure is also relevant to these projects (like the PEAR installer, the PEAR website etc.).

Specifically the list is concerned with the following topics:

  • New features for the PEAR website
  • PEAR installer development
  • PEAR standards definition